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Welcome to previous readers who have read the Gamer Path series thus far. This would be No.4 of Gamer Path, starting with a new MC after the previous one. The story tells of this path that opens to the world of heroes, vigilantes, or villains. The danger is constant, always filled with those in power doing as they please.
How will the blank soul named Ren Yuki handle this new world with no personal memories of his other life other than general knowledge of this new world being this world GAMER filled with people with superpowers?
"Time to go beyond... PLUS ULTRA!"
WRITE A FUDGING SYNOPSIS! PLEASE! Is not that hard, instead of a bunch of nonsense just tell me what the story is about.
what rubish intro is this? you wrote so much to talk about your novel but you said nothing. learn to make half decent synopsis and replace this insult
1. Some dialogues are outright stolen from other works and just don't work on this work. Example: Nezu and All Might suprise when they hear that mc's quirk name is All in One. He literally just told them about All for One and One for All, it just don't work here. At least think why are you stealing. 2. Other characters POV's are somehow incredibly dull and artificial. And considering that you put them very often that's a problem. 3. Fix your description. A lot of words with zero meaning.
I'll try yo continúe read this, but put in the sinopsis that you're going to replace the Mc and that the protagonist of this novel Is edgy as hell...
The story is good but my god is so hard to read because of all the grammatical errors and mistakes. It isn't unreadable by any means, pretty well written than some of the other garbage on this app but it takes alot of effort since the author uses commas and other punctuations very wrong and the sentence formation isn't great. Also, the author can't decide whether he wants a heroic and caring mc or a manipulative mc, many times it feels like the mc is bipolar when sometimes he is manipulative and other times he feels the need to be a hero or be heroic. Most of the stuff I write here isn't anything major, just a little bit of me being nitpicky. All in all a pretty good story.👍👍
I love this story so far and i hope you do the movies as well like two heroes heroes rising and world hero mission
Reveal Spoiler
Some of its plagerized and the rest is just garbage have a nice day
El comienzo era bueno pero después el protagonista en vez de crear su propia imagen y ser original decide ser una copia que no funciona de los POWER RANGERS lo cual afecta la trama de forma negativa y le quita toda seriedad... (*Con todo respeto le pido al escritor que corrija este error los más pronto posible, si esto no se soluciona el protagonista simplemente se volverá la sombra de la serie de los POWER RANGERS aparte también que hay que aclarar que esto le quita lo más importante y es que jamás podrá crear su propia imagen como héroe ya que como e dicho es una copia que arruina los momentos serios. Solo imagínate está situación LA BATALLA FINAL allá for one vs el protagonista, los dos pelean muchos héroes caen y después el protagonista lo derrota y hace una pose con una explosión detrás de él, si eso sucede con cada villano arruinada todo*).
You know that when u find a FF that fits your taste, then suddenly you read the author name, which multiples this happiness by few time, this is what I'm feeling right now. Another epic after RWBY and Fairy tail. [img=angry][img=angry][img=angry][img=angry][img=gift][img=Your move]
The plot and idea behind the fic is good so instead of speaking about everything I like, I’ll speak about what I don’t. Some scenes are copied from other fics, I recently read BNHA:Singularity and from there I recognized these same scenes: MC compliments frog girl and gravity girl too much and they get shy and avoid him Mina tells Jiro to spy on the boys convo due to being worried about MC Frog and gravity girl apologise to him after ignoring him Kaminari jests after the girls ignore him. The story will probably stray away from BNHA singularity in the future, but I hope that it doesn’t have many more scenes that are so similar.