One Hundred Percent

"Hubby, should we go to the hospital?" Fang Xiaonuan asked anxiously. "Last time this happened, Xiaowen took two days off!"

"Xiaonuan, don't tell me that you were the one who kicked Xiaowen when she was in middle school?" Ji Lingchen asked, his head aching.

This time, it was Fang Xiaonuan's turn to remain silent. How did her husband know everything?

In order to show her unwavering loyalty to her husband and her love for him, Fang Xiaonuan promised, "Hubby, don't worry. Even if you can't perform later on, I will always be by your side. If it really doesn't work out, we can go for artificial insemination or in-vitro fertilization. Anyway, I'll take responsibility for my mistake. I'll be by your side for the rest of my life if I crippled you."

Ji Lingchen's anger rose. What did she mean by can't perform? How could he be crippled by a single kick? Was he that weak?