Chapter 163: Homecoming Tales (2)

Chapter 163: Homecoming Tales (2)

~Third POV~

[New Year's Eve, Asui Home, Japan]

After thanking her pro-hero bodyguard, a clone of Ren was invited by Asui for their New Year's Eve celebration. Tsuyu Asui walked up to the door of her house for the first time in a while, thinking, 'Has Samidare been looking after Satsuki properly? Are they both doing their homework? Oh, right—we'll have to do the winter cleaning before Mom and Dad get home. Mom said she's picking up the osechi food for New Year's and that we already have soba noodles in the house…'

It was out of old habit that Tsuyu reviewed this laundry list of tasks to handle. Her parents' work sent them both on frequent business trips, so before the dorm system had been implemented, Tsuyu had been largely responsible for minding her brother, Samidare, the middle sibling, and her sister, Satsuki, the youngest.

At this moment, she knew that cataloging the tasks in her head would let her leap into action more efficiently once inside, and any free time that remained would be set aside for studying.

Ren, gazing at her home, spoke up, getting her attention as he said curiously, "So this is your home, Asui? I'm curious how your family would respond to me being your boyfriend, hmm…?"

Tsuyu blushed lightly as she hadn't mentioned her relationship with Ren as she muttered shyly, "I haven't told them about our relationship yet… hopefully they're more assured about it…"

Ren shyly rubbed his head, getting Tsuyu's point. They then reached for the doorknob. Tsuyu suddenly felt transported back to her pre-U.A. days, and she let out a few rabbity chuckles despite herself.


Opening the door, awaiting them in the entryway were Samidare and Satsuki, both wearing aprons as they said, "Welcome home, Tsuyu. /Yeah, welcome."

Tsuyu smiled as she replied, as Samidare and Satsuki looked at Ren, "Hi, you two. Did you get hungry and start making dinner early?"

Returning their attention to Tsuyu, Samidare smiled as he answered, "Naw, this is because I'm on bathroom cleaning duty."

Satsuki gazed at Ren as she asked innocently bluntly, "Hey mister are you Tsuyu boyfriend?"

Tsuyu froze, blushing as she listened to Ren's response with a charismatic smile in an honest tone, "Yes, little one. And I couldn't be happier. Oh, where are my manners? I'm Ren Yuki."

Tsuyu placed her hands, covering her face in embarrassment. Both siblings simply nodded in understanding with smiles as Satsuki said, "I'm cleaning the kitchen. Try not to have too much fun, you too."

Both siblings defiantly placed their hands akimbo. Listening to this, Tsuyu was shocked. They'd helped her wash dishes in the past, but they'd never really engaged in full-blown housecleaning as Samidare said calmly, "Mom and Dad did the big cleaning last Sunday, and we've already got water boiling for the soba, so you should take a load off in your room, Tsuyu with your boyfriend."

Tsuyu blushed at this as Satsuki said with a smile, seeing her expression, "We got tea and snacks ready for you, too. We'll make another tea for you, Mister Yuki."

Tsuyu and Ren both tried to speak, "But…"

However, Samidare interrupted as he said, "No buts allowed."

As Samidare finished saying that, he and Satsuki shoved their reluctant big sister and boyfriend down the hall and into her old room. Tsuyu peeked through the door and observed that her siblings had legitimately been cleaning as Ren said, "Well… that just happened…"

Tsuyu could only nod slightly, agreeing, "Ribbit …"

She'd been prepared to tackle all sorts of chores upon arriving home, so this almost felt anticlimactic. Mulling this over, Tsuyu discovered freshly brewed tea and some snacks on the table, just as promised. She thought happily, seeing her siblings, 'They're really growing up, aren't they?'

Internalizing this fact suddenly made her miss them dearly. Naturally, she'd worried about how her siblings would fare when she'd had to leave home, so learning that they could actually fend for themselves to this extent conjured a mixture of melancholy and joy as she smiled, gesturing for Ren to come as she said, "Well, who am I to reject this hospitality? Wanna share Ren-san?"

He smiled as he took up Tsuyu's offer as they sat together next to each other, sharing snacks between them. They felt at peace till her phone rang.


As they finally started to relax with the tea and snacks, her phone rang. Ren simply nodded, remaining silent as she picked up her phone. It was her old friend Habuko Mongoose as she asked, "Hello? Habuko?"

From the other end of the phone, Habuko replied happily, talking to her friend, "Tsuyu! How's it hanging? Didja get home yet? I feel like it's been forever!"

Tsuyu blinked, surprised at Habuko's knowledge. She asked in a stunned tone, "Wait, how did you know I'm visiting home?"

Replying with an easy answer, I nonchalantly said, "Your little bro filled me in!"

Ren smiled as he waited patiently, letting Tsuyu talk to her old friend fondly. Time flew by as Tsuyu and Habuko recounted the latest goings-on in their lives.

They chatted about school, friends, and their recent obsessions, and it felt like the conversation might never end…


At least, if not for a loud crash from the Asui family kitchen. Ren quickly left first as Tsuyu said to Habuko, hanging up the call and dashing out of her room toward the kitchen in a rushed tone, "Sorry, Habuko, I'll call you back."

They arrived to find a cooking pot lying on the floor, surrounded by water that had clearly been inside the pot until a moment ago. Nearby, her brother and sister stood stupefied as Tsuyu asked, concerned, "What happened?"

Looking down, Samidare mumbled, "I dropped the pot…"

Gazing at the pot, Satsuki added in a disappointed tone, "It was heavier than he thought…"

Ren gazing at the scene he helped picked things up using [Blackwhip] as he said calmly with a soft smile, "You were trying to make soba, right? That's okay; let me take over. I can cook for everyone."

As Ren reached for the fallen pot, Tsuyu saw her siblings slump gloomily and noticed a bandage on one of Samidare's fingertips. It instantly reminded her of the days she had spent learning to cook, way back when, as she thought, 'They've really been trying.'

Tsuyu stood and gave them both pats on the head as she suggested kindly, "Actually, why don't we make the soba together? Is that okay with you two?"

Samidare and Satsuki stared at Tsuyu's warm smile and then at each other. After a moment of silent consultation, in unison, they gave a cheery "Okay!"

Tsuyu texted Habuko to let her know what had happened and promised to chat another time. Now, they needed time to get down to business.

The three Asui siblings and Ren set the pot over the stove, prepared the dipping sauce, chopped the chives, set up the colander, and laid out the plates and bowls. Watching her brother and sister take the lead, Tsuyu suddenly recalled her kakizome homework assignment concerning an aspiration for the coming year as she thought, 'How about Wa? As in "peace and harmony," since that's all I want for my brother and sister when I can't be here for them.'

This thought brought a smile to Tsuyu's face just as she heard her parents calling out from the entryway, "We're home!"

All three kids croaked, "Welcome home!"

With the whole family united again, more smiles were sure to follow. Ren smiled, seeing their happy moment calmly cooking and greeting the Asui family.


[New Year's Eve, Might Tower, Tokyo, Japan]

Meanwhile, within All Might's Agency, spending New Year's Eve was the original Ren, Melissa, Toga, and Nejire. Nejire joined up about the offer as her parents are abroad working, and All Might isn't present as he trusted his protégé's strength.

Might Tower appears to be a luxurious, skyscraper-type building with a large planet that has dual rings on top. Inside, there is a statue of All Might on the top floor. The roof has a gate that opens to allow All Might to enter.

The All Might department is guarded by another gate, the Might Gate, that doesn't open for anyone but All Might himself. Several floors down, the building has a cafeteria where All Might, in his "true form", usually relaxes after a mission.

All Might is currently working with the Police to locate the League of Villains, as the girls were left alone in his Might Tower. While gazing at the interior, Nejire gasped, amazed, "Wow! So, this is All Might's Agency! The Might Tower!"

Melissa smiled as Nejire wandered around Might Tower. She explains, with Toga standing next to Ren's side, "Yeah. Uncle Might definitely likes to live up above. Here, look over the upper floor window."

Melissa led them all to the nearby window. The group's eyes widened, seeing the starry nights below as the city lights shone in the dark.

Toga commented on the beautiful scene in an amazed tone, "Wow!! Everything below the Roppongi district of Minato looks beautiful!"

The girls nodded as Ren added in an amazed tone, chuckling lightly, "Really is a beauty. I bet All Might sat near the windows because he could easily keep an eye on all the townspeople from there."

Melissa chuckled, bobbing her head, agreeing as she led the group to her room in an excited tone, "Yeah… Uncle Might did mention something about watching over the city to protect the civilians. But come on over here, guys!"

Everyone followed Melissa as they entered her room, which showed mechanical parts and a personal lab. Melissa's Room also contained the essentials like a bed, table, closet, etc. It was when the group noticed a large TV connected to a karaoke speaker and selection screen shown.

Melissa began to explain to the group with a smile and proud tone, "With Uncle Might out, he said he won't be back till tomorrow morning. So, he gave me the liberty of having a party for us to enjoy New Year's Eve! And to bond closer together, I heard karaoke is the best way to bond in my room."

They smiled as Nejire picked a song from Melissa's choice of soundtrack as she innocently said, "I wonder what music will play? Let's party!"

Nejire bent down to pick up the mic, exposing her ass purposefully, giggling it in front of Ren as he lightly blushed. She smirked as she clicked the button, but everyone paused listening to the type of music, "Suck my cherry… suck my milk… suck my – "


Stopping the music, everyone paused, hearing such a lewd song. All eyes were on Melissa as Nejire's expression blushed red as Ren asked in a dumbfounded tone, "Uh… Okay… Melissa, you wanted us to hear that type of music?"

Melissa's face turned beet red as she quickly explained with metaphorical smoke escaping her face, "Uh… no. Toga suggested this type of music to set the mood."

Understanding her intention, Nejire changed the song to romantic, loud music, coming and sitting next to Ren. She got ahold of one of his arms, placing it on her chest and wiggling her eyebrows as she mischievously said, "Well, well, well, Melissa-san. You certainly are an eager girl. It was the reason why I came here, but I've waited long enough~"

Nejire let the loud music go as she placed her lips into Ren's mouth. Her eyes widened as he used [Massage] on her plumpy ass and [The Tongue], pleasing her Melissa's eyes widened with a red face.

Toga, on the other hand, smirked, her face turning red seeing the action between the two as she thought lewdly, 'Yes… everything is all according to plan.'


Witnessing their makeout session, Ren used [OFA] to release his pheromones, getting the girls active. Melissa panted, seeing their interaction as she grabbed his other arm, placing it between her chest and pressing her boobs as she muttered lustfully, "Ren… it's unfair… please give me your attention…"

Grabbing his head, he let go of Nejire's lips he placed his hand over to Melissa's perky ass giving her the same treatment. Melissa's eyes widened, feeling the pleasurable experience as Nejire panted heavily…


Continuing to kiss Melissa, Toga undressed herself as she helped. Shoving Melissa onto her bed and stripping her naked, Nejire undressed herself, revealing her naked figure.

With Melissa at the bottom, fully stripped naked, Toga grinned as she licked her lips. She turned Melissa on all fours on her bed and bent down as Toga and Neire followed suit, lining themselves up side to side, showing their drenched womanhood.

Ren grinned hungrily, gazing at the asses they showed to them as Nejire shook her as she panted in a lewd town, "Bad boy Ren-kun~ treating a girl like this? Teehee…"

Melissa looked embarrassed as she panted, biting her lips as she confessed, gently shaking her ass in temptation, "Ren-kun… I confess I fell for you, but I'm embarrassed you wouldn't like me being Quirkless and having other beautiful girls. But I'm glad you liked me seeing your erection so… you can put it in…

Toga shook her ass and followed my Nejire their temptation as she said with an eager grin, "I've been waiting for this Ren-sama… teach your woman their place, darling~"


Ren simply grinned, going towards them. Activating his [Blackwhip] sprouting tendrils made the girls shiver as he calmly said, "No worries, ladies… I'll make it a night you'll NEVER forget…"

What proceeded next was moans and slapping of flesh that could be heard. Fortunately, Melissa's room was soundproof and prepared for such an event like this to happen, fully enjoying the lovemaking as they were thoroughly fucked in many positions…