Melisende stood at the entrance to the cave, looking down at the castle, which, from this distance, was a mere speck. She was happy - for the first time in her life she was happy - and staring down at the castle, she didn't know what she felt about the fact that her family was arriving. She automatically calculated the distance to the castle, and the size of the castle and the people in it. Her family were mere dots in the distance, but she recognized their banners.
She turned and went to the operations room. "Show me the people at the castle," she ordered, and she sounded almost as arrogant as Zain. Seeing her family had that effect on her.
It was odd seeing her family appear as small people made by the machine. Did they come because of the insult to their family or to mend fences with Sir Robert? Her family was powerful, and Sir Robert didn't dare oppose them.