Chapter 52: Internships (5)

Chapter 52: Internships (5)

~Rumi U. POV~

[Nighttime, Hiroshima, Forrest, Mirko's Place, Japan]

What. The. Hell.

It was only after I got back to my home that the kid prepared dinner for me. And he fucking cooked it BETTER THAN ME?!

I was stunned and couldn't believe it. But when I ate the veggie course meal after a patrol of busting down villains or some unfortunate bastard I was bested in cooking.

Not only that, his cooking… it's too unbelievable. Did he spike the food?

Almost evilly so… just one bite made my loins get wet. And I found that weird to ask him if he added anything funny to which he shook his head seemingly offended by my words when it came to cooking.

That and he doesn't have any weird scent. But I didn't think much about getting back at him by offering me a foot massage after a long day to make him react or blush like those innocent cherry boys.

It was now coming around taunting and offering, which was a big mistake on my end. The fucking bastard knew how to massage my body making me tick and react in ways I never knew I had it in me before.

I felt all the pain and sores melt away under his touch. Fuck… his way too good at massaging me.

I felt him rub my head as I melted under bliss from his hands. He spoke in a cheeky tone whispering to me, "Now, my little rabbit, the treatment is only getting started. I could continue this to make your body feel in top shape if you admit it… I'm the better cook than you~"

Hearing his whisper struggling against his devilish hands, I accidentally let a moan escape my face, not submitting to this cheeky brat, "Ahh…~ N… No… Not on your chance, oh fuck that spot – ahhh~ fuck me..."

Moaning in pleasure, he only had his smug expression taking control of the situation… oh he's playing with fire, alright. What's worse, I might accidentally lunge at him taking him right here and now with my Quirk fucking fault.

It's not like I'm a virgin, either, considering my Quirk [Rabbit] allows me to possess all the qualities of a rabbit I'm sexually charged by nature. Thankfully, I can keep myself down by fighting to get off or masturbating, but a trigger is needed to stimulate me.

This brat is edging closer to triggering me… but fortunately, I managed to pull myself from my heat cycles before. I'll fucking show this cheeky brat tomorrow not to – ahhh~

Fucking no. I'm not about to get turned on by a shrimp playing - shit~

I felt my groin heat up. Huff... huff...

No. My fucking willpower is stronger than this. Don't fucking lunge at the kid drying his balls just because I'm in my heat cycle.

I'm better than this. No, I AM BETTER THAN THIS!

I've had my Quirk screw me over fucking people before in my younger years, and I'm not about to let my bunny instincts fuck a kid. Just think of this as training... yeah, mental training, not lunging at, oh fuck~

He's hitting me in all the right places... Fuck it. I'll probably fuck him when his older if he can give me this much pleasure and good food. I at least have standards - ah~


~Nejire H. POV~

[Okinawa, Ryukyu Agency, Tokyo, Japan]

"[Nejire Wave]!"


Unleashing my Ultimate Move, which I've been practicing and honing, I shot out after charging my [Wave Motion] Quirk fully to output 30. The waves charged around my hands until I released the full force of my Quirk in a long-ranged double surge powerful enough to take down villains.

I'm using this against Ren-kun while Ochaco is practicing some rescue training responses, along with him teaching her how to fight. Surprisingly enough, his teaching her [Gunhead Martial Arts].

From what I've known, he mentioned copying off Gunhead through the YouTube channel, showing off his techniques. But also, from records of him using them in action from the news of his appearance.

Currently, we're finishing up some training practices for the night with sparring matches, with Ryukyu asking me to spar against him. Unleashing my Ultimate Move he reacted accordingly with a grin on his face sweat beading down his face.


Shooting out repulsive force, he canceled out my [Nejire Wave], making them clash with equal force – whoa!

Suddenly I felt something forced me to be going near him. I knew it! I knew he was holding out from the Sports Festival from what his Quirk [Attract and Repel] could do!

Being attracted to his position cocking his fist coated with electricity, I see his improving his abilities. But opening the palm of my hands, I began to shoot out my spiral shockwaves to slow down my speed from his attractive force.


Slowing down, he merely grinned as a small halo ring appeared on his finger. Soon enough, a large halo ring manifested, shooting out a continuous burst of repulsive force aimed at me.




Launching that many, I maneuvered around the shots, shooting my [Wave Motion] to avoid getting hit. But the attractive force he kept on dragging me forward to him as he began to clasp his hands together –

That was when Ryukyu spoke out in a neutral tone interrupting his concentration, "That should be enough you two. The sparing match is over."

Thanks to my Quirk, I froze, stopping myself from feeling the exhaustion from using my stamina to convert into energy. Ren managed to stop himself as he wiped the sweat off his forehead, speaking in an upbeat tone, "Phew… I haven't had that much of an intensive workout sparing before. Good game, Nejire-chan."

I returned the friendly greeting with Ochaco returning inside, handing him a towel to wipe off the sweat we worked up in a cheerful tone, "Ren! Nejire! Both of you were amazing in that sparing match!"

Taking the towel, I thanked Ochaco-chan in a happy tone, smiling at her kind words and wiping the sweat off me, "Thanks, Ochaco-chan! The match with Ren-kun was certainly surprising. Especially that small trick at the end, mister. Hmph!"

Pouting, he took the towel from her as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his head, responding in a cheeky tone, "I gotta keep some secrets, Nejire-chan. It wouldn't be good to showcase all I'm capable of. How about I make it up by making dinner for all of us, huh?"

That made me perk up, agreeing, remembering his cooking at his time in Hopper's Café with their talented chief in an excited tone as my mouth drooled a bit, "OH! YES, PLEASE – ahem! I mean, totally, yeah, for sure!!"

Upon seeing my reaction, Ochaco-chan looked confused, with Ryukyu chuckling, recalling our conversations about his cooking in a curious tone, "Is his cooking really that good, Nejire-chan? To be swayed that easily about a boy making food? Do you perhaps have a crush on him, Nejire-chan? Fufufu…"

I froze as my face blushed a storm, with Ochaco looking stiff. Blushing, I waved outward, denying such a thing in an embarrassed tone, "Wait, it's not like that…!! It's that his cooking was good in Hopper's Café that it was almost comparable to Lunch Rush's cooking – "

But I froze as he innocently said making my face go beat red with an innocent cheery grin on his face, "Aww… I like you too Nejire."


I couldn't help but blush as putting my hands over my face embarrassed. Was that an actual confession I've never dealt with this before… ahhh!!!

I could hear Ryukyu snicker as she spoke to Ren in an amused tone, laughing at the attempt with a sly smile, "Hahaha… that's enough pulling her leg there, Ren-kun. I believe young Nejire-chan had enough teasing."

Sighing out loud in relief. Thank goodness he was actually – but he soon spoke, tilting his head confused as he said, "But I wasn't joking? I like Nejire as a friend who happens to be a girl. A girlfriend~"

Ryukyu only sighed as my face got beat red again. I can't tell if his honest or genuine about it…!

Wait, why am I even considering this?! I'm a heroine in training I can't just stop at the hat of this crush – oh darn it!

Calming down slightly, Ryukyu soon asked, genuinely curious about his cooking, with a cocked eyebrow in a curious tone, "While we're on the subject, is it true from Nejire-chan that your cooking is comparable to Lunch Rush? Now this, I gotta see with my girl always talking about you?"

I want to find a hole to hide my head now. It's like showing my parents of a boyfriend home to – oh now he has me doing it!

That big meanie Ren-kun! Teasing a pure maiden's heart...

But I still want to taste his cooking… it's really that good.


~Ochaco U. POV~

[Okinawa, Penthouse, Tokyo, Japan]

Staring down inside a penthouse that lady Ryukyu rented for the week for her interns, I couldn't help but gulp down nervously. It seemed like she was serious seeing Ren's cooking with Nejire cheerfully waiting with a beaming smile.

Hearing they had a close relationship, I couldn't help but feel… left out somehow. I don't know how to describe it, but seeing him interact this way out of the usual school environment felt weird.

Curiosity gnawing at me, I couldn't help but ask Nejire-chan in a curious tone, rubbing the back of my head, how they met, "So…. Nejire-chan, where did you meet Ren? You seem to be quite older than him, so what's the story behind you two meeting?"

I was curious how these two met as I asked this question. She turned with a beaming smile as she responded happily, "Oh! It was by chance in Naruhata that I met Ren-kun. You see at the time there was a trend going on that there were rumors on the web saying that the food bought by Hopper's Café was amazingly good at a cheap price that was comparable to Lunch Rush food."

I tilted my head a bit as I pointed out the obvious with Ryukyu also here curious about Ren's cooking, "And I take it that was when you met Ren-kun?"

She bobbed her head as she smiled fondly catching me a bit off guard as she rubbed her thumbs together in a shy tone, "Yeah… you could say he was my real first friend before I met Mirio and Tamaki. I wasn't always like this nice girl you know I was quite cold and distant for a time. Giving people the cold shoulder don't ya know?"

Blinking genuinely surprised I listened to how before she told me her story that with her powerful Quirk, she was ostracized surprising me greatly. I spoke out loud in a confused tone, "What…? But with a Quirk like yours and personality, you don't seem like a girl that doesn't have any friends?"

Nejire-chan rubs the back of her head, explaining to me that it was because of her personality and nosy behavior that got people to misunderstand her intentions, making people assume she was looking down on others.

It was during her low point that she learned the rumors of an up-and-coming café that gained her interest…. Was that really where she met him?

And one that supposedly held a great cook and someone who caused quite a stir in Hero Society following the events of a Pro Hero forced to work for assassination for the HPSC. It was mentioned by her that the name of a person who changed over a new leaf was –


Before I could remember fully the doors from the kitchen were open to reveal Ren holding up 3 dishes with a proud smile on his face. Smelling the whiff of the food I can feel my mouth water followed by a small gulp.


Hearing about his cooking I felt something stir as I saw his food. He placed them down as he gave a small wink giving us dinner for tonight in a proud tone, "I made extra sure to put effort and love in those meals you guys wanted. I have no doubt these will be better than the rest I've made. Go on take a bite and tell me how good it is."

Welp! I'm never one to ignore free food. We all took a bite of his cooking gulping down the food as it landed – Ah!!!

My tastebuds exploded in flavor, my eyes widening in disbelief. My eyes wandered to Nejire and Ryukyu, both in the same surprised state as me.

We couldn't help ourselves, as his cooking is almost comparable to Lunch Rush. Even Ryukyu, chowing down, was surprised by how good this was.

I couldn't help but gorge myself on this delicious food! I even had a moment of imagining myself naked, covered in – whoa!

Where the heck did that come from? Returning myself to reality, Ren spoke proudly, giving me a head pat, "So…. Anyone wants seconds?"

I felt my head was in complete bliss for a moment. That head pat felt nice…


A/N: Yeah, guys, Mirko isn't a virgin in this fic, but to be honest, I felt that was the realistic approach to how she would react to the MC. Since she's 26 years old, she probably already had experience with her heat cycles because of her Quirk [Rabbit] and probably has been reckless in her youth.

While the MC can trigger her sexual heat cycles with his [Massage] skills, she's also an adult to know that fucking a 15-year-old, even if legal in Japan, is still a noticeable age gap and morally wrong to some but wouldn't mind being her fuck buddy when he grows up, graduates, or more depending on how the story develops.