Chapter 10: Dynamic Entry!

Chapter 10: Dynamic Entry!

~Ren Y. POV~

[Next Day, Naruhata, Marukane Department Store, Japan]

Having returned extra early in the morning I told Toga I would be busy training with Soga and the gang. I didn't want her in this issue if I could help it.

Fortunately, enough, thanks to my knowledge, I could just follow Kazuho and No.6 since they were gonna be busy entertaining the people. I just know this is gonna be trouble for me down the line, but I just so happened to know this guy's weaknesses and personality.

This wasn't the villain's first appearance. I began checking out the areas of the collapsing and abandoned buildings with my [Observe] skill. Using [Sprint] made things easier trying to move around Naruhata as fast as possible.

My stomach churns hearing that fucker is close to my friend. Ever since I came to this world and purposely gave myself the status of Quirkless, the kids and adults of Quirk's supremacists clearly showed their disdain.

The only real friend I made was with Toga in school. And no one else, since they didn't care about me, they avoided me like the plague.

And then some tried to lure me away to a secluded area to show their dominance. Tch. I'm glad I was taught some mixed fighting styles from Soga dealing with those fuckers and blackmailing them.

This world is a cruel place, I tell ya. Doesn't make it better because of the superpowers in this society, making things worse or better depending on who's asking.

But the people I've been hanging with and Kazuho group had a positive effect on me. I guess I can say I relate more with them.

Toga, especially finding friends to share and speak with normal people. She's finally beginning to show her true self instead of the crazy yandere and Soga helped big time for me in that department.

With his connections, he helped with her blood issues. I brought this up to him when I mentioned becoming her blood tank much to his concern when I explained her situation that he hooked me up with a doctor to check her out.

Apparently after getting her checked, she just needed a balanced diet change for her Quirks needs. One of them is more iron in her diet for one. About 70 percent of the human body's iron is found in the red blood cells called hemoglobin and in muscle cells called myoglobin.

We changed the food for her to stay fit and stable-minded. With me searching, I'll handle things I can do, but… knowing the Manga what happens to Kazuho, I'll be sure to prevent the Naruhata Lockdown.

Fortunately, thanks to Koichi's connection, I asked if he could ask Makoto if she could get a hair strand of Captain Celebrity so that I could copy his Quirk. I can only hope I'm not too late to stop No.6 soon enough.

I may not be strong, but I'm a damn good planner if need be. Especially since Soga taught a literal kid like me how to create some improv items on the fly and warehouse storage of Knuckleduster having illegal guns and gas canisters.


~Third POV~

[Naruhata, Marukane Department Store, Japan]

No.6 stood the next day inside a café in the Marukane Department Store as Kazuho looking bashful with a blush asking her manager in an innocent tone, "So, you see… there's a talk I need to have with someone I'm close to, but… I just…"

No.6 innocently replied in a confident tone with his eyes closed arms crossed, "Can't find the courage?"

No.6 analyzes Kazuho's facial expression, going through different expressions, replying, "C – Courage? Hmm… That… might be true, but…"

No.6 briefly thought, failing to get the right reaction, 'Whoops. That wasn't it.'

He soon spoke in a confident tone trying to get a different reaction out of Kazuho, "Ah! It's hard to get the right timing right?"

That got her to react the way he wanted as she confessed in an embarrassed tone, "Yeah, timing! Exactly! It's a matter of timing…"

This made No.6 happy but soon a ghostly vestige of 'O'Clock' appeared in a neutral tone teaching No.6 only for him to see and hear, "Human actions… are a blend of the conscious and subconscious. Less cognitive animals that operate…"

The vestige copy of 'O'Clock' continued speaking about the human reaction as No.6 replied happily, "Thanks for the tip, Master!"

But turning off his Quirk he returned his conversation with Kazuho as she began to confess about her life choices, "The thing is… at the end of the day I'm just not confident. Up till now, with my mom, the girls in the group… and Koichi too… I've only ever shown them a certain side of me. I'm scared that if they ever saw the real me… saw what's inside… they wouldn't accept me."

No.6 smiles with a light blush on his face as he spoke cheering Kazuho up, "Don't be silly. Everyone loves you, Pop."

Kazuho takes a sip of her drink as she continues explaining with a light blush on her face, "But… that-there're different types of love, y'know…"

No.6 smiled 'innocently' as he spoke in a confident tone, helping Kazuho stand up and convincing her, "Yeah… of course. How about a change of scenery? What's missing for you is healthy communication with all these folks. You know that much already, right? Just calm down, take stock, and examine your feelings. After that, try having those conversations with everyone."

Kazuho had her head down, looking conflicted at first but not before No.6 sweetened the deal with a confident grin, "Your mom, the girls, and then… while you're at it, Koichi."

Hurridly stood up agreeing in an embarrassed tone, "Yeah! W-While I'm at it!"

Both began to leave the place, with No.6 leading her around. But unaware to them, Ren, in his disguise, eyes narrowing, began tailing them, following the route to a secluded part of the Naruhata...

Ren began to follow behind Kazuho and No.6 with extreme caution. Unfortunately, he couldn't get Koichi as he had his job interview.


[Naruhata, Abandoned Outskirts, Japan]

Tailing the two, he began to carefully move away. Meanwhile, Kazuho had a flashback to the Vigilante days in a fond tone and said, "I guess people oughta be honest and upfront with themselves and others."

Leaning down, No.6 smiled as he proceeded to take Kazuho in a cool tone to cheer her up, "Huh? Say it ain't so. I happen to love the Pop who's all bark and some bite."

Kazuho only got flustered being reminded of those days as she said in an embarrassed tone her face beat red while complimenting him, "Please don't say stuff like that! Not what I need right now! I mean you're honest yourself, Nomura. You don't snap at people, or pout or sulk. You're not always exactly reliable but… at least you're gentle. I think it's much better… to be that way."

Jabbing a thumb to himself Kazuho replied in a confident tone continuing his façade with Kazuho, "Honest? Gentle? Yuck. Those aren't compliments to me. Cuz I'm Rock Nomura! A wild man hiding a fiery passionate side and a complex inner life!"

Kazuho only gave him a neutral stare before moving onward away, "That shtick again?"

However, it was when No.6 spoke, getting her trust to follow him, agreeing without being the wiser, "Wait, I mean it. You'd be shocked if you got a peek at my secret base. You could even call it a hideout."

Kazuho immediately agreed, assuming it to be another Café she visited with him. Ren followed them till they reached a busted-up building that looked seemingly abandoned.

His eyes narrowed Kazuho asked in a doubtful tone, "Um… is this it?"

No.6 merely smiled cheerfully, looking embarrassed as he replied, "I'm embarrassed it looks ready for demolition."

However, Kazuho merely smiled innocently, believing him after seeing Koichi's place, shrugging off the creepy-looking building, "Naw… I know someone else who lives in an abandoned dump."

Both soon entered inside, with Ren seeing the situation, moving slowly into the building as he began taking out a gasmask and sleeping gas canister from his [Sub-Space]. He began, hiding his identity and beginning his plan…

He soon saw them enter the building, leading to some kind of basement below the building, preparing himself. He soon began making a call from the other end in a confused tone, "Who's this? How did you – "

Interrupting her Ren soon spoke in a serious tone while sending a photo of Kazuho entering with No.6, "I need help. Some villain is taking Kazuho inside an abandoned building in Naruhata…"


Finishing sending the message to the Pro Hero Midnight that he got from her phone he closed his phone. Witnessing the two leaving, he closed the door as he unleashed the gas canisters in a serious tone, "Time for the speedster to take a nighty night. Hopefully, the call I made to Midnight will be pulled through…"


[Naruhata, No.6 Secret Base, Japan]

Carefully taking Kazuho's hand down the flight of stairs, No.6 said in a friendly tone, "Be careful steep stairs."

Kazuho was doubtful of the business in the abandoned building, asking in an unsure tone, "Is there still a business in the basement?"

No.6 tries to reassure Kazuho's concerns in a confident tone, "That door there. Head on in."


Confused Kazuho asked as she got closer to the door in a confused tone soon opening it inside, "I don't see a sign though. Is it like a studio where members gotta join…? Pardon… me."



That was when Kazuho got confused hearing something inside the pitch-black room as she asked in a confused tone No.6, "It's pitch black in here… Eek!!!"


That was when she was slammed seeing No.6 true expression in a cold tone replied, "That's right."

At that moment Number 6 decides to stop his persona as Rokuro Nomura and reveal himself as who he is, and before Kazuho can react, he pushes her into the room and locks her up.

Due to the darkness of the room and her glasses falling off because of the push, Kazuho barely sees anything, but soon begins to glimpse that the room is full of numerous corpses and that the buzzing comes from bees generated by the [Queen Bee] Quirk.

Turning his face around, No.6 was about to leave, but…


He soon noticed smoke coming from the inside of his secret hideout when he was quickly alarmed, "Wait… isn't this coming from – from…!!"

Soon, No.6 heard a voice as his face got slammed by an empowered kick from Ren yelling out loud, "[DYNAMIC ENTRY]!!"



Suddenly getting attacked from above, he saw Ren with a Gas mask glaring hatefully as Kazuho, who was about to be attacked by the bees, soon fell from the gas inside where Ren broke through the door.

Slamming hard into the nearby wall knocking No.6 out and gaining EXP along with a title Ren ignored turning his attention to his friend. He slowly came out giving Kazuho a gas mask as the sleeping gas seeps into the room.

Kazuho who didn't react inhaling the sleeping gas asked in a confused tone, "Cough! Ren! What are you… doing… ow!!"

Before she could fall asleep, Ren pinched her face, causing her to stay awake as she covered her face with the gas mask provided. She managed to hear a word from Ren's voice in a determined tone activating [Full Cowl] and [Attract and Repel] jabbing a thumb to himself in a serious, "To save you idiot. I already called the police using Midnight's phone number from your contacts tracking us right now to this location."

Her eyes widened, realizing the danger, noticing No.6 and the bees falling asleep but gasped in horror seeing the corpses shaken in a frightened tone, "He-e… I trusted… I trusted Rokuro…."

Holding her hand tightly he responded in a serious tone releasing another canister of sleeping gas, "No time… We'll leave this to the police and heroes. Come on Pop we must get going."

Realizing the situation Kazuho held her hand tighter trusting Ren. They both fled upstairs leaving No.6 unconscious.



The sounds of sirens could be heard as Ren and Kazuho came out from the building. They exited outside far enough with the reinforcements coming onto the scene…