Pursuing Your Dreams

When Xu Youyou woke up in the morning, the other side of the bed was already empty and devoid of warmth. Since she had brought going abroad, their relationship seemed to have entered a freezing point. Mo Shenbai was not exactly ignoring her or giving her the cold shoulder. He still did what needed to be done and said what needed to be said, it was just that he was more callous than usual, hurting her feelings. He was also not as affectionate as before.

She checked her phone before getting out of bed and replied to a few messages on WeChat. Xu Jialu had sent her a red packet with 200 yuan on WeChat as usual, and Su Lanxu also sent her a red packet and a message wishing her a happy birthday She also received a voice message from Cheng Ying wishing her a happy birthday and reminded her to come back for lunch.

After replying to the messages, she finally got up to shower. Since she had classes in the morning, she went to the university first.