Chapter 7: [One for All]

Chapter 7: [One for All]

~Ren Y. POV~

[Musutafu, Japan]

Returning myself to reality I soon heard All Might speak in a determined tone, "I deem you worthy of my power. My quirk is yours to inherit."

I acted confused by his words as he found it amusing because he began to laugh out loud before remarking, "… Hah, I know it is a lot to take in so out of the blue. Don't worry the ultimate choice is yours only to make but as I mentioned before, I watched you jump into action as the rest only stood by. You may not have a quirk of your own but you proved your capabilities even without them."

I only did so because I followed the plot for my benefit. He began walking towards me as he spoke in a proud tone, "So listen well young man, I'm offering you my awesome quirk! Are you gonna take it yes, or no?"

This was a once-in-a-lifetime chance that I have considered throughout my time here at MHA. But I also knew of the bad effects that came with it since I have my own Quirk and the ghost inside is another hurdle.

I didn't even have to think of an answer as I humbly said pushing my hand back at All Might in a kind tone, "I'm sorry but this is a no."


[The host found the Quirk [One for All]. Would you like to copy it?]

[Skill: [One for All] copied!]

Skill List.


(Passive/Active) Lv.-

Description: This quirk allows the user to stockpile an enormous amount of raw power, significantly enhancing all their physical abilities to a superhuman level. It can use [Quirk Bestow] to offer a target a Quirk of their choosing.

This results in unbelievable strength, speed, and durability levels by boosting the host cells by +1 x Lv. for all Stats except LUCK. This quirk can even grant the user an exceptional strength boost to their given Quirks.

-All Quirks-related skills attacks, attack speed, effects, and damage increase by 1% x the user level.


I hid my satisfaction by using up a copy slot for this with All Might exclaiming in genuine shock and asking me in disbelief, "What?! Ren, are you sure? I think you didn't hear me, right? I'm asking you if you want to inherit my power. The number one hero's power!"

I understand what All Might is talking about. Why wouldn't anyone want such a great power right?

I sure did. But the problem was the quirk vestiges of 7 self-righteous asshats that came along with the Quirk of [One for All]. And I can't exactly get rid of them yet, or worse, they could alert All Might, landing me in hot water.

No. They needed to be wiped out in one go, to avoid suspicions. That left me no choice but to reject his offer currently as I explained in a sheepish tone, "No, no. I heard you right the first time. You see All Might while I understand the responsibility behind you granting me your power, I can't help but think you're rushing it. Surely you had other students you could pick right?"

All Might be deflated into his small might figure he said in a confident tone comforting me as he pulled me up the shoulders, "Hmm… I can see your point, young man. I understand your feelings. I won't push you but remember in the future if you change your mind or feel that you're ready to accept it, my offer remains open to you. At least so long as I still haven't passed it on to someone else!"

Nodding my head in understanding he let me go as I spoke to him in a calm tone, "Thank you for understanding. But please be careful in choosing the person who you pass onto and take care of yourself. I'll be applying for UA in the future."

All Might turned to me and smiled waving goodbye as he walked away giving me some words of advice, "You are a kind boy, Ren. I'm still sure you are the one who should inherit this quirk. Come to UA, meet me. Let me train you into the heroes of the future, even if you won't inherit my power. You'll make a fine hero yourself!"

Waving away from All Might I smiled hearing that. Granted I missed a golden opportunity benefit for me to use but frankly it's best he keeps it for now.

I was hesitant to copy [One for All] because I could simply eat it. But I didn't want those ghosts living in my head and manipulating my plans.

Lately, the small-time villain thugs at Naruhata have been a great place for me to grind whenever any bad apple causes a minor ruckus. It helped me grind some levels.

I've even been going out at night, and deliberately taking a stroll in suspicious alleyways or areas known for having criminals. Unfortunately, I haven't had any luck in finding anyone decent, most people grew suspicious of a kid strolling around this late at night and thought it was a trap.

Who knew criminals weren't as dumb as they looked, right? How else I'm gonna earn EXP from enemies and grind my skills fast in the process?

Making my way into town and returning home early I see a giant monster-looking man cornering and threatening two girls. He seems about 4 times the size of a normal man, and he is wearing a cloak. [Observe].

[Gigantomachia Lv.? Bodyguard]

Aw hell no. Why the hell is the big bad boss here? Then it clicked in my head as I listened to what the monster said in a harsh tone, "Where is the Springer Hero Agency…"

The girls are too scared to even talk in straight sentences. The monster seemed to be getting impatient, that is Gigantomachia. A monster in his own right. Can I defeat him as I am right now?

Hell, the fuck no. Can I win in a 1v1 fight against him? Logic dictates nope… Can I kill him? Eh… maybe?


The building which he put his hand on cracked as he growled in an angry tone, "You are not going to tell me…"

Well, then time to step up and act like a hero. I quickly run in front of the girls facing the thing. I have to admit though this thing is intimidating, I know I can easily die from him, but I then pointed to the side and with a smile on my face told him nervously, "Turn at that corner and then make a left at the big street."

The creature leans closer and just smiles as he says, "Thank you."

He leaves… oh thank God he left. But when he turned, I used [Slide and Glide] + [One for All] to take a single piece of his hair into my hand showing a small hallo ring on my finger.



Item: Gigantomachia Hair Strand

Rarity Item: -

Type: Hair Sample

Description: This Hair sample belongs to the villain Gigantomachia containing the Quirks [Endurance], [Pain Blocker], [Gigantification], [Dog], [Energy Saver], [Fierce Gains], and [Mole].


Neat. I safely stored that in my [Sub-Space] for later Quirks I can copy.

All I did was give him the directions never saying they were the right ones. And I'll let nature take its course.


The two girls start hugging me while crying. The most appropriate response would be to say… Ahem! Shut up! You're damn annoying!

Just like the Giga Chad Jotaro would do but even with my negative thoughts I just turned towards them and smiled charmingly while I softly said to them, "No problem after all even if I wanted, I can't ignore two beautiful ladies like yourself."

They immediately blushed at my cheesy words. Wait… it can't be this easy to make a girl blush? Man, young people these days.

After we greeted each other by saying our names as we separated. Turning around to leave I saw an interesting girl asking the two I left witnessing my actions. [Observe].

[Mina Ashido Lv.10 Acid Girl]

Ah! Now I remember this scene in the anime flashback… huh. Guess I earned some brownie points with her and Kirishima in the future. Nice.


[Nighttime, Musutafu, Himiko Residence, Japan]

Having the place to ourselves and having a part-time job with the Chopper's Café Himiko and I are busy making dinner for the night. Despite her life insurance money from her parents helped getting some spare cash on hand helped living here together easily.

She also had time to know the Naruhata vigilante crew helping us train for us to get ready for the UA exam. I simply smiled knowing the changes I was making just one small one helping Toga change her fate.

Soon enough I turned up the volume on the TV listening to the latest news on the Right Now TV channel the speaker said out loud, "This is RIGHT NOW TV. Cutting to the core of the 'Now' across America and around the world! Today's guest is a woman of many talents, the general manager of the C.C. Corporation… Ms. Makoto!"




Our attention soon turned to seeing a familiar face with Toga blinking in genuine surprise having met the Naruhata crew in a surprised tone, "Huh? It's that the nice policeman sister right? The one who hangs around Koichi?"

I nodded my head as the speaker began saying some questions seeing Makoto wearing Captain Celebrity visor in a curious tone, "Some have called you the brains behind Captain Celebrity's revival since you took on the job of marketing him when he was blacklisted in the states… erm, I mean he took a sabbatical, in Japan…"

We soon hear some news from the speaker asking about the Captain Celebrity revival from the Koichi group. We finished setting up dinner as we listened to what the discussion was all about getting our curiosity.

"During your time studying at new york's marvelous Central University, you defended a thesis called 'Vigilantism versus commercialism: breaking down the pillars that prop up hero society'."

"That paper was like a stone tossed into the waters of hero sociology, a real hot topic that's causing plenty of ripples. Why the book adaptation became an international bestseller this past spring."

Seeing the host of the show began to speak up raising a hand towards Makoto way in a curious tone asking his question, "You're a scholar serving as the vanguard of hero society, one who some called the woman of the hour. However, Makoto… some authorities argue that writing about hero society while marketing a real life hero isn't fair, in an academic sense. What do you say to that criticism?"

Makoto on the screen leaned back on her chair as she casually said her answer in an upbeat tone her response, "Oh, I couldn't agree with them more. Just as they suggest, I've got my feet on the ground in the hero industry… I'm not a pure academic per se… but if I could add one more comment… so what?"

She leaned back having her hand down on her wrist and her legs crossed she explained as we took a bite seeing the news in her confident tone, "Nobody can escape the biases that come from the era they live in or their socioeconomic background. Scholars are no exception. That's why our theories and writings are all public and available for scrutiny. As for the validity of the societal model I propose… that along with the way we live in our modern society, is for researchers to discuss 50 or 100 years from now. And I take pride in having presented my ideas with that in mind. What comes next is up to the future generation – that's just how it is. But if I can leave behind even a tiny footprint in the history of sociology… well it'll be my absolute honor to do so."

I soon tuned out from the show once it got to commercials as Toga asked me in a curious tone with the heroes, "So how did things go with the Heroes? Did you get into trouble?"

I shook my head as I dropped a verbal bomb causing her to freeze in place as I casually said carelessly having a brain fart, "Nah. I merely managed to copy All Might's Quirk. Otherwise not anything special."


I smirked seeing Toga get freaked out. This is gonna be fun trolling the crew.