Chapter 23: Under The Crooked Tree

“How do you know where it is?” Hoffman stood behind Arras, both staring at an unmanaged part of the Manor’s land.

“There is only one area that matches the description in the letter,” Arras said determinedly. “This tree is the oldest one on the property. It has always been here. This must be the one they were talking about.”

With a nod and a wave of his hand, Hoffman gave the okay for the excavation to start.

Arras had given the team permission to excavate this area of land in hopes of uncovering the grave of Tiernan and Amara Mordhas’ daughter, Norah. The area around the crooked tree was immediately marked and preparations with surveying and remote sensing equipment were made. Almost immediately, the experienced eyes could make out tell-tale signs there was more in the ground than dirt and rocks. The crew began to dig.