I am daddy (1)

Probably because he was really in pain and was embarrassed in front of his friends, the boy started wailing.

Lu Heyun raised his eyes indifferently and said in a calm voice, " President mo, forget it. &Quot;

Mo Zhiyun refused to give up. &Quot; this kind of unruly child should be properly educated. Otherwise, he will never respect others. &Quot;

Seeing that she was not listening to him, Lu Heyun retorted in a low voice, " Zhizhi ... &Quot;

Mo Zhiyun turned around and looked at him. He took a deep breath and released the little boy.

The little boy wiped his tears and said aggressively, " "Just you wait, I'll go home and tell Grandpa."

&Quot; I'm staying at Jiyun Jian. Tell him to come quickly. I won't wait for him if he's late. &Quot;

Mo Zhiyun didn't show any fear in the face of the little boy's words. On the contrary, he really wanted to see what kind of family had raised such a child.

The children ran away.