Hate him for a lifetime (1)

Mo shenbai was wearing a black haute-couture suit. Although he did not wear a tie, the button was buttoned all the way up to the top, and he exuded a strong sense of abstinence.

He walked straight towards Xu Youyou and wrapped his long arm around her shoulder, protecting her under his wings like a protector. His dark eyes met Gu xiuci's, cold and distant.

Gu xiuci had heard Jiang yanshen mention mo Cheng before. He had a stubborn personality, never opened his heart to others, and was extremely dangerous.

If he wanted to commit a crime, it would give the police a huge headache.

&Quot; President mo, you've misunderstood. I'm just here to chat with Mrs. Mo. &Quot; After all, he didn't have any substantial evidence. He couldn't be sure that Xu Youyou had known about it in advance, or that the whole situation was set up by Xu Youyou.