Little auntie's happiness (1)

Xu Youyou was silent, her clear eyes gradually filled with confusion.

She had always thought that her relationship with da Bai was a matter between the two of them. She had never considered the fact that he was the head of the mo family and the person in charge of the mo Corporation.

His world was not that simple. On the contrary, it was very complicated.

Mo qinghuan had brought her to this place not because he didn't like her or because he wanted to break her up with mo shenbai, but because he wanted her to see the circle clearly and see where she was going to stand in the future.

The so-called Cinderella marrying a prince Charming was just a fairy tale. Since ancient times, there had been a reason and practical significance for families of equal social status.

If she thought that marrying mo shenbai was a matter between the two of them and that she didn't have to consider the external environment, she would be naive.