‘Is this the end? God, please don’t tell me this is it. Not this way. Not like this. Please, not like this. Not after how far we’ve come. Don’t do this. No, God, don’t you dare do this.’
Mason slowly rolled to his back and continued to cough his lungs out painfully. Squinting at the sky above, he was unable to tell if he was looking at the night sky or a giant sheet of smoke coming from the burning trees around him. Dirt sat on his face as the entire forest was starting to turn to ashes. “No… No…” he groaned out loud as he attempted to move his battered body. A single tear rolled down the side of his face while the pain began to settle in his bones and muscles. What was he to do in a situation like this? The flames were growing faster, stronger, and closer to him. And, like the plants around him that were burning to a crisp, Mason felt his soul slipping away slowly, his body getting weaker, and his hope far away.