Chapter 16: Honesty

Chapter 16: Honesty

~Third POV~

[UA High, Principal Office, Japan]


Entering the principal office two people were coming inside one of them being All Might. But the other person came face to face with the infamous mascot of MHA and one of the few animals that had awakened a Quirk immediately using [Observe].

[Nezu (Subject 682) Lv.? UA Principal

Description: Sometime before becoming U.A. High School's principal, Nezu was experimented on by human beings. This mistreatment led to Nezu developing a sadistic side to his otherwise polite personality.]

Interrupting him from his thoughts Nezu exclaimed to Ren in a cheerful upbeat tone, "Am I a rat? Am I a mole? The answer is neither, I'm the principal of UA!! And you must be Ren Yuki. I've heard many things about you from All Might and Midnight here. Despite how you look, I can tell you're a good kid at heart."

Ren looked taken aback lightly as Midnight excused herself. Nezu decided to change topics wanting to discuss some things about Ren in a calm tone, "Don't worry you aren't in trouble or anything we just wanted to ask you some questions about yourself. And your Quirk."

Hearing this he nodded his head as All Might soon spoke noticing a nervous glint in his eyes that wasn't here before asking in a calm tone, "Yuki-kun, I wanted to ask about your Quirk. The Quirk you used was like The Crawler [Slide and Glide] and an info-based Quirk from Kazuho's testimony from the past… I'm wondering do you have multiple Quirks?"

Ren could see the tense posture of All Might when he asked that question. Granted to be fair though he understood why and at least a tad wary of this new development.

However, much to their surprise Ren spoke agreeing to their assumptions, "Sure I do."

This caused All Might to cough, and Nezu to befuddlement out of disbelief. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts Nezu asked in a curious tone, "Now isn't that interesting, thank you for being so upfront, could you elaborate more on that Yuki-kun? Because in your government records it lists you to be Info Base Quirk. And as you know, people don't have more than one Quirk."

Ren nodded his head as he asked in a nervous tone regarding his Quirk Registry as he wasn't that well informed about Quirk Laws, "I know Nezu sir it's just… well I don't know how to register my Quirk exactly? Sorry about that, will it cause me legal trouble? Because I was hoping to keep it a secret a bit longer…"

Nezu paused but nodded his head allowing Ren to explain his tale about his [GAMER'S PATH] ability along with what he knew leaving out his reincarnation into this world of course. Ren knew that lying in front of them wouldn't do well, especially with Nezu actively interested in his abilities.

After listening to Ren's explanation, including the parts about him being able to see people's info and revise his stat points, Nezu's eyes glistened with curiosity as he said in an understanding tone, "I can see why you kept your power a secret. Even if it were just the power to ascertain a person's identity and info, your Quirk is remarkable. The power to increase a person's stats and freely place them is simply outstanding."

Ren nodded his head in understanding as he began to explain about the customization portion of his story, "Yeah… and when everything was set, I was given a chance to customize myself. Even said of copying or creating a Quirk of my choice. A few I can name were options when I customize to choose from. [One for All], [All for One], and [New Order] to name a few that were offered."

Upon saying those names Nezu and All Might almost flinched being offered those choices. It was one thing gaining a game like Quirk but being able to grant another based on the user's customization seemed to shock them.

Especially with the Quirk [New Order] being offered. Hearing this Nezu regaining his composure asked in a genuine curious tone, "If that's the case what Quirk did you get along with [Gamer's Path]?"

Listening to his words Ren spoke in an innocent tone almost making All Might go into a coughing fit, "I chose one I customized that will allow me to copy ANY Quirk regardless of which category. Emitter, Mutant, or Accumulation if it's a Quirk I can copy it so long as I reach a certain level threshold. I named it [All in One]."

All Might and Nezu were just stunned silent for a few seconds before Nezu managed to get ahold of himself and spoke in a baffled tone, "… Yuki-kun. What did you say you call your Quirk again?"

Tilting his head trolling them he said in an innocent tone acting cute, "[All in One]. Why? I think it fits with me being able to copy all Quirks into one Quirk that can potentially be all in one."

All Might was having a coughing fit as Ren sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. However, Nezu moving on asked curiously what Quirks he copied, "Oh the irony kid… but what Quirks do you have copied?"

Raising his hand and pointing 2 fingers up he explained honestly which Quirks he did copy, and the rest are skills in an honest tone, "Being honest only 2. The first [Slide and Glide], and [One for All]. Although I did refine [Slide and Glide] into [Attract and Repel]."

Listening to this Nezu paused hearing his words. This perked Nezu's interest in the Quirks. Ren copied in a curious tone, 'Oh? Seems like he copied some powerful Quirks. Adding with his original Quirk [Gamer's Path] and his [All in One]. But refined them how?'

Nezu soon asked what was plaguing his mind in a genuinely curious tone, "Refine them? Can you please go into detail about what you mean by that Ren-san?"

Nodding, he explained how he used [OFA] ability to command his biology to refine the Quirks he copied, changing them or empowering them completely from their original counterparts. They were astounded by the news that Ren was able to simply refine the Quirks he copied into something that empowered them beyond normal, but only he was able to.

Once All Might recovered from his coughing fit reverting to his normal form Small Might soon asked in a curious tone, "It is a remarkable Quirk young Ren. There's something I would like to ask. With your power, it would be a simple matter to secure your place as one of the top important people in the entire world given time. Tell me, why did you choose to become a hero?"

Hearing his question there was a long pause before Ren finally answered in a firm tone looking up to him, "Because the world needs Heroes. Remembering my encounter with No.6 I couldn't help but move to action wanting to help my friend. Is that not enough? Just stepping up. I don't need special positions or reasons to be a shield for them."

Seeing the determined convictions in Ren's clear blue eyes All Might's abruptly flashed placing his hand on Ren's shoulders. All Might leave the former feeling speechless as he reaffirmed, "You're going to make an exceptional Hero, Ren Yuki. I guarantee it…"

Unable to restrain his curiosity, Nezu couldn't help but ask in a curious tone, "If you don't mind me asking what does your [Observe] skill say about me?"

Piggybacking off Nezu's words, All Might asked for the same in a genuine curious tone, "If it isn't too much of an inconvenience, I'd like you to do the same for me…"

Nodding his head he used his [Observe] skill on All Might as he asked Nezu in a neutral tone extending a hand, "Mind lending me a piece of paper? It would be a lot easier to write the info down."

Happily assenting to Ren's request, Nezu watched with intrigue as the former wrote down his information. Nezu and All Might's bodies tensed when he wrote their names and info. But soon Nezu brought another question asking in a curious tone, "… I see. So that's how your [Observe] skill works Yuki-san. Quite the interesting Quirk indeed. So, Yuki-kun, is there anything else about your Quirk we should know about?"

Hearing his words Ren scratched the back of his head as he replied in an unsure tone, "Well, I don't know. I only had it for about months and a few weeks give or take. I don't know what to explore but I'll be sure to let you know when I do. But is it possible to keep it hidden a while longer at least till UA?"

Nezu nodded his head in understanding since this kind of power would certainly attract unsavory characters. Although there was another question he asked about Lady Nagnt in a curious tone, "With this, it should be all for today. But there is one thing I would like to ask Yuki-kun. Why did you give Lady Nagant a second chance?"

Listening to his words Ren spoke in a calm tone recalling Soga was a bad guy didn't mean she could change as well, "Because people can change. My mentor Soga was a villain but was just as much a victim changing his life around as Lady Nagant. Before there were villains or heroes were simply people first. If Soga can change for the better, then why not everyone if given the chance to reform? Isn't being a Hero allowing you to give others a second chance to change?"

There was a light pause hearing his words. Nezu soon spoke, breaking the silence in a calm tone and smiling at Ren's words, "I suppose so young man. After all, Heroes should allow others to reform into society again."

Ren smiled hearing that as Nezu was finished discussing what he needed to hear about All Might's successor, with Ren taking his leave back to Toga's home. When he was gone, All Might soon spoke to Nezu in a neutral tone, "Nezu, his Quirk is like that man. All for One except that he only needs to copy a Quirk instead of stealing others."

Nezu nodded, closing his eyes briefly as he answered in a neutral tone, "True, it's like he's the new All for One of his generations. But with him becoming a new student, we can guide him to the best of our abilities…"

Both nodded at this, but Nezu's mind was what Ren said caused great interest and concern in a cautious tone thought, 'Still, the ability to simply refine one's Quirk is already scary. And if he found a Quirk that could be used to upgrade another person's own Quirk… well, that's certainly a scary notion to think about.'


~Ren Y. POV~

[1 Week Later, Himiko Residence, Japan]

It takes one week for the U.A. letter to finally arrive here for us. We waited for us to see our invites as Toga, and I got accepted into the supposed greatest Hero School in the Country sitting down.

Everyone from our friends from Naruhata came to see having a party for today. Soga, Rapt, Moyuru, Miu, Sisters of Saint Lila's Academy, Yu and her boyfriend, Tamao, Kazuho, Deku, Inko, and Iwao AKA Knuckleduster with his daughter.

We invited the people that could be able to come for the today, knowing we'd make it to UA and if not will fucking party hard. I swear everyone was waiting to hold their breaths anticipating this day and all the training along with our hard work, was worth it.

So, we settled down on the comfy chair in the living room and looked at it in front of me. I opened it and a hologram of All Might appeared in front of us All Might yelled out startling me, "I AM HERE AS A PROJECTION!"

What the hell! Why does he have such a loud introduction even while in a projection damn it!

But that was when All Might announced as he explained himself in an overdramatic tone getting everyone's attention with our breaths held, "I came to this town to work at U.A.!! You passed your written exam with flying colors, and you also passed the practical exam!! You also got the highest score ever recorded at U.A. for receiving 165 Villain Points but that is not all a hero is someone who helps people, so you also got 69 Rescue Points… CONGRATULATIONS YOUNG REN YOU PASSED YOUR ENTRANCE EXAM!!!"

It soon showed a list as I smirked seeing the name being the top on the leaderboard. But soon I felt my face get smooshed by my close friends cheering for me entering UA High School in an excited tone.


"Heh. I knew it you had it in you brat!"

"Congratulations Ren and Toga!"

"Cheers to the new Heroes in training!"



Everyone was now holding a toast for our celebration, making it to UA, and fulfilling our dreams thanks to everyone's help. Shame Koichi and Makato aren't here to celebrate with us here in Japan since he accepted the job to be a hero.

We began to celebrate, talking and eating the food I cooked for everyone, enjoying this happy atmosphere. Taking a sip, Knuckleduster grunted a bit, giving me a grin and congratulating me, "Heh. To think the brat Soga was teaching, was you? Congrats on making it to becoming a hero in training."

I replied to Soga's Mentor with a smug grin, giving him a glass of apple cider in an appreciative tone, gazing at my group of friends, "I think I should be thanking you, old-timer. I heard from Soga you wanted to train me when I was busy cleaning the beach park."

He grinned, slapping my back and taking a sip from the apple cider bottle in a calm tone, surprising me with his words, "Heh. You're just like that Koichi brat, being a kind idiot. But at least he would've won his fights than running away from that faker! Hahaha!!"

I rolled my eyes as he laughed, and I mockingly jabbed at the old timer with a smug grin, "Oh really? Not my fault that I got my ass kicked with teaching Soga not to be a better crime fighter, old man."


He slammed his fist over my head, but I was protected by my [Attract and Repel] quirk protective aura this resulted in Knuckleduster having a feral grin, raising his fist in a challenging tone, "Oh, are those fighting words, punk? How about I teach you how you treat your seniors?"

I merely scoffed at him, turning my attention to Izuku Midoriya. We eventually met again when he also helped me out cleaning the beach looking for trash so he could reverse engineer for his help in the Support Gear Class.

When I helped his mental motivation, he decided to put his time into Support Gears to help heroes indirectly. I and Toga helped me out in that regard introducing him to our friends and quickly becoming good friends with Knuckleduster.

He showed him how to be a proper man and learn how to throw a mean punch. I smiled at the small changes. I'm making peace with myself that the people that I once thought fiction were as real as any other.

With the incoming future ahead, I'll become stronger. So strong that no matter who my enemy is I'll be sure to stand and be there for when they need help.