Chapter 22

The atmosphere becomes cold and I could cut the tension with a knife.

No running now. I'm cornered with nowhere to go.

How could he show up here? And on my first day.

Kian marches forward.

"I'll take that as my cue to leave," Bryn says, standing. "Good luck. I have a feeling you'll need it."

"Your water?"

"No need," he waves.

He doesn’t look back as he walks past an angry Kian and exits the café, the bell dinging merrily. I take a breath.

This can't be happening.

What should I do?

I throw a panicked glance in Mei's direction. She is busy wiping down a table while balancing plates with her other hand.

I do the only thing I can think to do and turn back to Bryn's recently evacuated table and begin gathering the plate, cup and desert spoon.

I'd do almost anything to escape Kian's penetrating gaze right now; it feels as though holes are burning in my back.

I feel him close the distance behind me and rest his hands possessively on my shoulders.