Chapter 118

"Ma Wen, you garbage! Now you have been driven out of the Xiao family. Of course, this Tang Chen Villa must stay in the Xiao family. I am here to collect the Villa keys today!"

Yu Ying gritted her teeth and said: "You are too much! You failed to force Ma Wen to surrender the Villa, now you have to grab it by force?!"

Dai Fu also said angrily: "Li Bo, the Villa belongs to my son-in-law, no one can take it away!"

Li Bo spit, and cursed: "Fuck! Yu Ying! Who do you think you are? You are now a bereaved dog driven out of the house, are you qualified to talk to me?!"

As he said, Li Bo picked up the crowbar again, pointed at Dai Fu and continued to curse: "You are an old thing, do you think you are still my Uncle? Hurry up and get off, otherwise, I'll break your leg!"

Ma Wen was so angry that he said coldly, "Where is Uncle Zou Lei?"

Li Bo stepped forward and laughed: "Isn't he's the Old Master who guards the house in the Villa? Damn, I got rid of him. I can't beat him anymore, let him know from now on, who is the real owner of the Villa."

"You hit Zou Lei?" Ma Wen's eyes were cold.

Although Zou Lei was from the previous Wang family, he let him be in charge of this Villa and he will be his own in the future.

Moreover, Uncle Zou Lei is honest and loyal and respectful to him.

More importantly, he is more than sixty years old this year, and he is in his dying years. This Li Bo couldn't even let go of an Old Master, it is really hateful!

Li Bo sneered at this moment and said: "Why, a dog slave who doesn't recognize his master, doesn't beat him hard, how can he know who the Master is? There is a saying that when hitting a dog depends on the Master. He must hit a dog now, in order to let his master know who is the one who he can't afford it!"

After all, Li Bo laughed arrogantly and his face was full of revenge pleasure.

Ma Wen was already so angry that he punched him without hesitation.


Li Bo couldn't dodge, and was hit by an iron fist on the bridge of his nose. He suddenly spurted from his nose and screamed in pain.

"Why are you still stunned? Go get him! I want this waste to die!"

Li Bo stepped back frantically like a dog, and shouted at the bodyguards.

The bodyguards took out their dagger from their waists one after another, and rushed towards Ma Wen viciously.

Li Bo sneered at Ma Wen: "Ma Wen, I know you can fight, but what if you can't fight again! I want to see if your skin is harder or the dagger is harder! Just so you know, those dagger are military grade! Hahahahaha!"

Seeing this, Yu Ying and Dai Fu looked pale.

Ma Wen can fight, but after all, he has a flesh with blood running body. The opponent is the Xiao family bodyguard with a dagger. How could he win?

Ma Wen didn't care, his face was cold, without the slightest change.

"You want my life even with these stinky fish and shrimps?!"

Immediately, Ma Wen rush towards the bodyguard. His speed was like a ghost, shuttled among the bodyguards of the Xiao family.

Even if the bodyguards of the Xiao family held a dagger, they couldn't touch the corner of his clothes at all.

And Ma Wen, like a butterfly jumping between flowers, started to attack while evading.

He just throws a fist casually, he can easily make a sound of breaking through the sky, full of momentum!

Although the bodyguards were all retired Special Forces and they also had military grade dagger, they were not his opponents at all when facing Ma Wen!

In the blink of an eye, everyone was knocked to the ground by Ma Wen!

No one knows exactly how he did it, because they couldn't see Ma Wen's moves at all, and these bodyguards had already been knocked to the ground!

Moreover, Ma Wen was very angry when he took the shot, so he didn't have any sympathy for these bodyguards, and directly attacked them. All of them had broken hands or feet, all lying in the yard screaming!

Li Bo was stunned by the sight in front of him!

He knew that Ma Wen was strong. But he did not expect that the bodyguards with dagger were not even Ma Wen's opponents!

Seeing the murderous Ma Wen, his frightened legs were shaking uncontrollably.

Coming here to grab the Villa was instructed by Madam Xiao. Because he had an enmity with Ma Wen, he took the initiative to ask Madam Xiao to take advantage of this opportunity to destroy Ma Wen.

However, he didn't expect that Ma Wen actually put down all the bodyguards with dagger, and he didn't get hurt at all!

Is this Ma Wen still a human?!

At this time, Ma Wen had already walked towards Li Bo with a cold face.

He must teach this rude man a lesson and make him pay a painful price!

Seeing Ma Wen walk towards him, Li Bo's face pales in fright, and he blurted out: "You can't kill me! I am the son of the Xiao family. If you dare to touch my hair, the Xiao family will definitely not let you go!"

Ma Wen was indifferent and ruthless. He walked up to Li Bo step by step, pulled him up directly by the collar, and said coldly: "The Xiao family you mentioned is not even rooted hair in my eyes!"

"Yu Ying, Uncle, please let Ma Wen stop."

In a hurry, Li Bo pleaded to Yu Ying and Dai Fu in a panic, completely forgetting the appearance of being defiant before.

Yu Ying said coldly: "How you end up with today, you deserve it!"

Dai Fu looked at Yu Ying and then at Li Bo, struggling very much.

Dai Fu has been completely disappointed with the people of the Xiao family. Although Li Bo is his nephew, he doesn't care about blood relation, so why should he care?

But after all, the Xiao family still had some power. If Ma Wen really killed Li Bo, he would definitely usher in crazy revenge from the Xiao family.

Thinking of this, Dai Fu said helplessly: "Ma Wen, just give him a lesson."

Ma Wen thought for a moment, then coldly nodded, and pressed Li Bo to the ground. The gravel plunged directly into his face, and the blood could not stop flowing down.

"I can spare your life, but you have annoyed me, the death penalty is unavoidable, and the living sin cannot escape!"

With that, Ma Wen punched him in the lower abdomen. This punch was full of force and directly hit Li Bo's groin.

Although Li Bo is just an ordinary person, he doesn't have any martial arts cultivation skills, but this punch is enough to destroy his ability in that area. From now on, this kid will become an incompetent man.

Li Bo only felt the punch coming over at this time, it was the most painful pain in the world! Let him lie on the ground in pain and roll, and he doesn't know what sequelae this punch will bring to him.

Afterwards, Ma Wen immediately called the community security, arrested all the people and sent them to the bureau, and then looked at Zou Lei's injuries.

Fortunately, Uncle Zou Lei only suffered some skin injuries, but it was not a major problem, and Ma Wen was relieved.

However, Ma Wen was extremely angry at the Xiao family. Since the Xiao family is so disgusting, they must not blame him now!

After they arrived home, Dai Fu sat on the sofa. The bloodstains on his face had been dealt with, but he still had a blue nose and a swollen face. There was a bruise on his forehead. He was also in a trance and his head was dizzy.

Today, the eldest brother ordered the bodyguard to beat him badly. He felt cold and uncomfortable, and he is still angry.

Yu Ying rubbed medicine on his forehead and said, "Dad, Ma Wen has already helped you out, so don't take it too seriously."

Dai Fu sighed and said, "I'm chilling, my mother, my brother, none of them treat me as their own."

After that, Dai Fu said again: "Yu Ying, now they have driven you out of the Xiao Group, what are your plans next?"

Yu Ying said, "My next plan? I'll find a job first."

Seeing this, Ma Wen didn't speak, but walked to the balcony and called Yong Hai.

As soon as he spoke, Ma Wen asked him: "Your nephew Fei Qun, is there a marriage contract with Li Jun?"

"Yes." Yong Hai hurriedly asked, "Mr. Ye have any suggestions?"

Ma Wen said coldly: "I have broken up with the Xiao family. If your Wang family is still intermarried with the Xiao family, it will not give me a good impression. If there are any contradictions then, don't blame me for being impolite."

When Yong Hai heard this, he suddenly became nervous and blurted out: "Mr. Ye, don't get me wrong. Our Wang family has long wanted to retract the marriage. If it weren't for Mr. Ye as the son-in-law of the Xiao family, how could we marry a woman like Li Jun? Don't worry, I will arrange someone to go there and notify the Xiao family to dissolve the engagement!

Ma Wen nodded and said with satisfaction: "Alright. I'll leave it up to you."

Yong Hai hurriedly said: "Mr. Ye, don't worry, I will look forward to everything in the future of my Wang family!"

"Yeah." Ma Wen said lightly: "Okay, do it now."

"Okay Mr. Ye!"

Didn't the Xiao family want to go to the Wang family? In this case, let their wishful thinking as daydreaming!

Subsequently, Ma Wen called Luo Li of the Emgrand Group.

The Xiao family is now a street dog, and they have to fight harder.

As soon as the call was connected, Ma Wen said coldly: "Luo Li, now announce to the public that Emgrand Group has suspended all cooperation with Xiao Group! And will always exclude them from the scope of cooperation!"

Luo Li asked in surprise: "Mr. Ye, this is the company of the young master grandma's family, did they do so much harm to Ms. Yu Ying?"

Ma Wen said indifferently: "My wife has broken with them, and they will have nothing to do with me and my wife in the future!"

Only then did Luo Li understood, and immediately blurted out: "Don't worry, Mr. Ye, I know! I'll make a statement immediately!"

In this way, the Xiao family is completely finished!

Isn't Madam Xiao always behaving arrogantly? Then she will be left with nothing!

After hanging up the phone, Ma Wen went back to the living room and looked at Dai Fu. He saw that Dai Fu's eye sockets were swollen, and the bruise on his forehead was getting worse and worse. I'm afraid it won't be eliminated in one and a half months.

And he could see that Dai Fu not only suffered trauma, but also some impacts on his brain. There was slight congestion in his skull. It is best to go to the hospital for craniotomy to remove blood clots.

Otherwise, over time, this intracranial hematoma will be a "time bomb", and maybe one day it will suddenly erupt, and may lead to death.

However, Ma Wen was afraid that Yu Ying would panic, and temporarily concealed this matter.

He stood up and said, "I'll go out and buy some medicinal materials to treat dad."

Many medical techniques are recorded in the Jiu Xian Tian Shu. There is a prescription that can relieve depression and activate blood circulation, which can cure the situation of the father-in-law.

Yu Ying asked curiously: "What kind of medicinal materials can be bought, will it work? Or should we go to the hospital?"

Ma Wen smiled slightly and said, "No need to go to the hospital. Doctors will deliberately scare and make things serious. Dad would be anxious after hearing this. I have a prescription that is very effective for bruises."

Yu Ying nodded then.

When Ma Wen opened the door of the room, an acquaintance happened to come outside the door.

It turned out to be Qin Gang.

He frowned, looked at Qin Gang and asked, "Why are you here?"