The menace in Zain's voice had made goose bumps break out over her body, but now Melisende had a hard time not laughing. A few days ago, she'd have been as terrified as the poor priest looked. "Hell? Where fires rage that burn sinners eternally," she said, dutifully.
Zain nodded and glared at the priest. "You will burn in eternal flames. Do you understand what will happen if you talk about me, my breeder, or this place?"
"Y-y-yes," the poor priest stammered.
Zain seemed satisfied with that reply. "I will take you to the bottom of the mountain now. You will never talk about this, or I will find you."
All desire to laugh left her. What if he decided on the way down that the priest could not be trusted to keep quiet? Priests didn't have children. "Please don't kill him."