Chapter 3: Himiko Toga

Chapter 3: Himiko Toga

~Himiko T. POV~

[Musutafu, Kamino Junior High, Japan]


Hearing the bell everyone began to disperse leaving home or getting familiar with the new school we all started in. My name is Toga… Himiko Toga! Just a normal girl with a normal life… But there is something in me that no one knows… It's my secret.

I'm going crazy!

I pretend to be a normal girl… a normal girl that will get many friends… a completely normal girl… just to avoid falling into despair and going completely crazy.

Why does the world have to be so complicated? Why can't I just be me? Why can't I drink the sweet blood of my friends? Why don't I have friends? I don't understand!

I just want to be happy! However, I must suppress my bloodlust and force a smile on my face… it hurts, it hurts a lot to pretend to be someone I'm not.

What would my friends think of me if they found out my secret? Would they call me a freak too? Would they also turn their backs on me like my parents?

I sank into my twisted thoughts, trying to escape reality as I started to walk away from my desk standing a bit too long. Just thinking about what my future friends would look like covered in blood –

"Cut the crap, I know you're faking it."

My thoughts were halted as I turned around alone with the Quirkless boy named Ren Yuki frowning a bit. I quickly changed my expression into a huge smile giggling to reveal my two sharp canines in a fake innocent tone, "What are you talking about Yuki-kun? What am I faking?"

I began panting and blushing lightly as he spoke in a neutral tone eyeing me as I felt my heart skip a beat, "This whole act you're putting on. The innocent little girl acts. I can recognize the signs of a personality disorder, from a mile away. Don't think I haven't noticed. I saw you from the outside of the classroom window that cold look your mother gave you, the way she looked at you as if you were a nuisance."

By this point, he was standing a few inches away from my face. I was shaking startled, and my breathing got ragged.

But it was his oh-so-sweet words whispering into my ears as he spoke in a calm tone smiling directly at me, "They probably say stuff like 'Act like a normal little girl!' or 'Why can't you just be normal!' or am I wrong? Hi~ mi~ ko~ chan~"

I felt my pupils begin to dilate, and my breathing has gotten heavier. His neck was centimeters away from my fangs I could – no! Have control Toga! Just listen Toga! Good girls always listen right?!

At this, my heart skips a beat, and I quickly try to hold myself together…


~Ren Y. POV~

[Musutafu, Kamino Junior High, Japan]



[Himiko Toga Lv.4 Kamino Student

Description: Himiko Toga a Kamino Student who struggles with modern society suppressing her Quirk and needs. She's now confronted with a person knowing her secret devolving into a panic.]

Seems like using my [Observe] skill finally worked out. Now I can see the info of my target and get a description of their state.

All it took was a few sentences for her whole façade to crumble. I needed to be direct and get the true Toga out.

Witnessing from the outside of the students I took notice of Toga's mother. Her wording, and body language. It was obvious she didn't love her daughter even with my meta-knowledge of her and [Language Comprehension].

Add that to my meta-knowledge, and it wasn't that hard to deduce the situation. Absent father, cold mother, a little girl who craves love and attention.

Her parents treated her as a freak. They wanted her to be 'normal' something which would involve suppressing – nay, ignoring her Quirk, since her Quire was deemed 'abnormal.' But it's part of her, so of course it's going to feel normal to her.

Rejecting Himiko's Quirk essentially boils down to rejecting her. Growing older, keeping her quirk under lock and key because she was raised being told it was wrong and awful.

I feel like she began to envy people who had friends and family who genuinely loved them. Regardless of who they were or what their Quirk was, not conditional love like her parents gave her.

This is so gonna hurt but it will be worth it. In more ways than one. I gently whispered into her ear in a calm tone, "Come on. Just do it, I won't tell if you don't."


That was all it took, she instantly bit down at the base of my neck and started drinking to her heart's content. I flinched in pain suddenly getting bitten down. Fuck why did I think it was a good idea!

[-1 HP being continuously sucked!]


[Through continuous beating, skill has been generated the body's durability increases, allowing for less damage taken.]

[Skill learned .]

[+1 INT figuring out this was a dumb plan dumbass!]


I flinched and glared at the screens updating me. I know this was a fucking bad idea thanks for noticing gamer system!

Ah! Ouch! I never knew being sucked of your blood would hurt this much. I noticed my HP bar steadily decreasing [89/100 HP] as she bit me down draining my bodily fluids.

I grunted in pain after she bit me. And waited for a few seconds without moving before I finally said slightly pushing her away, "Okay that's enough."

Skill List.


(Passive) Lv.2 Exp: 0.9%

Description: The body's durability increases, allowing for less damage.

-2% decrease in damage taken by attacks.


Rubbing my neck, I see her snap out of her current state. It only took her a few moments to realize what she had just done, and a look of horror appeared on her face. I took a bandage from my past self pockets always prepared being Quirkless beating up and put it over my wound.

I then raised my collar to cover up the bandage as I spoke in a cheeky tone to Toga, "Geez, Himiko-chan, you're too rough. It's my first time you know so please be gentle."

She calmed down a bit after seeing my nonchalant attitude, with a red blush at my words seemed to trigger a cute response. Tentatively she asked me in a confused tone, "You… You're not disgusted?"

I replied in a curt tone having our conversation, "Why should I?"

Himiko seemed stunned by my response as she replied hesitating in an awkward tone, "I'm a freak. My parents say I should act normal, and that I shouldn't drink blood, because it's wrong."

That was when I tilted my head crossing my arms in a curious tone, "Do you also think the same?"

She mumbled quietly hesitated answering, "I… I don't know… I…"

I stopped Toga as I spoke in a calm tone placing a hand over her shoulder trying to reassure and help her, "Look, the way I see it, quirks are a key part of everyone. No one should tell you what's normal and what's not. There are always ways to utilize your Quirk without being too dangerous, plenty of other people have weird, gross, or dangerous Quirks and are still allowed to use them, so I'm sure something could be worked out."

She stood there a bit stunned as she spoke in a surprised tone at my reasoning, "So you're not afraid of me?"

I shook my head seemingly making her calm down as she explained her quirk to me with a blush on her face, "Uh… my quirk is called [Transform]. I can transform to look like, whoever's blood I drink."

Smiling I spoke genuinely curious if she gets my powers curiously, "Cool. So, since you drank my blood, you can transform into me, right?"

She blushed beat red at my words as she explained averting her gaze away from me in a shy tone hearing a faint whisper at the end, "I-It's a bit embarrassing… I need to remove my clothes if I want to transform…. But I'll show you later - never mind..."

I heard her mumble something about showing me later, but I brushed it off and pretended I didn't hear it. But otherwise… vampire waifu score. We soon walked down I tried talking to her, trying to get her to open up to me.

Her personality was quite different from what I expected. In the show, she was shown to be unstable and manic and had a fetish for cutting people and drinking their blood. A 'sexy Yandere' archetype.

But contrary to that image, all I could see was a sweet girl, who was misunderstood and struggling with her instincts told her and what was deemed acceptable in society. Having said that, I could see how she could eventually become that person in a few years only to die in a war.

No doubt complicated by Quirk's counseling and her shoddy upbringing. In addition to her bloodlust. I wouldn't be surprised if she one day reached a breaking point and turned to murder. Thankfully, I got to her early. And I could shape her into whatever, I wanted.

It sounds pretty fucked up when I think about it. But the alternative would be to let her die as in canon. But why would I want that?

I want in this life to have the best that life has to offer imaginable. But for that to happen I'll make sure I'll use everything I can do to get those results. Nothing but the best of the best for me working my way up.

Soon enough though I need to leave that awful Orphanage. Hmm… First, though I require funds. Funds I won't be able to obtain the easy way much less available to me anyway…

Or better yet find some gullible saps for me to gain advantage over. The sooner away from the orphanage the better.

However, I happen to know the right character for the job to fork me over a few million dollars. Kind of sad I'm resorting to this but frankly this is the only way I could earn some cash and probably won't work again till I figure out a plan….

But it's too risky. I'll consider blackmailing Yuga Aoyama as a last resort.

For now, though I have a Quirk in mind that I'll need right away and probably one of the best out there as soon as I can get. And get some advice on where to train properly. If the memories of this kid's past life are accurate then I should be able to find The Crawler in Naruhata.


[Naruhata, Market Street, Tokyo, Japan]

Taking a bus ride here was simple. I came to Naruhata once I looked up on the news about the infamous or famous local vigilante on the streets.

My eyes turn around trying to locate this man. And I learned that The Tokyo Egg has been bombed in the past. Captain Celebrity had been called back to the US of A. And the vigilante Knuckleduster had disappeared, and Pop*Step had led the charity gala at the Naruhata Central Mall a few years back.

Once I realized this point in the timeline, I grinned eagerly knowing this guy was around. The Local Vigilante Koichi Haimawari also known as The Crawler.

The man himself wearing his normal clothes wearing an All Might hoodie, as he thinks that wearing an All Might hoodie makes him more effective as a vigilante, but now over motorcycle protective gear along with gloves and boots. He rarely uses a black mask to cover his mouth and a pair of tinted shades to hide his eyes.


[Koichi Haimawari Lv.? The Crawler]

Jogging forward The Crawler being the friendly guy noticing me waving at him getting his attention smiled in a friendly tone, "Oh hey! Do you need any help?"

Being simple-minded and honest I replied in a happy tone getting this guy help in an upbeat voice, "Actually, yes. I was looking for… uh… this guy, with spikes for knuckles and blue or cyan hair. You know where I can find him, and can I shake your hands?"

He agreed being the friendly guy that he is spoke as we shook hands even showing me where this guy works, "Yeah. Follow me I'll show you around."


[The host found the Quirk [Slide and Glide]. Would you like to copy?]

[Skill: [Slide and Glide] copied!]

He soon sped up again, sliding into a nearby alleyway. I soon followed as I checked out my new Quirk although… can I rename it?

Skill List.


(Active) Lv.-

PP Cost: 1 PP/Sec.

Description: [Slide and Glide] allows users to project an attractive/repulsive force from their hands and feet. The user can slide across surfaces by lightly repelling themselves away from any surface. The sliding gives the user great speed.



Seeing a similar halo ring glow appearing over my feet and hands I smiled. I'm going to be keeping this Quirk for the future now then… time to get me a combat instructor to help me start grinding.


A/N: Hey guys I noticed that the cover change for this fanfic is still stuck on the previous one I had for this fic. Does the cover change not go through in Apps?