One Hit

Ji Lingchen took a few deep breaths and threw the car keys to his nephew. "Lock the door."

For the first time, the high and mighty CEO Ji experienced what it was like to go to the study room and admit his mistakes. He was extremely nervous and even a little flustered. So, this was how people felt before going into his office. This was really uncomfortable. It seemed that he had to be more approachable to his subordinates in the future.

He walked to the door of the study and knocked.

"Enter," his little wife said.

Ji Lingchen pushed the door open and entered. When he saw his little wife leaning against the desk, he closed the door and stepped inside. As soon as he came in, he started explaining. "Xiaonuan, I was going to tell you when we get home."

Fang Xiaonuan said, "So, you couldn't hold it in at school and directly told Liu Siyan that Xiaoyu could be your sister?"