Drowning in Tainted Sorrows


"God,we are so grateful."


Echoes of laughter reverberate, a cruel melody that grates against the symphony of gratitude. Their eyes, radiant beacons of unblemished joy, pierce through the shadows that shroud my soul. A masquerade of bliss unfolds before me, oblivious to the cacophony within. How can they dance in the sunlight, while I'm ensnared in the labyrinth of my own anguish? Do they grasp the narrative etched in my pain?

This torment, an insidious tempest, coils within, a serpent with fangs that sink into the very essence of my being. The relentless chorus of 'it hurts' echoes in the chamber of my despair, a haunting refrain that paints the canvas of my existence. As I drown in the ink-black sea of sorrows, the world above continues to dance, unaware of the tempest raging within.

This pain,i can't stop feeling this pain.Its eating me from inside.And its hurting me.

It hurts,it hurts,it hurts,it hurts,it hurts,it hurts,it hurts,it hurts,it hurts,it hurts,it hurts. It hurts,it hurts,it hurts,it hurts,it hurts,it hurts,it hurts,it hurts,it hurts,it hurts,it hurts,it hurts,it hurts,it hurts,it hurts,it hurts,it hurts,it hurts,it hurts.

What defines the ethereal essence of joy or the melancholy depths of sorrow? Emotions, elusive and enigmatic, akin to a human affliction. I yearn to extinguish this fiery dance within, to render it into ephemeral ashes borne away by the whims of the wind, lost to oblivion's embrace.

"Caution, my princess," whispers a father's concern, a tender echo in the realm of life's uncertainties. "Forgive me, Father," replies she who navigates the delicate dance of existence, a poignant promise against the canvas of shared vulnerability.

I observe the duet of father and daughter, their exchange woven with words and culminating in an embrace. The daughter's eyes gleam with a radiant admiration, painting her father as a hero in her innocent gaze. Yet, it's not the child's adoration that unsettles me; rather, it's the reciprocal gaze of the father. His eyes cradle her with care, gentleness, and a depth of adoration that transcends earthly dimensions. In this symphony of familial love, their bond resonates as a divine blessing, a testament to the essence of their shared existence.

"Unbearable," I murmur softly, unable to witness the profound beauty of their connection any longer. Swiftly, I quicken my pace, retreating from the poignant scene. In the wake of their intimate moment, a visceral aversion lingers, as the raw humanity of their interaction becomes both a spectacle and a painful reminder of what eludes me.



A ubiquitous cacophony surrounds me, an incessant hum echoing from every corner of existence. In the familiar haven of my coffee rituals and the sprawling expanse of the National Garden, laughter reverberates. It permeates the air in playgrounds and supermarkets alike, an enigma echoing through the tapestry of life.

Why do they laugh, these denizens of joy? What symphony of emotions orchestrates their mirth, compelling laughter to dance upon their lips? What tales unfold in the chapters of their lives, that they remain blissfully unaware?

In this perplexing realm of shared delight, I find myself amidst a chorus of questions, pondering the source of their unbridled happiness and the blissful ignorance that adorns their every step.


In the relentless torrent of noise, an agonizing symphony plays upon the fragile chords of my sanity. Are they taunting me, these echoes that seep into the very wounds I've left unhealed? The refrain of escape, "go die," reverberates, a dissonant plea that propels me to flee, to outrun the haunting echoes.

I sprint, desperate for respite, seeking refuge where the cacophony cannot invade. Yet, it persists, an indomitable force that lingers within the corridors of my mind. In a fervent plea, I cast my voice into the void, commanding the echoes to silence, a desperate cry to drown the relentless chorus: "Shut up, shut up!"

In a frenzied battle against the haunting echoes, I unleash a barrage of self-inflicted slaps, an erratic dance of desperation. Unfazed by the judgmental gaze of an indifferent world, I yearn for solace, a reprieve from the relentless noise that claws at my sanity.

Then, a revelation—the sight of a resolute red brick wall beckons. Without reservation, I surrender to its unwavering solidity, a desperate attempt to silence the intrusive clamor. Head meets brick in a rhythmic cadence, a desperate symphony of pain that, miraculously, banishes the cacophony.

As I emerge from the haze of self-imposed chaos, I find myself in a secluded alley, an oasis of serenity adorned with pristine walls untouched by graffiti. A peculiar tranquility envelops the space, devoid of life's chaotic footprints. It's a strange haven, captivating in its eerie calmness.

Yet, as I bask in the newfound quietude, warmth trickles down my forehead, a silent reminder of the cost of victory. I gaze at my stained fingers, painted in the crimson hue of sacrifice, an unsettling token of the battle waged against the insidious noise.

In the quiet aftermath, I gaze at the crimson on my fingers, my blood weaving a silent narrative. A peculiar serenity lingers, an unexpected calm in the aftermath of chaos. The red hue, a testament to my own vulnerability, captivates me in a way I never imagined.

As I survey my surroundings, a newfound awareness envelopes me. The quiet alley, untouched by the clamor of life, becomes a canvas for introspection. A subtle transformation occurs within, an uncharted realm of emotions, as I grapple with the paradoxical beauty in my own vulnerability.

In a moment of revelation, I embark on an act I never envisioned—tracing my blood-stained fingers along the pristine walls. It's as if the crimson becomes a brush, painting an unspoken connection between my essence and the untouched canvas of the alley. In this surreal intersection of vulnerability and defiance, I find solace, a peculiar communion with the echoes of my own existence.


Laughter echoes, a cascade of unfamiliar notes that reverberate through the alley's silence. Is this happiness, a rare visitor to my somber realm? The laughter, an unexpected symphony, weaves through the air, each burst a testament to the liberation of a long-restrained spirit. I lose myself in the melody of euphoria, savoring the surreal sensation of joy that unfurls like petals in bloom.

As I delve deeper into this uncharted emotional landscape, the jarring intrusion of my ringing phone shatters the delicate ambiance. I cast a contemplative gaze at the device, its persistent ring a reminder of the world beyond this cocoon of newfound bliss. With a mix of curiosity and hesitance, I answer, bridging the ethereal sanctuary with the tangible reality beyond.

A man's voice cuts through the laughter-laden air, demanding my whereabouts. "You've called at an inopportune time, Lukas. I'm reveling in heaven, swimming in euphoria—I've found my happiness!" I spill my chaotic joy into the phone, met with Lukas's audible sigh of exasperation. "No clue what you're on about, but congratulations. Now, head to the location in the group chat. It's urgent."

The call concludes abruptly, leaving me blinking at the screen. The group chat reveals an address, and with a nonchalant sweep of my handkerchief against my blood-stained forehead, I commit the directions to memory. As I embark on the journey to Lukas's mysterious location, a resigned thought surfaces: my life, a tapestry of oddity, pathos, and irritation. A rueful acknowledgment whispers, "You're right."

In the poetry of existence, I bear the name Hedonia—a symphony of letters that dance with the promise of joy. Yet, the irony unveils itself, a cosmic jest, for happiness eludes the grasp of my reality. Let me unravel the verses that weave this paradox, the intricate threads that bind me to a narrative where the resonance of my name echoes with the hollow notes of an unattained bliss.