Volume 1

-To the regal souls dwelling within pages, seeking refuge from reality's grasp, this verse is dedicated to thee.-

"What essence defines us? Are we mere mortals, caught in the delicate dance of existence?

And if so, do you align with the purity of ivory morals or the enigmatic hues of obsidian virtues?

Are you the valiant hero, or do you embrace the shadows as the cunning villain?"

"In the realm of existence, where hues intertwine, we defy the simplistic dichotomy of heroes and villains. A symphony of shadows and light, for one's hero is another's nemesis. Amidst this kaleidoscope, do heroes metamorphose into villains, or do villains don the cloak of redemption? The once pristine canvas of pure white souls becomes adorned with enigmatic shades, a testament to the inexorable dance with time. Whose hand guides this transformation? A riddle woven in the delicate fabric of our existence."

"In the tapestry of my days, draped in the cloak of shame, I've waded through rivers of sorrow, a human adrift, weary of the weight of existence. Why dance this fragile dance if the grand finale awaits in the embrace of mortality? Is life but a transient station, where souls disembark, leaving shadows of the past for new voyagers to encounter? A cosmic cycle, where one exhales into the ether, and another inhales the breath of life. Amidst the echoes of self-doubt, I wonder, is it my inadequacy that paints my path? In this realm of beauty and cruelty, perhaps, I am no longer tethered to humanity's grasp."

-In the tapestry of existence, she defies the archaic labels. Neither villain nor hero, no vigilante's mask adorns her visage, and the cloak of the antihero remains untouched. She's but a daughter, a sister, a friend-

Dedicated to the little old me that was forced to grew up too fast.


And i m sorry if there's any grammar mistake because english is not my native language and i write this because i love to write and I'm still a student.I am majoring in business and office but i take English Literature for my own personal pleasure.