Chapter 35


They play with her; I have no way of knowing how good of a fight she will put up.

She had been working hard; I can see the determination when I watch her. Her companions play a rather pathetic game with her.

But that's all it is.

A game.

I want to know the extent of her abilities.

I want to know how much fun I could have with her before I drain her.

No matter.

I stare at the Barbie doll on the ground as whatever-his-name-is holds his wrist to her mouth.

"How much longer?"

"I'm not sure," he slurs. "Sir, I don’t feel so well."

"Just do it," I spit.

He drops his head.

I pace back and forth. This dungeon bores me. There are no windows and I have to be careful when leaving. It may have been built many millennia ago and remains forgotten by the younglings of today, but this was my pride and joy when I commissioned it. The vampires of today have gone soft.