Chapter 6: The Day

Chapter 6: The Day

~Third POV~

[A few Weeks Later, Musutafu, Kamino Junior High, Japan]

During class, after the first teacher ended his lesson, the professor began to talk to his students about something he considered important to remark, "So, as third-year students, it's time to start thinking seriously about your future and what you wanna do with your lives."

He said while erasing the blackboard and sitting in his chair. He caught the said test in his hands but paused hinting to all his students what his next words were going to be, "I could pass out some career aptitude tests but… why bother? Ha! I know you all want to go to the hero track!"

He declared by doing so he threw all the tests up in the air. The class began to cheer while they exposed their superpowers as the teacher warned them in a friendly manner, "Yes, yes, you've got some impressive quirks. But no power usage is allowed in school! Get a hold of yourselves."

The children soon quieted down, but the teacher found out something more in his documents in a surprised tone gazing at him, "Oh yeah, Yuki you're also going for U.A., aren't you?"

Everyone except Toga turned as they all laughed at him with one of the bullies slamming his fist at his desk in an arrogant tone, "Forget the crappy Quirks. You're quirkless! You think you can rub shoulders with people with Quirks – "

Ren abruptly stood up closed his eyes and smiled. He then grabbed his belongings as he spoke in a bored tone, "I'm sorry but I have other things to do than have you waste my air. Now if you excuse me I have better things to do. Ready Toga-chan?"

Turning to leave the students could only bitterly let this go. The bully clenched his fist seeing that Quirkless was looking down on him and having the cutest girl in school by his side unnerved the boys.

But the teacher only sighed letting this go since it was something he thought kids would handle themselves. No sooner did Toga flip him the middle finger sticking her tongue out at the bully.

Ren could only smirk as he checked his phone around the time of noon as he spoke in a calm tone, "Have to admit I didn't expect you to send that video viral Toga-chan. I would've thought you shanked him with your combat knife."

Toga pouted as she clung to his shoulder exiting the school building into the schoolyard in a cute tone, "Hmph! Not like I had a choice, but that pig had it coming if he tried. After all, I'm head over heels for you Ren-kun~"

Smiling with her lips Ren merely smiled as he confidently spoke exiting the Kamino Junior High School, "Sure… but hopefully in the future when we go big, I can have you by my side when things go down. Let's go to the Plaza Toga-chan. Something interesting will certainly happen."

She tilted her head curious but followed his words, nonetheless. If there was one thing, she learned about her beloved it was the fact that when something interesting happens it will leave her dumbfounded and excited.


~Ren Y. POV~

[Musutafu, Plaza Crossroad, Japan]


It's finally happening!

I can hear big explosions nearby. A lot of smoke is rising in the sky blocking the sunlight from reaching that specific block.

I can hear windows breaking, see people desperately running for their lives, and fire consuming buildings walls. Geez, is this what happens when Bakugo uses his Quirk without holding back?

Or is the slime somehow amplifying his power? We arrived on time seeing the action occurring as the day when Deku gets his Golden Finger power-up begins. The story of how My Hero Academia will begin as it should…

NOT! I humbly refuse to allow Deku to get his wish in this life. Not when I can milk this for all its worth in the future and I already have a plan in mind not using [OFA].

I refuse to trust my life to a simple boy who only got a power up through the power of the plot. I will not hand my fate and future to a boy who's unprepared for the challenges ahead and has done nothing to prepare himself for the day he becomes a hero.

In this life, I'll become the one who will stand atop. Leaving my fate to a 14-year-old boy with no proper training or body strength… yeah, I might be doing this world a favor.

The generic heroes arrived, and they simply sucked. Despite them being higher level with '?' floating over their heads I frowned at their choice of words waiting for another hero to come save the day.

I mean there wasn't much they could do, but still. They are doing exactly what All Might will later consider not heroic not risking their own lives to save others while Bakugo is having the worst day of his life.

You know when I saw the scene of the Slime lunging at Midoriya I thought he was molesting the poor kid. But what I didn't expect was Bakugo getting is getting dicked down from the slime in public certainly didn't help.

Makes one wonder how realistic a world filled with superpowers is. Another reason why I can't let Broccoli Boy be the hero of his own story. Regardless, All Might or Small Might just arrived, panting and sweating like a madman.

I will just let him stress a bit till my eyes finally lock onto a green-haired boy. [Observe] just for certainty.

[Izuku Midoriya Lv.3 Nerd]

Yeah… that's what I thought. Swiftly moving quickly to him I whispered to Toga getting her attention before I left in a neutral tone, "Toga watch and see how I handle this. Don't interfere no matter what okay?"

She bobbed her head agreeing. Perfect. Making my way I made it to where Izuku was I lightly knocked him out as he fainted and I appeared to help him as he was knocked out to make it look like he fainted.

[You gain 3 EXP].

I grinned seeing I gain something out of him. My time spent with Toga and Soga has been certainly useful along with Koichi and Pop*Step.



Name: Ren Yuki


Race: Human

Title: None

Level: 5 Exp: 3/15%

HP: 350/350

PP: 265/265

STR: 5-> 10

AGI: 5-> 12

VIT: 5-> 15

INT: 6-> 16

SEN: 5-> 15

LUCK: 1 (+25)

Stat Points: 0-> 25

Money: 550


I smirked seeing this, but I knew I could grow stronger than this. I just need better resources that All Might could hook me up with using his connections when the time is right.

I know this is extreme. But it's better to have a life I can control than one I'll let some unknown force control me. AKA Plot.


I made a full dash reaching speeds barely superhuman. I trained and copied a lot of physical movements thanks to my [Perfect Vision] and [Perfect Memory] into my movements by watching record holders or other Pro Heroes/Villains.

Everyone soon thought I was a professional hero for a few seconds. Wow. People do blindly trust anyone but the realization that a high schooler was entering to save the day they shouted for my return to safety.

But I was having none of that as I reached my target. The Slime Villain noticed me as I lunged in for a kick to the face and punch the shit out of his eyes thug style as I exclaimed out loud, "Sorry but you seemed to require a hand!"

The slime villain's focus weakened when I attacked him in the eyes. As a result, Bakugo's mouth was released as he shouted back at me, "WHAT THE HELL?!! WHO THE HECK ARE YOU EXTRA!!! WHY ARE YOU HERE!!!"

I took my cue and said loudly in an overdramatic tone with everyone watching me being so shameless, "I don't know. I was hoping that the pro-heroes would do their jobs. But my legs started moving on their own to save a life in need of help!"


With my strength I managed to grab Bakugo taking advantage of his last act of resistance, I was finally able to pull him off this shitty villain but kept a sample of the Sludge Villain DNA in my [Sub-Space] without anyone looking as I tried to free him. Free Logia-like powers? Sign me the fuck up.


The last explosion in Bakugo's last act was greater than those before, and we were propelled a few meters from the slime. But it didn't take long for the Slime Villain to reform though as I managed to land while still holding an unconscious Bakugo in my arms grabbing him by the shoulder.

As I stood up, the slime was angrily towering over me more than a few meters. Clenching my fist and readying my in case things go south continuing my public stunt tricking the audience in a defiant tone smiling, "I don't care how powerful you are, nor do I care. If those Pros won't hero up, then I'll do it because I'm fucking here!"


But it was unneeded releasing a sigh of relief feeling the wind so strong and fast that I blinked for an instant, and when I opened my eyes there, he was the Symbol of Peace and Justice!

He [Detroit Smash] the villain into paste shielding me from the villain, as the Number 1 Hero announced, "I'm pathetic! Pro's are always risking their lives, that's the true testament of a hero! DETROIT SMAAAAAAASH!!!!"

Then All Might punched the ever-living shit out of the slime villain sending him to what appeared to be oblivion…



And it all resulted in a fucking tornado sending a strong push of wind all over the place. After it passed, I saw a crouching All Might slowly but surely standing up while the weather changed from a hot sunny day to a rainy one.

I swear to god I might be delusional that I heard the All Might theme song playing – oh that was Toga playing that song. That checks out.

After that, the other heroes collected all the remaining parts of the sludge and placed them into custody while I was getting scolded by Deatharms in a harsh tone, "There was no need for you to put yourself in danger!!"

I scoffed at his words putting my hands into my pockets and replying as Toga got to my location with her video recorder on her phone, "True but then I wouldn't have to if you did what I did. A Quirkless kid beating the shit out of a villain risking his life while the Pros stood there letting a boy about to get fucked in public."

Deatharms soon argued back with his arms crossed having an excuse ready for my words in an offended tone, "Hey! That's not fair! Our quirks weren't a good match for – "

But I interrupted with a raised eyebrow my voice raised in a defiant tone arguing back to the man pointing at my head to prove my point, "Your quirks weren't a good match? Is that the excuse you have next time someone bites the dust? Dude, it took me literal seconds to hit his vulnerable spots and your defense is because you didn't have the counter for the guy? Weakest excuse I ever heard. You're just over-reliant on your quirks. Quirks don't make the hero's brains do!"

Dusting myself off leaving the heroes with Toga by my side with a smirk on my face with some final pieces of advice for these Pro Heroes in a confident tone, "Now if you excuse me I have better things to do oh right. You'll probably want my witness testimony?"

Kamui stepped forward with his arms crossed and spoke in a calm tone, "Yeah. We still need your testimony."

Rolling my eyes, I sighed as I spoke to Toga in a neutral tone, shrugging at the predicament, I placed myself in complying, "Sigh very well then. Toga, I'll see you later and order takeout I'll probably be a bit late to cook."

She nodded as she left, having the video recorded sent viral. I swear I felt like I made a bad mistake allowing her to come, but whatever.


[Musutafu, Japan]

After leaving the area and giving my testimony I was left off, but Bakugo did thank me and left immediately. But what I didn't expect I would get two stalkers on me.

Stopping myself I see Deku came first looking a bit nervous as I asked the obvious in a curious tone, "Sup. Now why are you following me?"

I asked as he stuttered a bit. I was patient to let him collect his thoughts before he gulped down and steeled his resolve coming to me in a hesitant tone, "What you said earlier that quirks don't make a hero that brains do. Do you believe that?"

Hearing that question I only smiled as I casually replied confident in my answer as I'm living proof of those words, "Of course I do. I believe in my words and follow my gut. But I doubt that's the question you want to ask."

Deku backpedaled as he took a deep breath and continued asking with those sparkling puppy dog eyes already defeated in his mind in a determined tone, "I just wanted to ask, can someone become a hero even without a quirk?"

Listening to this I smiled confidently responding to his question in a casual tone, "Yeah, sure."

Deku looked a bit down at my answer before he exclaimed catching up on what I said in a surprised tone, "As I thought, even you say – WHAT?!"

Repeating what I said to the surprised boy I spoke in a casual tone shrugging my shoulders as he looked stunned, "Yeah. Even without a quirk, you can still be a hero. You just must work harder than anyone else to achieve your goal. Since when did Heroism require anything other than courage? With human ingenuity, nothing is impossible. Being a quirkless hero is the least of it!"

Deku looked extremely happy that someone believed in him. A little confidence boost never killed anyone and while I don't like placing my trust and fate in him nothing says I can lead him to a more interesting path.

I waited a bit till he calmed down as I provided him some means to get him up with his life of what he wanted to do. Giving him a dream to follow and be the first Quirkless Hero to trust his own goals and capabilities.

After giving him some key pointers of his intellect and analysis following David Shields's method or creating a suit of armor got some sparks going in his head. He bowed to me thanking me for encouraging him.

When he finally left, I finally spoke in a curious tone to my other stalker with my arms crossed clenching my fist, "And what about you, stalker no. 2? You are planning on ambushing me?"

Small Might slowly came out from behind as he spoke explaining to me in a surprised tone with my discussion with Midoriya, "How long have you known?"

Smirking at All Might, I replied casually, leaning my back against the wall and eyeing him carefully, "Since the sludge guy? You're not as good at this as you might think you know? Granted I had to deal with some sleazy bullies because of my status. They learned the hard way I'm not one to fall like the rest. Hahahaha…"


Growing in stature as he gained muscles at inhuman speeds All Might appeared in a boastful tone, "Hahaha! It's as you say, young man! I'm All Might!! I had the impression that you were just a very skilled quirkless wannabe hero. When I saw you risk your life, I remembered stories of great heroes and of how they became great. Most have one thing in common. Their bodies moved before they had a chance to think. Almost on their own… and today, that's what happened to you."

He continued as if waiting for a dramatic pause as he eyed me with a proud tone, "Young man, you too can become a hero!"

I could only stand there stunned with one thought entering my head… My Hero's Journey begins!


A/N: Hey guys the author here wanted to ask a small important question... what Hero Name should fit the MC? It's not decided yet but I wanna ask since I have in mind having him called The Gaming Hero: The Gamer/Gamer. Or do you guys have a better name for me to use any suggestions help me to reconsider or not.