Chapter 24: The Shining vibe

"Good morning, Mr. Lehman," they said in unison - very polite, but they had The Shining vibe going again.

Rafe controlled a wince. He was sure they didn't call Bruce mister anything. "Good morning, boys."

They kept staring at him, unblinking, and he half expected their heads to spin ninety degrees. "Why do you like kissing girls?" the talkative one asked out of the blue. He should've known they'd surprise him.

"How do you know I like kissing girls?"

They rolled their eyes. "We saw the picture, dummy. You liked it so much, you had your eyes closed," Raphael said.

"Gross," Donatello muttered.

"Raphael." That was all Lindi said. Rafe had to admire the firm hand she kept on them. Firm, but never abusive.

"I'm sorry for calling you a dummy," Raphael said with utmost politeness. But his eyes clearly told Rafe that he was a dummy.