Chapter 11: Interrogation

Chapter 11: Interrogation

~Third POV~

[Naruhata, No.6 Secret Base, Japan]



Police cars could be seen coming to this side of Naruhata. Ren with Kazuho were waiting anxiously when the Pro Hero Midnight and Eraser Head arrived on the scene.

Midnight looked over to Kazuho sighing a breath of relief asking in a serious tone of the situation being informed, "Ren, right? You called that Kazuho asked for my help with a Villain what happened?"

Listening to her words Ren explained what happened and the information about the villain gaining Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi's attention hearing the Quirk [Overclock] in a serious tone having experience with the villain, "What? If you knew, why didn't you inform the police or heroes about this?"

Ren explained in a defeated tone, clenching his fist with the police getting ready urgently, "I didn't have any evidence… not till he took Kazuho inside. Things got ugly, but he's asleep with sleeping gas."

He explained everything he knew about the villain causing Kazuho to tear up learning that a friend of hers was intending to sacrifice her to the [Queen Bee]. The Heroes were surprised but Aizawa and Midnight quickly dashed forward to the door into the secret base.

The Heroes and Police began charging forward. They dashed into the basement lower floors of the building with Midnight using her Quirk [Somnambulist] spreading across the basement level of the floor with Aizawa and police forces covering their mouths.


Suddenly the figure of No.6 was knocked down startling the heroes and police members Detective Naomasa eyed him with disdain in a bitter tone, "The kid was right. This guy is using the Quirk [Overclock] the same one that we've been looking for. I guess he must've woken up rushing towards the sound of us entering."

The police began to cuff him with Midnight frowning glaring at the man now depowered in an angry tone, "Yeah. I figured to use my Quirk to knock him out easily an hour tops. This is made more effective against men than women and learning he needed to breathe this was game over."

Aizawa nodded his head understanding Midnight's quirk best [Somnambulist] as it allows the user to put targets to sleep by exuding a sleep-inducing aroma from their skin.

[Somnambulist] was described as more effective on males than on females, giving Nemuri an obvious advantage against men. Regardless of that, anyone who breathed in enough of the aroma would eventually fall into a deep slumber, which would make it difficult for opponents to confront Nemuri at close range.

With No.6 captured, Aizawa took notice of dry blood down the stairs, eyes narrowing as he muttered in a stoic tone, "This is dry blood here… where's their blood there's probably bodies down below."

Hearing his words the heroes and police steadily entered the basement room of the building seeing the door destroyed. But their notice was apparent with Midnight and Eraser Head's eyes narrowing at the pile of corpses with flies eating away their flesh.


That was when the hordes of bees awaked from he [Queen Bee] Quirk parasite Bee lunged forward at them, attempting to enter one of their eyes. But Eraser Head activated his Quirk [Erasure], losing momentum and canceling their control, and Quirk scoffed, "Tch. Seems like we found the main assault on the corpses. That problem child has some explaining to do."

Midnight nodded her head, agreeing as she flashed a kind smile in a comforting tone, "I agree, but thankfully, those two are safe. Looks like I owe the kid thanks for helping a friend out here."

Aizawa rolled his eyes but smiled in relief, seeing no two victims were caught in this. The police and heroes soon began to interrogate the victims to get a clearer picture of the events that occurred.


~Ren Y. POV~

[Next Day, Naruhata, Police Station, Tokyo, Japan]

Standing in front of me was Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi as I sighed out loud, asking in a neutral tone, "Sigh… how much trouble am I in Detective?"

He enters inside as he sighs out loud, rubbing his temple and gazing at me with an unsure expression, answering me in a calm tone, "Well, that would depend on you, young man. Learning you have a Quirk that can see info I can see why you couldn't accuse the man getting evidence. Didn't expect someone as young as you to fight the villain."

I was feeling nervous as my heartbeat raised lightly, with Naomasa continuing to speak in a calm tone, seeing my expression, "According to Midnight, it was you who saved Kazuho Haneyama's life. I'm choosing to believe that…. You know, you're not what I expected at all."

He opened a very large file and set it on the table as he began to profile me in a curious tone keeping an eye on me, "Ren Yuki, 14 years old. Formerly an orphan at the Orphanage at Mustufa was confirmed to be Quirkless at age 5, and had a very tough life, both in the orphanage and at schools. Sought to become a hero trying to attend some dojos only to be rejected because of your status. 9 years later you manifested a Quirk and been training to join UA living with the little lady being your sole friend. Sound about, right kid?"

I nodded my head seeing they put this much effort into finding me. Just some fact-finding with Detective Naomasa continues, "Let me put it as simply as possible. I'm 100% positive you were trained by Knuckleduster or his apprentice to gain the means to obtain the sleeping gas and gas mask. However, the most fascinating thing about you is your Quirk. You can detect info most don't know right?"

I curtly nodded my head confirming this as lying would put me on the bad side of the cops but reframed from saying I copied them and just left that detail out. It was when Detective Naomasa smirked as he continued explaining, "Good. But can you please tell me why you thought it was a good idea to deal with the villain yourself? In Vigilantism for that matter?"

Hearing this I replied in an honest tone rubbing the back of my head the honesty in my voice wanting to help, "Honestly, I prepared in case something was to happen. I decided to tail them prepared to defend myself if need be. I even called the police and Pro Hero using my phone to dial the number that belongs to Midnight who was on Kazuho's phone being friends with her. What I didn't expect was to get involved but…"

Letting my words die out Detective Naomasa eyed me as he gestured for me to continue in a neutral tone, "… But what?"

Inhaling a deep breath I exhaled in a calm tone to Detective Naomasa eyeing him as I finished explaining, "… If I didn't do anything I'd regret it for the rest of my life knowing if I didn't try to stand up or help my friend I would be a failure as her friend. I wouldn't look her in the eye if I did. I understand without proper knowledge and training ordinary people cannot go Heroes down the street, they could cause more problems…"

Detective Naomasa eyed me as he sighed out loud giving me a warning in a stern tone of my lesson doing this again, "You know if you were anyone else this would be put in your permanent record. But Pro Heroes Midnight and Eraser Head would vouch for you letting you off the hook by taking the credit while you stay out of trouble. But let me say this. Vigilantism doesn't end well, for anyone involved. So don't tempt fate kid. You might not make it out alive next time."

I nodded my head in understanding. Probably because the majority of vigilantes don't know what they do, in the manga/anime we see skilled people, but the common vigilante ends up making things worse more often than not, it's the same case in the real world, if you save someone from a burning building or prevent a bank robbery it's a good thing, but if you fail there's one more idiot to save.

I nodded my head keeping my head low in a guilty tone said, "I know, I promise not to get involved…"


Detective Naomasa's eyes narrowed but soon another person entered the room revealing to be Midnight as she said in a comforting tone, "Come on Detective give a kid a break already. The last thing he needs is trouble in his normal life."

Seeing Midnight come in, I saw Soga, Toga, and Kazuho enter the room. Detective Naomasa sighed as he looked at me before ultimately giving me a stern warning, "Sigh… fine. But, mister, I better not hear any vigilantism you hear that? You're very fortunate that Midnight and Eraser Head are taking responsibility for this."

Before I could utter a word, Toga immediately got close to me as she answered for me in a serious tone, giving me shivers, "No worries, mister Detective Naomasa, sir. I'll make sure he doesn't do any of that. Right Ren-kun?"


I nodded my head, seeing Toga was deadly serious. This made Detective Naomasa chuckle at my reaction in a light-hearted tone, "I see that. Thank you very much, miss, for making sure he stays on the straight and narrow path. And good luck, kid."

I shot a glare at him as he laughed it off. I sighed as Kazuho entered, tears already on her face as she apologized for her stupidity, "Ren… I'm sorry… I didn't think he was a villain and… and…"

I interrupted her with a light grin on my face, rubbing the back of my head in a sheepish tone, trying to be comforting, "No worries, Kazuho. I'm just glad you are safe from this encounter."

However, it seems like my words made her blush as she thanked me for saving her from the No.6 attack. Soga looked at me with a proud grin as he spoke in a proud tone, "Kid, you had lots of balls fighting that villain and getting away with it. But…"

His expression soon turned into a glare as he stoically threatened me, jabbing his finger at my chest to prove his point, "… Don't go losing your life like that EVER again. You hear me? You leave that shit to the heroes that could not a kid not even enrolled in a hero school. Just study and be confident for the future when you become a pro. Got it?"

Nodding my head, I see Midnight coming towards me as she takes a seat with her legs crossed licking her lips scolding me, "You certainly have some good friends young man. And having two ladies for you how youthful~ I wonder what type of man you'll become."

Midnight is giving me some Ara Ara vibes. But she soon scolded me to leave this for the heroes and gave me a warning to do this again or else it would show in my public records as I nodded my head.

I only got off with a warning for my stunt since I saved Kazuho from No.6, who I have been informed is going to jail. I sighed in relief, having to not worry about that, but I did get a few level-ups and a title from my last encounter and a title.



Name: Ren Yuki


Race: Human

Title: Villain Slayer

Level: 8 Exp: 3/15%

HP: 425/425

PP: 340/340

STR: 10

AGI: 12

VIT: 15

INT: 16

SEN: 15

LUCK: 1 (+25)

Stat Points: 25-> 40

Money: 1050


[Title: Villain Slayer

Description: One who will defeat/kill the villain in the name of justice for the Villain Slayer! When equipped with this title you gain the passive skill [Absolute Justice] allowing you to battle against villains easier debuffing them by 10%!]

Leveled up three times, gaining 45 EXP and getting a title nice. Shame I didn't get high enough to gain another Quirk, but it's probably for the best. At least I got off scot-free.

Although… gazing at Kazuho, she seemed to blush when she looked at me… something tells me I might have stolen her admiration for Koichi…

Nah. I'm not that charismatic or good-looking. Must be a phase she's going through. I just really hope this doesn't bite me in the ass – FUCK! I JINXED!!!

Welp… it's not that bad of a red flag, right? Right…?!


~Third POV~

[Days Later, HPSC, HPSC President Office, Japan]

Meanwhile, with the events of villain No.6 being taken away and the credit going to the Pro Heroes Midnight and Eraser Head taking credit with the news of a passerby by the name of Ren Yuki was briefly mentioned and flashed over the laptop of the President of the HPSC.

His eyes viewed the profile of Ren Yuki with his Quirk registered as Quirkiness. However with his informants within the Police Force he to his ability knew the truth.

Reading an individual Quirk with the ability to view a person's bio and deeds to a degree written on it. The current head of the HPSC, a male president, raised an eyebrow as his eyes intently gazed at the file, "Hmm… to let such a person go would be rather dangerous for Hero Society…"

But soon, a glint of greed flashed in his eyes as he smiled, speaking in a confident tone reading the file, "Or… something advantageous. He could be useful in working for us. Some promises of him being a hero and financial assistance with some propaganda and we'll get him into the palm of my hand."


Pressing a button on his speaker he soon informed his agent of a task in a neutral tone informing her, "Lady Nagant. Your next assignment is to study and see if you can recruit this person Ren Yuki to the HPSC. With his Quirk he'll help a lot of lives for the betterment of Hero Society."

There was a light pause from the other end as she replied in a tired tone, "… very well. I'll see what I can do…"


The President of the HPSC soon put the file away, thinking he would gain another valuable pawn that could easily be manipulated for his cause. If he knew in the future that sending Lady Nagant to him would be the last mistake he'd ever made, getting too greedy for his own good…