Chapter 4: Soga Kugizaki

Chapter 4: Soga Kugizaki

~Ren Y. POV~

[Naruhata, Hopper's Cafe, Tokyo, Japan]


Koichi led me to a back alley café as he said in a calm tone entering inside, "Come on in. He works here. Hey! Soga! Someone's here looking for you!"

Entering inside I soon heard Koichi respond with an annoying half-lidded smile on his face his lips curved inward into his half-moon-shaped mouth, "He'll be out in a minute. Just wait here."

I nodded but still looking at this world is bugging me out. The people and their faces, actions, etc. They all seemed so odd. Creepy?

It's like experiencing this uncanny valley effect without it being unnatural. Especially with the mutant-type Quirk users being more in real life than portrayed in the manga and anime, the art style makes them appealing.

But in the real world different. However, someone's voice soon pulled me out of my thoughts, "Hey! Hey!! Kid! You there?!"



[Soga Kugisaki Lv.? Vigilante

Description: Soga Kugisaki is a vigilante, ally to the Naruhata Vigilantes, and former Instant Villain. Ever since he was saved by the Naruhata Vigilantes from the murderous Stendhal, Soga changed for the better and became a valuable ally to the Naruhata Vigilantes.]

My attention was turned to the reformed villain and part-time bad boy Soga Kugisaki. He looks like an older Kirishima except with blue cyan hair instead of red.

Gaining my attention I soon spoke introducing myself in a neutral tone, "Uh, sorry. I got lost in thought. I'm Ren Yuki."

He soon asked raising an eyebrow at me in a blunt tone, "Soga. What do ya want Ren?"

Finding the right guy there was a reason why I immediately went to him first. Soga Kugizaki, successor of Knuckleduster and detective noir extraordinaire is my key ticket to learning the basics of my fighting style.

Taking in a deep breath and exhaling I bluntly replied staring at the older rough man in the eye asking, "I'm out searching for someone to teach me some martial arts when I heard rumors of the former vigilante Knuckleduster was gone a year ago. But I heard that he had you as a successor of sorts, so I figured, I'd ask. Can you please mentor me?"

Soga was looking me in the eyes with a classic stoic glare asking, "Why?"

I began to explain to him with a scowl on my face recalling my previous host memories, "I was searching for a dojo to learn martial arts when I was Quirkless. But they said I shouldn't bother since they wouldn't favor a kid that had no future."

He raised an eyebrow at me before he finally spoke turning around and shouting, "Boss. I'm taking a break! Be back in a minute. And you follow me."

Nodding my head we left the café, Soga gave me a sideways look before leading me to a secluded corner alley as he said lighting up a cigarette, "So… you had a late manifestation of your Quirk? And instead of going to them, you went to me? In fact, how did you even find out about me, for that matter?"

I already thought up the idea of saying I copied Quirks. But revealing my Gamer abilities to him there would be a likelihood of my abilities being known. Just saying I copied it from others I wouldn't look too suspicious.

I can at least trust his source material about me copying Quirks. We are secluded enough, and he doesn't snitch his friends even to the police.

But that doesn't mean I completely trust him either. Taking in a deep breath I exhaled explaining to him my situation in a desperate tone, "Because… my Quirk allows me to copy Quirks, and I copied from a classmate that had an info-based Quirk on sight. And the Quirks I copy are permanently added to my skill set."

Soga paused processing my words. To prove my point, I even showed [Slide and Glide] much to his shock.

One must be wondering why I would reveal this much to the man. The simple answer would be that I know his character and personality from the MHA: Vigilantes series turning it into my advantage.

Soga had a cruel and violent personality and liked to humiliate and attack people. This stems from the fact that he has been discriminated against due to his actions and his Quirk. He seems to think that everyone around him sees him as some sort of monster, and has developed a love of making other people suffer in place of him due to these circumstances.

He shows some signs of mental instability, as shown when he sees everyone around him with a mocking, condescending smile, and laughing at him, no matter who they are and what they are doing, suggesting that he is unable to separate reality from his perception of the world.

It is suggested that this perception of the world is what makes him so violent. Despite these flaws, he shows solidarity with his friends, who he takes a leadership role for.

He feels kinship with others who have been looked down upon due to their Quirks. He shows a strong sense of loyalty and care towards them, such as when he goes to face Kuin alone and warns her to leave his friends out of their conflict.

He also is very defiant when he knows he is being played, totally trashing a selection of Trigger drugs because he refused to aid in Kuin's plan in any way. Ever since he was saved by the Naruhata Vigilantes from the murderous Stendhal, Soga changed for the better.

As a result, Soga became somewhat of a vigilante himself, even though it broke many laws. He became a devoted student of Knuckleduster and preached some of his teacher's beliefs, though Soga isn't a blind follower and keeps to his own beliefs.

Soga has developed a firm sense of identity and ideology as a vigilante, lecturing those he thinks need it. He believes vigilantes are necessary to those who slip through the cracks of the imperfect institutions.

He has a complicated relationship with the police, as he knows they're fighting for the same cause and will occasionally help them, though if he disagrees with the police's methods, he'll refuse to cooperate.

He dislikes the police prioritizing budgeting over doing genuine good, critiquing Naomasa Tsukauchi for providing limited manpower and time to protect Pop☆Step. Soga doesn't care for the legal definition of a villain, refusing to acknowledge someone as such if he believes they are undeserving.

Soga let out a puff of smoke, looking at me with a stoic glare said in a calm tone, "I see. But that doesn't explain why you come to me and why?"

Hearing his question I responded in a neutral tone eyeing the man as I explained to him why I wanted him to mentor me, "With my Quirk manifesting I want to get into UA in a year's time. My Quirk is good at copying others but not much else. If I want to get into UA, I'll need someone to help me create my martial arts to use in conjunction with my Quirk.

Soga looked at me as he mumbled with a glint of sympathy in his eyes, "Haah! Shit… fine. Give me a few days to prepare."

Having to believe my I smiled as I gazed at the Café asking in a curious tone thanking him for his time, "Thanks! But on a side note is the café hiring people? I kind of need to make my own money seeing I'm willing to pay for your tutoring sessions. Heheheh…"

He sighed at my question as he grabbed my wrist returning to the shop, he yelled out loud to the manager of the Hopper's Café in an annoyed tone, "Sigh… Hey Boss! I brought some hired help for ya!"

One of the bosses who looks like a mutant mantis shows up grinning handing me a butler attire with a confident smirk on his face said to me in a confident tone, "Thanks, Soga! Hey kid welcome to Hopper's Café in East Naruhata! We have a Dishwasher position starting at 650 yen per hour. Plus, free meals what you say!"

I opened my mouth trying to respond but the mantis guy named Kirihito Kamachi gestured me to the kitchen, "Of course will have you! Now come along! I'm Kirihito Kamachi I'll show you how we work!"


Being dragged away Soga smirked seeing my dumbfound expression as he cheekily grinned at me in a stoic tone, "No worries, Ren we'll do some work first and then get down to business in my place. I'll show him how to properly fight."

And yet that somehow doesn't relieve me in the slightest. At the very it's a start somewhere in the right direction…


[A Week Later, Naruhata, Soga's Warehouse, Tokyo Japan]



Dodging a swift jab from Soga using his fist I quickly reacted using the new skills I gained under my tutelage with Soga. Taking a chance to distance myself using [Slide and Glide] to move around faster.



I smirked seeing I was getting better control over my new skills whenever I used my Quirk [Slide and Glide] to repel myself and control my momentum using the halo rings. It was extremely convenient for me to maneuver around.

Over the past week, I've been grinding my skills whenever I can after school here in Soga's private warehouse. He got this warehouse formerly belonging to Knuckleduster his old hideout.

And to be fair these guys are chill as hell. After explaining my living conditions at the orphanage, they extended a hand allowing me to stay here for a time. Of course, I pay rent luckily the Copper's Café is gaining attraction because of my [Cooking] skill but that's beside the point.


A quick leg swipe on Soga's legs and I managed to make him jump as he kicked me in the face causing me to land down hard as I groaned in pain, "Son of a…"

Soga held a smug grin calling our training done for the day as I rubbed my face as my [Massage] skill kicked in in a stoic tone, "You are getting better kid. But you got to hurry soon for work since the boss is appreciating your cooking as of late."

I nodded my head getting ready to leave for my part-time job at the Hopper's Café. When I showed some talent in cooking unlocking my [Cooking] skill it was made apparent after some practice that I could gain the right to cook for customers soon.

Frankly, it was merely thanks to my skills that I managed to get a better cut of the profits and attraction. Skill List.


(Passive) Lv.10/100 EXP: 0.0%

Description: This skill allows the user to completely understand the control of all ridden equipment both known and unknown to the user. Even having never driven a car, the user can make quick decisions that allow the user to easily control it on their first time driving. Even if the user doesn't know the actual function of a button, the user can understand the effect it will have once pressed.

(Active) Lv.10/100 Exp: 0.0%

Description: By clearing your mind and relaxing, you can help your soul and mind heal. This helps by reaching into yourself tapping into the power of the mind to calm the ranging battle within and allow the soul to rest.

-When the user is in Active Meditation, they can restore the lost fatigue, HP, and PP by 10% per Min, but if interrupted stop the process.

(Active) Lv.10/100 Exp: 0%

Description: Your hands are skilled in making people feel relaxed. This skill can cause more pain, relaxation, or pleasure with intent than normal as it helps the body to stimulate dead and damaged tissues and revitalize the human body.

(Passive) Lv.1/100 Exp: 8.0%

Description: My mind, body, and spirit won't fall to the likes of anyone human, demon, dragon, or God to bind me. This skill grants resistance to mental attacks and suppresses negative emotions.

(Active) Lv.5/100 Exp: 0.9%

Description: When actively cooking any dishes, you create will be tasting with greatness in each of your cooking foods. The higher the level of this skill the more the cooking will be imbued with bonus effects. Once reach the max level you unlock the skill [Foodgasm].

(Passive) Lv.5/100 Exp: 0.0%

Description: Brawlers are not martial artists but they are fighters in their own right. Rough and undisciplined, brawlers trade blows for blows and aren't afraid to fight dirty! As a brawler you gain a bonus amount of damage dealt while unarmed or when using improvised weapons.

+5% of unarmed damage

+5% of improvised weapon damage


I smirked seeing the progress being made. All I must do is keep on grinding. Other than that, though my relationship with Himiko seemed to have improved as of late her parents are an issue though…

Maybe I can have her come along to train as well. She was a decent powerhouse in the Villains team and could move to the heroes with some convincing…

I wonder if I give her enough massages and head pats she'll listen or be loyal to me. I mean I have that [Massage] skill I wanna see if I can tame a yandere with the power of massages and head pats.