I’m Back

Xu Youyou personally cooked.

Yun Youwei offered to help, but Xu Youyou gently declined. In the end, she could only watch from the side. Her complexion was worse than before, and there were obvious dark circles around her eyes. Her voice was also getting weaker and weaker.

"Aren't you planning to go to the hospital yet?" Xu Youyou asked. She felt that Yun Youwei should not drag it only any longer.

Yun Youwei lowered her head and coughed lightly. She was like a weak and dying lamp. "I've already told Mumu that I'll go to the hospital tomorrow."

Xu Youyou asked, "What about Mumu? Do you want him to stay in Moon Pavilion?"

Yun Youwei shook her head slightly. "Not for now. I've hired a nanny. The nanny will take care of him on weekdays. Xu Jialu will bring him to the hospital on weekends."

"If there's anything you need, please let me know," Xu Youyou said. The expression on her delicate face was serious, and her gaze was sincere.