Chapter 117

"You watch Li Bo's commit murder like this?!"

Seeing Li Bo wielding an axe to chop Ma Wen, Dai Fu recovered and roared angrily at both Madam Xiao and Chang Gang.

However, the Madam Xiao was still sitting on the high hall and Xiao Chang Gang standing on the steps did not moved at all!

He didn't even blink his eyelids!

The other relatives of the Xiao family also did not say anything! As if they had nothing to do with them!

While all Madam Xiao wanted for now is to only grab the Villa for herself!

The others of course were eyeing it too.

Sometimes, the older the person is, the greedier they are!

In ancient times, the older the emperor are, the more faint, arrogant and extravagant is. The older and the bigger he want to build palaces and tombs for himself.

And the older Madam Xiao is, the more she hopes she can live better and enjoy it!

The Madam Xiao wanted to live in a better place, die in a better place, and be buried in a better place.

That indicates that in the next life she will have endless glory and wealth!

This is why the old people often want to prepare a thick coffin and a gorgeous grave for themselves.

Therefore, for Madam Xiao, she must grab this $130 million Villa!

Even if Li Bo really killed Ma Wen, as long as she can get the Villa, it doesn't matter!

Dai Fu and Yu Ying raised their heads to look at these people, and their hearts were completely heartbroken.

This is the so-called "blood" relative!

For money, in order to rob the property, they did not hesitate to set up a situation to take it, and even wanted to kill their family!

The eldest brother Chang Gang said unhurriedly, "Second brother, Li Bo is still a child. He is playing around, why should you take it seriously? Besides, even if he really cut Ma Wen down, he is not from the Xiao family. Right?!"

In his opinion, Ma Wen is a live-in son-in-law who has no power and no influence anyway. Even if Li Bo chopped him out of his brain, he would gain more money.

That would happen to kill Ma Wen and get the villa. This is like killing two birds with one stone.

That Villa itself is already worth 130 million!

And now housing prices are still soaring!

If they grab it, let the Madam Xiao live in first, and when the Madam Xiao dies, the Villa is estimated to be worth at least 200 million!

200 million! Won't it all be theirs by then?

With so much money, who can resist this temptation?

"I don't have a big brother like you!!"

Dai Fu yelled angrily, picked up a mop, and hit Li Bo fiercely.

Xiao Chang Gang frowned, fearing that his son would be beaten, and immediately rushed to stop him.

"You're really disregarding of family, don't you want to live anymore?!"

Before he finished speaking, Dai Fu hit him with a stick. Fortunately, Chang Gang dodged fast and only hit on his shoulder, grinning in pain.

Seeing that the father, who is usually honest and easy to deal with, was also so angry, Yu Ying hated the ruthlessness of the Xiao family and worried about Ma Wen's safety.

At this moment, Ma Wen held the axe blade, looked at Li Bo, with a hint of ridicule on his face, and whispered: "Li Bo, I tell you the truth, in fact, in my eyes, you are a waste. Not worthy of being a garbage!"

"Ma Wen, fuck your mother!"

An anger rushed to Li Bo's forehead, "You are the waste, how dare you speak to me like this?!"

Before he finished speaking, Ma Wen grabbed his wrist directly and broke it back.

Hearing the crisp sound of "pop", Li Bo burst out a heart-piercing scream!

The palm of his right hand was actually broken back by Ma Wen one hundred and eighty degrees, breaking it abruptly!

Li Bo howled loudly and slumped on the ground with tears.

Seeing that his grandson was broken by Ma Wen, Madam Xiao, who was leisurely watching the so called "Family Law", was suddenly angry!

She was so angry that she rushed over, slapped Ma Wen's face with a slap in the face.

When she slapped her hand into the air, Ma Wen suddenly turned around and said coldly: "Old thing, you really fucking wanted to die!"

After speaking, he slapped the Madam Xiao's face. The slapped was so hard that Madam Xiao's move a few steps backward!

At this moment, Ma Wen's eyes were extremely cold, and his whole body exuded a murderous aura!

Although Madam Xiao was slapped in the face, she was so painful that she shuddered involuntarily.

She covered her face and backed away in fright.

The Madam Xiao who retreated didn't even dare to look at Ma Wen. This was the first time she saw him with such terrible eyes.

The Xiao family looked stupidly stunned!

What the hell?!

This garbage, even he dared to beat Madam Xiao.

However, who can vent their anger for the Madam Xiao at this time?

The injured bodyguard has fallen to the ground, and the remaining few, with a look of fear on their faces, do not even dare to step forward.

Although Madam Xiao wanted Ma Wen's life, she knew at this time that Ma Wen didn't know where he learned kung fu. He was so powerful, she couldn't fight against him!

Yu Ying's heart were pounding. Her beautiful eyes followed Ma Wen all the time, her mood was exceptionally strange, and her cheeks couldn't help but feel slightly hot.

It was the first time she discovered that Ma Wen had such a sturdy and mighty side.

In the past, in Yu Ying's impression, Ma Wen only felt that he was taciturn, and knew nothing except buying vegetables and cooking.

At this time, Ma Wen, seeing that no one dared to step forward, he raised his head, glanced at the crowd coldly, and shouted to the two bodyguards who were hiding away: "If you don't open the door now, I will break your neck!"

The two bodyguards frightened their legs and hurriedly opened the door of the house!

Chang Gang said angrily: "Mom, we can't let them go!"

Madam Xiao gritted her teeth, staring at Ma Wen, and said bitterly: "Let them go!"

"Grandma, how can I let them go like this?" Li Bo yelled reluctantly, with hatred in his eyes: "He broke my hand, I'm going to chop him!"

Madam Xiao suppressed her anger and said coldly: "Shut up all of you!"

Xiao Chang Gang said viciously: "Ma Wen, you hurt my son and broke Xiao family rules, you will definitely regret it!"

Then Madam Xiao said word by word: "From now on, the Dai Fu family will be removed from the Xiao family, and they will no longer be my Xiao family's children!"

Dai Fu raised his head, his forehead was beaten and blood stained were on his face.

He said blankly: "Such a Xiao family, it is not worth for me!"

Yu Ying also nodded and said, "Yes! We are not unhappy!"

Madam Xiao gritted her teeth and said: "Yu Ying! You are really the loser of my Xiao family! From now on, you have also been removed from the Xiao Group! The Xiao Group is now cooperating with the Emgrand Group, and it will surely become a big winner in the future! And you are an unfilial granddaughter, you will have nothing to do with the Xiao Group in the future! Get away from us as far away as possible!"

Yu Ying said firmly: "I don't care about it anymore. Dad, Ma Wen, let's go."

Having said that, Yu Ying and Ma Wen supported Dai Fu together, gave the Xiao family angry look, turned their heads and left.

She walked out of the door without any nostalgia at all.

Today she saw the true colors of these people clearly!

The so-called relative is not as good as an outsider!

If it weren't for her parents' sake, she would have drawn a clear line from the so-called "Xiao family"!

Ma Wen was also extremely cold in his heart.

Madam Xiao, Xiao Chang Gang, Li Bo, three generations are all fucking idiots!

Do they think they still cooperate with Emgrand Group?

As Ma Wen drove away from Xiao's house, Dai Fu said angrily: "If I knew that my mother and eldest brother's family were so cold-blooded, I wouldn't have helped them so much."

Yu Ying sighed in the co-pilot, and said, "With their style, even if the Xiao family has a big foundation, they will be ruined."

The mother-in-law Yu La said indignantly: "The key is that we have helped them so much! Isn't the Emgrand Group's contract awarded for the first time? Now it is cheaper for them."

Ma Wen said indifferently: "Mom, they will kill themselves if they do many injustices, and they will not end well."

The Xiao family's current reliance is nothing more than cooperation with the Emgrand Group, and they don't know that the Emgrand Group belongs to Ma Wen.

Offending him, still want to make money from Emgrand Group?

It is daydreaming!

As long as he gave Luo Li a phone call, the Xiao family would be defeated.

Dai Fu touched the half-dry blood on his head, and muttered: "Who would have thought that the Xiao family was so overwhelming that our family hadn't had a chance to live in the Villa sent by the Wang family. They had to grab it immediately. Bully!"

With that said, Dai Fu's eyes lit up, and he said to Ma Wen: "Good son-in-law, you take us to Tang Chen. I always remember that Villa and want to see it again."

Yu Ying said: "Dad, this is almost home, so what else to see? Isn't that Villa not under renovation yet? Zou Lei is still looking at it."

Dai Fu said: "Oh, I want to go take a good look, otherwise I can't sleep!"

Ma Wen can naturally understand Dai Fu's mentality. It's like a person who can't afford a car suddenly has a top-notch luxury car. Even if he doesn't drive, he always wants to take a look at it in the parking lot.

So he said to Yu Ying, "Since Dad wants to see it, let's go and see it, just to see if there are any decoration ideas. You can talk to Zou Lei."

Dai Fu smiled and said, "Ma Wen still understands my mind best!"

Yu Ying sighed helplessly and said, "All right, then let's go and have a look."

Ma Wen immediately turned around at the traffic light and drove to Tang Chen Community.

Ma Wen parked the car in front of Tang Chen Villa, and when he got out of the car, his brows suddenly frowned.

The fence gate of the Villa was actually hidden. However there seemed to be noisy sounds inside.

Seeing that Ma Wen was silent, Yu Ying asked in confusion, "What's the matter?"

Ma Wen said: "It doesn't seem to be right, I'll go in and have a look!"

After all, Ma Wen took the lead to walk a few steps quickly into the yard.

As soon as he entered the yard, he found several bodyguards dressed in black, throwing some furniture out of the Villa.

Dai Fu exclaimed: "It's from the Xiao family!"

Ma Wen's complexion suddenly became gloomy. These people in the Xiao family were really lingering. They didn't trouble them yet, but they came to the door first.

"Who allowed you to come in?!"

Ma Wen scolded coldly and rushed up quickly.

When several bodyguards saw Ma Wen, their faces were panicked.

At this time, Li Bo's drake voice came from the main hall.

"I let them in!"

Li Bo walked arrogantly with a crowbar in his left hand and thick gauze in his right hand.