
When Mo Shenbai saw Xu Youyou, his eyes lit up like the stars in the night sky. He rose to his feet immediately and strode toward her. His winter-like expression was instantly replaced by one as gently as the spring breeze. He asked, "Are you done with your exams?"

Xu Youyou nodded. "Mmm."

Yun Youwei, who was sitting on the couch, rose to her feet and called out with a faint smile on her face, "Hello, Mrs. Mo."

'So she was Mr. Bai's visitor?'

"It's hot. Are you thirsty? Do you want a drink? I'll have someone send over a drink immediately," Mo Shenbai asked as he reached out to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear.

Xu Youyou raised her head to look at him and replied, "I'm not thirsty, but I still want to drink the fruit juice from your company."

The fruit juice here was really fresh and different from the ones sold outside.

Mo Shenbai smiled at her before he raised his head to look at Pei Chuan meaningfully.