Chapter 8: [Gene Refinement]

Chapter 8: [Gene Refinement]

~Ren Y. POV~

[Days Later, Musutafu, Himiko Residence, Japan]

After a few days of encountering All Might everything seemed to return to my usual everyday life. Spending some time, I began to work on creating my new skill after adjusting to my [One for All] Quirk.

If my idea works then from my understanding of how All Might power up, one needs a clear understanding of the power you possess. From what I have seen, [One for All] can empower you far deeper with more understanding. And if that's the case…

Closing my eyes I imagine myself with the power of [One for All] coursing through my veins empowering my blood. And soon down to the cells evenly distributing the stockpile power of [OFA]…

Focus. Imagine yourself as a vessel with [OFA] coursing through your very body…

Imagine my body that One for All is a water dispenser, and then use it to pour water into a balloon...


Soon enough I began to be enveloped by red, vein-like lines coursing throughout my body that coincided with the energy flowing through me. When fully active, my body and eyes start to glow with a blue, bio-electric aura…


[By using the Quirk [OFA] coursing through your body, you created a skill to maximize the power of [OFA] without harming yourself in the process!]

[Skill: [Full Cowl] is learned!]

Skill List.


(Active) Lv. -

Description: [Full Cowl], full name [One for All: Full Cowl] is a skill that spreads the power of [OFA] across the user's body evenly, granting greater reflexes, maneuverability, and enhanced strength.

The user can actively use the full power of [OFA] based on the user's level to the percentage he could use [OFA] without damage. However, if the user goes over the recommended level the user will experience HP damage or worse from overuse of its power.

-While transformed all stats are enhanced beyond their normal state.

-All Quirks-related skills attacks, attack speed, and damage increase by 1% x the user level.


I quickly began imagining the balloon that was about to burst and shut the dispenser off, before pouring the excess water back into the dispenser. Leaving the balloon with only enough water for it to bloat but not enough for it to burst.


Blue electricity crackled around his body, seemingly glowing. I opened my eyes and felt overflowing power dwell within me…

But this is [One for All] at its power, huh? Guess even if it's the beginning, it'll grow in time since I can feel its power. The electricity is rolling off my body, though…

Frowning, the most I can see is letting it spark around me. I don't seem to have the ability to control it like at all. Guess the only reason Deku had him is that he is the older version, while mine is simply the very first one.

I can still increase the power, but with my current level, this is the max I can do since I don't have the older version. This one is the past version of the first; even so, with this… these changes everything now. Even if it's just a little bit.

Having the ability to call its power is a good sign. Because I'm not done with this power yet not by a long shot.

Shame I can't exactly grind much in this world unless I want to get into trouble. If there's one downside to enemies in the MHA world it's that I'm lacking any enemies to grind and focus on training my skills. Which makes me realize my next course of action to do next.

Changing my Quirk Factors into something more suitable. With me having the original or at least copy power of [OFA], it should be possible now since my copy version allowed me to manipulate my body with this amount of power.


Lightning myself up activating [Full Cowl] I began to give a command of sorts to change the Quirk Factors within my own body. I've done my research on the matter and with [OFA] it should be very possible for me to change my own Quirks abilities.

Quirk Factors, also known as Plus Alpha Elements, refers to the collective physical and genetic traits that compose a person's Quirk. This includes the primary Quirk power, as well as the specific body parts that allow said primary power to function properly.

For example, Tenya Ida's Engine mufflers are located on his calves, so his Quirk Factor resides in his legs. Under special circumstances, a second Quirk can be added to a person's genetics.

However, gaining multiple Quirks often puts immense strain on the inheritor, rendering them mindless living dolls incapable of speaking. It was once thought that a person could only endure two Quirks if they were physically fit, as was the case with One For All users, but it turns out that they, too, suffered from the backlash of carrying two Quirks, resulting in a considerably reduced lifespan.

Presently, All for One, Gigantomachia, and myself are the only known people to have been able to wield multiple Quirks without suffering from this Quirk overload. On the other hand, Number 6, Nine, and Tomura Shigaraki have been able to achieve this feat through heavy modification of the body and mind.

It is potentially possible that a Quirk that can heal the body or provide more energy to the user can supersede the negative effects of holding multiple Quirks, as seen through Gigantomachia's [Endurance], Tomura's [Super Regeneration], and Nine's attempt to claim [Cell Activation]. There is also a rare chance that the initial Quirk and the bestowed Quirk may merge, becoming a new singular Quirk, as was the case with One For All.

Experimentation can also result in a Quirk Factor evolving into something new, as was the case with [Eel] becoming [Electric Eel]. Artificial Quirks can be created through the combination of multiple Quirk Factors, as seen through the creation of [Warp Gate] from the base of [Cloud] and several others.

The reason why I brought this up and researched behind it is because of [One for All]. What is [OFA] Quirk factor?

DNA Manipulation. After experimenting with my [One for All] it confirms my suspicions of what the Quirk can do. Manipulate the user's DNA and Cellular Manipulation to an unbelievable level.

With [OFA], I can experiment with my Copy Quirks, making them either one of two options. The first one is to evolve or the second change into something else.

The reason I came up with this idea is because of All Might's buff form. For whatever reason or another [OFA] changes the biology of the user at a cellular that it gives in to what the user wants.

Like how All Might 'wanted' to be in his buff form but reverts to his normal fragile Small Might form. But also because of another Quirk that [One for All] has confirms my theory [Gear Shift].

[Gear Shift] is the reason why I think it's possible to change or modify my Copy Quirks at the very least. Initially, the Meta Ability was only capable of working on small objects, which All For One likened to being a peashooter.

However, after melding with One For All, [Gearshift] has greatly evolved in power to the point where it is difficult to control and thus has been designated as a last resort. If merely melding with One for All is all it takes, then why can't I meld my skills into One for All, changing them?

I smirked at this idea as it was time to test if my idea worked. Beginning to concentrate on activating [Full Cowl], I began to try commanding [One for All] to empower my [Slide and Glide] Quirk –


[Due to the user commanding [OFA] to refine your Quirks you gained a skill to refine the skills relating to Quirks!]

[Skill: [Gene Refinement] is learned!]


Just the skill I was hoping to get. And one I need to update my skills or at least my Quirks a much-needed boost.

Skill List.


(Active) Lv.-

Description: By using [One for All] to command your body Quirk Factor, you can now refine the genetic makeup, increasing parts of it to improve its effectiveness. Essentially, allowing the user to upgrade biology and proxy abilities. However, there is a cooldown of 8 Hours per usage.


Ren.EXE Shut down…

Process… processing… input correct response.


I jumped back, startled by this development. In a world like this is so fucking busted. I could upgrade my physical capabilities with this kind of power.

Oh, I'm gonna break the world like this. But first, I began to test out my [Gene Refinement] on my [Slide and Glide]. Doing so showed various pop-up notifications notifying me.

[The user has used [Gene Refinement] on [Slide and Glide]. Would the user like to go ahead and refine the Quirk? [Yes/No]?]

Interestingly, it doesn't show me what needs to be refined using this method. If it's a bust, I can always get rid of it to someone else.

I agreed. And the results showed even changing its name and effects. But at that moment, I felt a light stinging sensation spread across my body doing so.


[The Quirk [Slide and Glide] changed to [Attract and Repel]! Notable differences have been made in the description of the advanced Quirk!]

Feeling the burning stinging sensation subsided I panted sweat on my skin. And strangely tired fortunately it's a day off for us.

Still, I gotta check. Skill List.


(Active) Lv.-

PP Cost: 1 PP/Sec.

Description: This was [Slide and Glide] now refined as [Attract and Repel] allowing the user to project an attractive/repulsive force from their body as well as potentially move objects towards or away from specific points, such as other objects or locations gaining the ability to 'REPEL/ATTRACT ANYTHING'. The user can slide across surfaces by lightly repelling themselves away from any surface. The sliding gives the user great speed.



Proving its point, it summoned a halo ring behind my back. And now there's this new sensation I haven't felt before and strangely it's empowered previously from [Slide and Glide] into [Attract and Repel].

Raising the palm of my hand towards the nearby kitchen spoon. I intently attracted the spoon into my hand – whoa!


Strangely enough, only the spoon was attracted to my hand using my [Attract and Repel]. I can agree this is a major upgrade compared to [Slide and Glide]. But I'll need some practice with this Quirk to make it function.

So, this is what it meant by refinement. Instead of my Quirk Factor for [Slide and Glide], it moved to my entire body instead of relying upon hands and feet. This is going to take some getting used to…

But if it means I can get stronger, then it's worth it. That just means most Quirks that seem to limit just became extremely useful.

Now finding said Quirks would be a challenge for me to do. And I happen to know just the place to start collecting the necessary Quirks.

Kamino Ward is a large town in Yokohama with many inhabitants and businesses. It also served as the hiding place for Tomura Shigaraki and the League of Villains. I want to see if I can copy the original Quirk of his [Decay] quirk.

The [Overhaul] Quirk. Oh, I'm so giddy now. But I have to be patient I have time no need to recklessly risk my life for it. But first...


Activating [Attract and Repel] I want to know what are the exact limits I can do. I wonder just how much I can repel or attract to me.