Hitting him with marbles (1)

The next morning, mo Zhiyun was downstairs talking about work with Chen Jing, while Goldy was playing with Little Mo with the leash.

There was a sudden commotion at the door. Goldy threw the leash away and ran out. Its crisp voice was full of joy. &Quot; Uncle Lu ... &Quot;

Lu He Yun bent down and picked her up, placing her on his numb leg. &Quot; Goldy, do you miss uncle? "

"Yes, I do." Goldy answered without thinking.

Lu He Yun patted her little head and said, " I missed you too. Are you having fun here? "

&Quot; I'm happy that I have Xiao mo to play with me ... &Quot; Goldy pointed at the Shiba Inu that Chen Jing was leading out.

Lu He Yun raised his head and saw mo Zhi Yun walking out with Chen Jing. His expression was indifferent, and there was no change.

"CEO Lu, why did you come back so suddenly?" Chen Jing doubtfully asked him, her eyes intentionally looking at mo Zhiyun who was beside her.