Chapter 9: Stranger Danger

Chapter 9: Stranger Danger

~Third POV~

[Weeks Later, Naruhata, Marukane Department Store, Japan]

The Marukane Department Store, or Marukane for short, is a retail establishment located in Naruhata. Its directors are the main promoters of the music band FeatherHATS, of which Kazuho is part.

Because of this, she and Koichi usually go to the place, to talk about the band's affairs with the rest of the members and their representative Makoto. The Marukane branch also usually organizes small festive events known as Narufest.

However, things are going bad for the music band FeatherHATS as they'll be having their last Narufest with Kazuho Haneyama with some music equipment and begin to sing in the streets.

But due to her lackluster performance managed to attract a trio of delinquents intervening in her performance with the leader asking, "Yo. Whatchu up to, little missy?"

Kazuho looked a bit nervous as she asked in an unsure tone, "Huh? I'm uh, singing…"

That was when another member of the group began to surround her asking in a condescending tone, "You got a permit to do this crap?"

Kazuho gets a bit unsure but responds with the crowd simply watching, "Uh, I didn't know I had to…"

That one got a bit too close to Kazuho with a confident grin on his face and said, "Ignorance is no excuse, y'know. Round here, you gotta buy a permit… from me – "

"Ah! Pardon me!"

However, that was when he cut into the conversation Ren put himself between Kazuho and the goons, "Sorry about that, fellas, but I'm responsible for my friend here. You can bring any issues to me!"

Kazuho looked a bit surprised seeing Soga's student Ren as the leader spoke in a confused tone, "What's some snot nose brat got to do with her?"

Rubbing the back of his head Ren responded in a cheeky tone pointing at the coming cops and taking Kazuho's wrist away from the scene, "Oh, not much just making sure I stall enough time for the boys in blue to come. Like right now."

The delinquents looked back startled hearing the police as Ren and Kazuho gave them the slip, "What seems to be the trouble here?"

They managed to escape with the Cops asking the delinquents. They soon made their way to Hopper's Café with her manager coming relieved to see Kazuho safe…


[Naruhata, Hopper's Cafe, Japan]

Once they were in the clear they each took a drink with the Manager saying in a cheeky tone introducing himself, "So this is the solo project you mentioned… and nice to meet a friend of Kazuho. I'm Rokuro Nomura."

Hearing his name Ren smiled as he gave his name and checked his info using his [Observe] skill extending a hand handshake to 'Rokuro', "Nice to meet you Nomura-san. I'm Ren Yuki."

While he acted nice Ren was on guard when he read the info. He made sure to analyze Rokuro carefully.

[Number 6 Lv.? Villain

Description: Number 6, also known as Rokuro Nomura or the Scarred Man, is a member of the Villain Factory working under All for One. He is also a Pro Hero under the alias Rock or High-Speed Hero: O'Clock II, temporarily planning to use Kazuho as a host for [Queen Bee]. No.6 has the Quirks [Overclock], [Regeneration], [Self-Detonation], [Raido Waves], and [Bombify].]

They disengaged shaking hands as Kazuho looked down blushing lightly as she confessed while thanking Ren for his assistance, "Yes, given how… Narufest is ending and all… I figured… I need to start thinking about what comes next for me. And Ren-kun thanks for coming in to save the day."

He smiled lightly at the praise that Kazuho was giving him. Meanwhile, Rokuro was gloomy with his head down, responding in a defeated tone, "Ah… meaning, it's Marukane's flight. My fault… sorry."

Kazuho shook her head as Ren listened intently to their conversation taking a sip of his boba drink, "It's okay. In the past, I've composed songs and done voice training with the twins but… that never led to anything. I've also written some lyrics on my own, but I've never shown anyone. So, I was thinking why not give it another shot myself…?"

Rokuro raised his head trying to be optimistic about the situation but soon got depressed again blaming himself causing Ren to sweat drop at his acts, "Mm… well, you're lucky I just happened to be passing by today. Busking alone in the street is a risky business. No, I guess you wouldn't. No reason you'd have any faith in me… but can I see some of your songs?"

Kazuho looked a bit embarrassed with Ren seemingly interested with a light grin on his face, agreeing, "I also want to hear some of your songs too Kazuho. I bet you have some great songs in mind."

Kazuho blushed at his words as they listened to her, she thought to herself in an embarrassed tone, 'Ugh. What'm I even doing? When I stop to think about it, it's like, of course, I don't have the real skills to pull any of this off. I'm just running in circles here – huh?'

Ren nodded happily, satisfied by the song, while Rokuro was crying at the scene, moved by her music as he grabbed her hands in a motivated tone, "The world should hear this song! And I wanna help make it happen!"

Kazuho looked away bashfully explaining herself being not motivated in her songs with Rokuro letting go of her hands, "Sure… but… it was kinda like that last time, with Makoto taking charge. I rode her coattails, and you can see how far that got me…"

Mentioning Makoto made Rokuro depressed, but they got motivated again to help Kazuho in a determined tone, "… I don't think that means you gotta do it all by your lonesome going forward. There isn't much a person can do on their own. I think that being self-reliant means teaming up with others to unlock your full potential!"

Feeling motivated Kazuho wanted to try again as Ren tagged along, helping her hold her stuff and returning to the previous location to try again. Unaware of Rokuro Ren managed to obtain a hair sample of his to gain his Quirk later…


[Naruhata, Marukane Department Store, Japan]

Helping them with the luggage of Kazuho gear. Kazuho began to ask in an understanding tone for her to return to the big stage, "So the plan is… you put some polish on that song, perform it at the Final Narufest… and then branch off towards solo work, with online clips and smaller live shows."

Rokuro nodded his head, agreeing with his plan in an excited tone towards her, "There's no guarantee we'll get you back on the big stage again… but we can take this thing as far as it goes."


But the group was stopped by the same thugs from the morning as the leader asked in an annoyed tone, "If it ain't you two. Hanging around here again, are ya? S'your fault the cops hassled me earlier. How are you gonna make up for that?"

The leader got close to Ren's face, grabbing him by the collar with Rokuro and Kazuho about to react. But Ren spoke, pointing his finger below his head in a cold tone, "How about you back off before you lose something precious."

Blinking in surprise, the leader reeled in his preparation to strike against Ren starting a fight in the street, "Stop muttering and share with – ack!!"


Reeling his leg back with a light halo underneath his feet Ren repelled the force of his kicks getting more momentum in the moment kicking the leader in the balls. He kneeled clenching his jewels and groaning in pain, "Ahhh… my balls!! You kicked me in – Ack!! Why again!!"


Kicking him in the balls again in pain Ren stopped as he grinned looking at the grunts and raising his hand waving at them to him in a challenging tone, "You both want some? If no take your boss and scram."

They both nodded taking their leader away clenching his family jewels that had been violated. Kazuho and Rokuro blinked a bit surprised as he asked in a chill tone, "So… where do you guys want to set up the gear?"

With that, everything proceeded to go as normal for the group. At least at the surface level…


[Nighttime, Musutafu, Himiko Residence, Japan]

"That's the situation, Soga-sensei."

Returning home with Toga waiting and already asleep, Ren talked to Soga about this topic privately. He was groggily at first, but once he got the info, he became alert in a serious tone from the other end of the phone, "Shit… and you didn't say this to anyone but me about this info, right?"

Ren nodded his head as he responded to Soga in a serious tone about the situation with a bead of sweat trickling down his face, "Yeah. I haven't told this to Koichi or Kazuho. I figured I would discuss this with you before any action. I figure I needed your input about this."

Soga answered on the other end with a bitter expression on his face, explaining the situation for him to follow in a serious tone, "… As much as we can try to attack him, we'll need info about this guy and Quirks if your info is right. For now, seeing he has been her manager for a few years, we can safely assume she's safe for now… You can leave this to me and the crew. Just stay out of it okay?"

Ren blinked a bit confused as he asked in a confused tone over the phone, discussing this with Soga, "You sure? I figured you would get Koichi and me on about this. Or possibly a hero on this case?"

Soga soon clarified in a calm tone, yawning from the other side of the phone, still sleeping from being called in the middle of the night, "I would, but it would alert the guy. Even with your Quirk analyzing info, it might be possible he could target you. Besides if you get caught your chances of getting into UA go up in smoke. Leave this to us, okay?"

Understanding Soga's words, Ren nodded his head, muttering out loud, agreeing with his words in a defeated tone, "Sigh… true. Alright, I'll leave everything to your trusted hands then, and be safe, guys."

Soga responded on the other end of the phone, asserting his assumptions in a serious tone, yawning at the other end, "Yeah. You brats are having a break soon, right? Then, use it to be productive and keep yourself safe and away from Naruhata for a few weeks. We'll let you know if anything happens."


Ending the call, Ren sighed in a defeated tone about the argument with Soga not allowing him to enter, rubbing the back of his head, "Sigh… I really shouldn't jeopardize my chances of getting into UA. But getting his hair sample is worth in my opinion."

Holding a few strands of black hair belonging to No.6, Ren smirked, using [Observe] skill on it, getting a decent DNA haul within them.


Item: No.6 Hair Strand

Rarity Item: -

Type: Hair Sample

Description: This Hair sample belongs to the former villain No.6 containing the Quirks [Overclock], [Regeneration], [Raido Waves], [Self-Detonation], and [Bombify].


Ren ultimately put the hair stand away as he didn't want to risk losing his chances. He turned in for the night as a fleeting memory flashed over his head. He began to frown at the good time he spent with the people around him because he knew what would happen if he allowed the plot to happen next.

Under the name of Rokuro Nomura, Number 6 became the new manager of the Marukane Performers, and he 'befriends' Kazuho Haneyama, until one day he deceives her by luring her to the place where the swarm is. Kazuho is parasitized and turned into the new host for the Queen Bee and becomes Bee☆Pop.

Knowing this and having spent time in this new life, Ren come to already realize that what was once fiction was now his reality. He didn't take his life as a 'game' only to better his own life as much as possible.

Ren clenched his hands together before cursing out loud to himself, staying up in an annoyed tone, "Fuck me and the hero syndrome… The things I do for my friends. Just bloody damn it, I had to have a good conscious…"