Chapter 5: New Home

Chapter 5: New Home

~Ren Y. POV~

[Next Day, Musutafu, Kamino Junior High, Japan]

Enjoying the morning scroll to school everything was normal. Well… normal as a quirkless guy like me can do since I ignore the fools that try to belittle or bully me. I just don't give them a reason if I ignore them.

However, I need to train some more for the future, I still have a few months until the U.A. starts and all the canon shenanigans begin. By then I must be strong enough to survive, I can't count on a mid-battle power-up.


[You received mail from fellow Gamer Silva Knights!]

[You received mail from fellow Gamer Mash Bastion!]

Interesting… it seems like I wasn't the first or only one to join this Guild of Gamers. And here I thought I was special so much for that.

Still, the sudden pop-up text bubble showed up out of nowhere as I stumbled backward a bit to carefully analyze this. Although a little warring couldn't be much appreciated here!

Sigh… feeling a bit annoyed I decided to check up on the messages.


[Message: From [Silva Knights]:

Hello, newbie if you are reading this then welcome to the Guild of Gamers. As the first person to be joined let me give you some Skill Cards to help you start. No doubt the asshole Being X Jack sent you only the bare minimum you need.

Thus, helping my future juniors these skill cards are recommended depending on the world you are in technique-wise. But if not sorry. Good luck fellow gamer Ren because you'll need it!

If you manage to survive the world you're sent to, I suggest level grinding. Make it alive and hit me up by messaging me again to meet in person if you live. But that's why I sent a gift to you.

-Gift Box: [Skill Cards: [Perfect Memory] and [Perfect Vision].]


[Message: From [Mash Bastion]:

Sup poor bastard for joining this guild. Granted when I heard the news of a dead soul joining the party I had to make some assistance to help you poor mongrel. But once you pass story mode my shop the REVOCS will open up if you survive long enough mongrel.

From personal experience, some help is appreciated and when I heard of your world of choice I gave off my Holy Grail tipping you off handling such a barbaric world. Hahaha, good luck in that world.

But feeling charitably pity for you I'll grant you a skill that'll help you out. At least on land good luck with that superhero and villain's dilemma you'll need it.

-Gift Box: [Skill Card [Flowing Battle].]

Hmm… I can at least tell the first guy sounds cool and chill. The other guy sounds like an arrogant asshole sounding too hard to be Gilgamesh.

Raising an eyebrow at this I began to click the gift box as it materialized, I saw a literal box I opened it to reveal that it was 3 cards just as promised.

First is a skill card called 'Perfect Memory.' The second one is 'Perfect Vision,' okay. Lastly, the one 'Flowing Battle' seems decent.

Not wasting any time, I began to use these skill cards, I got from Silva and Mash. Thank God for his help. Anything to help me with these skills to give me an edge over the competition ahead.

[You have the skill card 'Flowing Battle'. Would you like to use it?]

[You have the skill card 'Perfect Memory'. Would you like to use it?]

[You have the skill card 'Perfect Vision'. Would you like to use it?]

Without hesitation, I accepted them as they all broke instantly without much issue. My mind felt focused in an instant learning them into my own experience knowing them.

Even feeling the slight change in my body pausing briefly before shaking my head and moving forward while observing my new skills.

[You have learned the skill [Perfect Memory]!]

[You have learned the skill [Perfect Vision]!]

[You have learned the skill [Flowing Battle]!]

Skill List.


(Passive) Lv. MAX

Description: Users can remember great volumes of information, in greater detail and for much longer than the average human, they can read books, listen to song lyrics, encounter people or experience events, and recall a vast deal of the details of their experience. In addition, it takes less effort to recall the information they encounter, and they can remember it for longer without having to strain. Their memory is also more resilient against related skills.

(Passive) Lv. MAX

Description: The user can copy how a person aims, giving themselves incredible marksmanship, any/all movements/actions after observing it performed once through the muscle movements of their targets, including acrobatics, martial arts, and other physical stunts.

With these skills, they can become masters and incredible at what they do with some effort, by combining several forms and movements in rhythmic motions instead of using the same thing over; however, if they wanted to use certain weapons, they would have to watch a person fire that weapon to be able to copy it such as how to fire a rifle, as opposed to how to fire a bow, or how to throw knives or darts.

(Passive) Lv.1/100 Exp: 0.0%

Description: A battle style from Reid Astera time allows a very wild combat style, which relies on instinct and superior physique rather than finesse to perform maneuvers only the user can do.

This savage fighting style revolves primarily around instinct and is therefore difficult to analyze. Along with the perk of channeling the full power of opponents' attacks harmlessly out of the user's body. This technique effectively made the user immune to blunt attacks while on the ground.

+1% of unarmed damage.

+1% of unarmed attack speed.

+Grants the user [Blunt Damage Immunity] while on the ground.


Ahh… I felt that major headache I felt. Owww… these guys surely love pain. But the skills I gained are very handy.

Fortunately, no one saw me as this was recess not even Toga since she went to the little girl's room. Aw, well I got at least half of my plan to work knowing one of my targets I need to obtain my own Quirk.

Hmm… I do need to go grocery shopping soon. I'm a little low on food so I'll call using my new outdated cellphone to call out on training and instead meet me at Soga's warehouse to chill away from her crazy parents

Cold-hearted and discriminating to Quirkless. Talk about a real bitch of a family Toga was born into… I'm feeling a bit spiteful, and I need a new living place how about we kill those problems easily enough…

And Himiko already trusts me crazily since I let her feed on my blood. It's a risky plan to be sure but then again no one in this world can truly be called perfect.


~Himiko T. POV~

[A few Days Later, Musutafu, Himiko Residence, Japan]

The day my quirk manifested was the catalyst for years of misfortune, as I slowly became detached from the world around me. The once explorative, energetic, and imaginative side of me drifted into one of indifference.

Days of smiles and giggles that echoed throughout my childhood were now memories of a time forgotten. I spent my days studying, as it seemed to be the only activity that kept my mind off things.

My grades never faltered, which kept me out of trouble. From the moment my quirk was revealed I became a loner.

I remember the day it all first started. I was playing in the backyard when I found a small, injured bird on the ground.

I picked up the bird and carried it to the porch. As I sat there, looking at the small bird in my hand I couldn't help but find it pretty.

It was bleeding due to its injury, and I could see its bright red blood, staining my hands. I pulled the little bird closer to my face, and as I admired it, I started licking the blood coming out of the bird.

Before I knew it my teeth sunk into its body, and I lost myself in that warm feeling. At first, it came from perfectly ordinary feelings of admiration.

Blood and admiration. But the true tragedy here came from those two elements combined into something that society was never going to accept!

I remember my parent's words as clearly as day when I went to show them what I found remembering these exact words 'Mommy! Daddy! Isn't this little birdie cute?! Isn't it cute?!'...

Their faces looked so strange and scary at the time. I didn't understand why my parent's faces looked so different as their words echoed in my head.

'You look like some sort of deviant, stop it with that creepy smile!'

'Stop that, what do you think you're doing!'

It was only later did I found out what those looks meant, they were fear and disgust… ever since that day my obsession only grew stronger, until it got to a point where blood was all I thought about.

I began to think at times maybe my parents were right. That I was a 'demon child' as my parents eloquently put it.

I mean what's so bad about being a demon? I mean I wanted to feel loved, and I wanted to get closer to the ones I loved too. And what better way to show someone you love them, except for saying I just wanna be like you! Those feelings only became stronger as time went by, all until… the day I met him.

He looked like he had been just dragged out of bed, with his casual demeanor. His black hair and surprisingly sparkling blue eyes. Nothing seemed out of place, until the moment his eyes landed on me.

I could feel his gaze on me, his previously indifferent eyes, instantly became sharp. It felt like I was naked before his eyes, and I couldn't help but blush.

The events that followed made me realize something important. Ren-kun is truly an amazing person!

He was the first to accept me and try to understand who I am! Although he would let me drink his blood sometimes, I still loved him!

Over the past few days, my love only grew and whatever Ren-kun asked of me, I'd try my hardest to do it. At first, he asked me strange things about me, he wanted me to try and drink animal blood.

At first, I thought his request was strange but he then explained to me, that theoretically, I should be able to transform into any living thing that has blood.

And with training, I could eventually gain the traits that belonged to that being's blood. I understood what he meant by that, but it was then the day he asked me something odd. He asked me to hear what my parents thought of him.

I nodded and he introduced himself to them as they showed their true emotions. They wanted me to sever my connection to him. I wanted to kill them right then and there, but he told me of an alternative…. One that I gladly followed~

When the day came that my parents used the car it was a go-ahead to make the plan into fruition. Fortunately, my parents took a life insurance policy on me before realizing I had my Quirk be something villainous.

Before the day my parents went to work, Ren told me to do something learning from a friend. He said he was inspired by a supervillain Quirkless called Lex Luthor.

I don't know how he knows, nor do I care. All I care about is him and his dreams. I was sleeping in my bed to make it look like I was tired. And right on cue…



I went to the door with a 'worried' face I spoke in a 'nervous' tone, "Hey, mister –"

I didn't even get to finish as one of the police officers with cat ears and a cat tail asked me in a grim tone, "Excuse me are you Himiko Toga?"

I answered him in a confused tone tilting my head and drawing crocodile tears, "Yes, I am."

The policeman sighed out loud taking a knee as he spoke with a cringing expression on his face of the news he talked about me, "Well I need you to stay calm but something tragic has happened to your parents…"

… it didn't last too long to understand what happened. But I had to act the part of a broken heart maiden fooling them to make it believable to the police.

It was only a few days later everything was secured and done. I remember so clearly that day my parents in this world died… oh well~

It was on them when I mentioned I was friends with a Quirkless that they demanded I unfriend him. But he had this cool powerful Quirk I bet they would change their tunes but too bad so sad~

They got what was coming to them insulting my beloved, but I mean it was like a cousin dying. Sad but not shocking enough to change anything.

That and I was kind of prepared for them to die. Although we expected it by car accident that I rigged following Ren's instruction not by the villain's hands it was one of the commands to make their death more convincing.

All they needed was a wrong turn in the street for them to be killed just that small of a butterfly for them to die. I'm glad that the government let me live by myself with my friend staying over for the moment with the neighbors occasionally coming to check up on me.

Just telling them that I wanted to stay here because I plan to go to the U.A. is enough to please them. My parents did think that way and bragged.

I can see why my beloved Ren-kun said these words to them. It's an eye-opener seeing how the public idolizes the heroes too much, ignoring kids in help like me. Oh, well it doesn't matter as I follow Ren-kun then everything will be okay.

But in the end, it didn't matter as I gave him free permission to live in my house. And as a reward, I got that kiss on the cheek and massage~

A win for Himiko Toga! We made sure to plan this for this day. Those few days were heaven for me~ I got to have Ren-kun live with me together in the same home while my parents were gone~

I would call this villainous, but I don't care if I can show my love to him. In return, I enjoy dinner from his cooking and blood enjoying this new peaceful life.