One hundred years later...
Melisende stood with her hands on her hips, waiting for her son to reach her, where she stood in front of the cave. He ran up the mountain as if it was a little hill. Even after a hundred years, she still couldn't get used to their strange abilities. "Have you been terrorizing the villagers again?"
He thought it hilarious to pretend to be a dragon and demand a virgin from them in return for not scorching their village. And Zain encouraged his behavior. Zain called it teasing.
Zandro, her strange, beautiful son, grinned at her and made a sweeping bow. "They are sacrificing a virgin to me tomorrow." Most of the time he was a taciturn warrior like Zain, but both of them had moments when they were almost human in their manners.
"What?" Melisende threw up her hands. "Star Warrior, come and talk sense to your son."