Chapter 22: Battle Trial (2)

Chapter 22: Battle Trial (2)

~Momo Y. POV~

[U.A. High School, Lunch Rush, Japan]

In the morning, we had normal classes, like English. At lunchtime, we ate top-notch food for dirt cheap in the cafeteria. And then it was finally time for the afternoon class!

Finally the hero's basic training!! Everything has been going quite well for the second day of UA. I even made some friends with the girls in class.

While walking down the halls with everyone heading to class I saw the peculiar Ren Yuki come up to me asking in a curious tone, "So your Quirk is quite amazing Momo. Can you create anything?"

A bit surprised by his interest, I smiled happily, obligingly wishing to see where this led. I explained to him, "Yeah, as long as it is not a living thing, I can produce it. Also, I need to know the atomic structure of something that I make."

He seemed surprised as he began to question me about what I could create much to my genuine shock of his ideas he spoke in a calm tone, "That's amazing! So, wait could you create oil? That could also be like a flame-like Quirk. Or maybe even create glue to restrain your enemies? Or even just create a flame thrower and a gas thrower to make your flames bigger. Ahh! Your quirk is so good and versatile!"


Creating a notebook I had to save those ideas. I didn't even think of utilizing those ideas with my Quirk before as I spoke excitedly, "I have had this quirk since I was four and only in a couple of minutes you have given me amazing ideas, please keep talking some more."

He seemed surprised I was asking for his advice but smiled as he spoke agreeing in a confident tone, "Sure I can. How about creating a robot suit around your body and even combining it with a flamethrower? Almost like a mechas…"

I kept on writing down what he had to say. And some of them are quite funny, useful, or dangerous. But it's not impossible to create a nuke… not that I would. But using Glue or firearms that shoot bullets could be more useful than swords and shields.

But this will require me to eat a lot of sweet food to make it work. But this also made me realize what my Quirk can do.

I have come to understand that my Quirk doesn't need just smarts but also a lot of creativity to be used at its utmost capacity. I'm learning so much from Yuki-kun… I wouldn't have been able to think of this outside creativity without his help.

Soon enough after discussing we departed as this was an interesting conversation with him. Anyway, I cut off such a distracting train of thought and proceeded to return to the girls to talk some more wondering if they had some interesting ideas to spare.


[U.A. High School, Class 1-A, Japan]

When I arrive, I see that half of the classroom is full. But my attention turned to see Yuki talking with the invisible girl. I believe her name was Hagakure Toru.

When he notices me coming into the classroom, he just waves at me and says in a curious tone calling me out, "Hey, Momo you are very smart right? Can you confirm something for me and Toru here?"

Even though Toru was invisible I noticed from her shirt movements that she just waved her arms around expressing her embarrassment while saying in an embarrassed tone, "Ren-kun I told you that it is embarrassing to address me with such familiarity… at first you must call me with a -chan."

Then as I was walking toward them, I noticed Tsuyu and Ochaco were staring at them. I wonder why but that was when Ren spoke in a casual tone shrugging his shoulders, "Hey c'mon now don't be so mean Toru. I think that strangers are just people who haven't gotten to know each other."

When I get close to them, I can't help but think maybe he is friendly like this to every girl… he is just a friendly person, I guess. Then I just calmly said to Yuki, "What did you wanna ask Yuki?"

Then he turned around towards me and he saw me, he got a bright smile and then spoke in a confident tone explaining, "You see I was curious if it was possible to create lasers with Toru's Quirk."

When he says that I hear Toru complain again about talking to her with such closeness. I think a bit before answering his question once he explained that Toru can reflect light, "It should be possible. If your quirk is a light reflection that causes [Invisibility], or maybe it just that and doesn't allow you any control over it and it's a passive thing."

Hearing this Ren thinks a bit before he speaks out loud in a curious tone at Toru interested in her capabilities, "Hmm… hey Toru is it possible for you to use sunlight as a lens using your Quirk to warp light creating a flash temporarily blinding people? Or is it possible to absorb light?"

Seeing this Toru argued with him again about him being close. But when I hear this, I can't help but look at Yuki with surprise. He truly is creative, if his this creative and can think up such ideas of quirks he has known about for so little time. I wonder how he uses his Quirk. That is when the bell rings for the lessons to start.


~Third POV~

[U.A. High School, Class 1-A, Japan]

Coming through the classroom of Class 1-A the door slid abruptly opened followed by a booming voice shouting, "I HAVE…!! … COME THROUGH THE DOOR, LIKE NORMAL!!"

Everyone was stunned to see All Might appear in the flesh as everyone was excited and ecstatic seeing him here in UA. Striking a pose at the front of the room All Might shouted proudly, "Foundational Hero Studies! As the name suggests, this class focuses on teaching you everything you need to know to be a proper Hero. As for our first lesson…"

Striking yet another pose, this time holding a placard with the word battle written on it, All Might declared, "We'll be conducting a battle simulation!"

Hearing they would be conducting battle training on the second day of school, a tense yet excited atmosphere pervaded the classroom. Things became especially exciting when All Might pressed the activation switch of a tiny remote, causing the far-side wall of the classroom to slide open, revealing 20 numbers of briefcases as he explains, "To aid in your first battle, the school has prepared gear and costumes per the forms you filled out during your enrollment. In other words, these are your very first Hero costumes…!"

As not everyone had the means to acquire rare materials or develop high-quality costumes, the class practically erupted in response to All Might's words. Ren was similarly excited, as he put considerable effort into designing his Hero Costume.

Soon All Might made a pointing gesture towards the door with his thumb saying in a proud tone then bolted out of the room, "Grab the briefcase matching your Seat Number and then make your way to the Field Beta. You can change in the corresponding locker room. With that said, I'll see you there…!!"


Having left everyone hurried to grab their assigned briefcases, the only exception was Shinso. He didn't have a briefcase just yet, so he waited for everyone else to clear out before grabbing his gym uniform and following at a distance as the class made their way to Field Beta.

Everyone soon took their suitcases and went to the changing room. When Ren took off his clothes gazing at his body smirking at the hard work and muscles he gained over the past year.

But more was his superhero outfit. His outfit was a white skin skin-tight outfit made to protect the user from bladed and piercing weapons with a gold lining around his figure showing his muscular yet lean form with a helmet built-in visor and air filter. Testing his outfit feeling nice on him he thought in a happy tone, 'I make this look good. I just look like the White Ranger from Power Rangers. I suppose I did like their design.'

Seeing his outfit, the nearby Kirishima couldn't help but look at his figure in an impressed tone, "Is that your hero costume? It looks pretty badass, and you have nice muscles.

Ren only smirked as he kept the hero's name to himself in a calm tone responding casually to Kirishima, "Thanks, man. You look cool too."

Kirishima smirked thanking him for his hero costume compliment. And soon enough everyone began to head towards the Training Ground Beta.


[U.A. High School, Ground Beta, Japan]

Everyone soon gathered and assembled at the Ground Beta-like All Might oriented nearly everyone showing their Hero costume. When the students trickled in most of the girls wore form-fitting costumes that would bolster their popularity once they became heroes, while most of the guys wore edgy or flamboyant outfits that would allow them to stand out.

Female heroes especially attractive ones, had a much easier time earning fans and brand endorsement, so male hero costumes needed to be flashy or iconic to compete, but Ren thought neutrally, 'Of course, none of that matters if you were truly powerful…'

Waiting until everyone arrived All Might struck a pose with his hands on his hips and said in an excited tone, "They say the clothes make the Pros, and behold, you are the proof of that claim! From this moment on, you are all officially Heroes-in-training!"

Everyone smiled as Uraraka spoke to Ren after an amount of time distancing themselves in a nervous tone checking his body out, "Hey Ren! I like your costume! A little flashy but it fits your… body."

He paused hearing that as he thought in a surprised tone before smirking, 'Wait did she just check me out?... nice.'

Ren turned to see the girl's Hero Costumes to be the same as canon. But his attention was on Toga's hero uniform, liking the appearance as she waved innocently at him while showing her assets.

Ren returned the kind compliment to her in a kind tone eyeing her outfit being genuine of his words, "Thanks infinity girl, but to be honest I'm more impressed than you. These flexible resist fibers. But looking at you, I see that being a little surer of what I want will pay off greatly."

Ren thanked her compliment while complimenting back as she began to stutter, "Yeah. Y-you know me, that's just my… uh… style."

Finishing talking to Uraraka Ren paid attention as Ida began questioning him, he began explaining what the test would involve in an upbeat tone, "… Most of the villain's fights that you see in the news take place outside. However, statistically speaking run-ins with the dastardliest evil villains occur indoors. Think about it! Backroom deals, home invasions, secret underground lairs. Truly intelligent evils stay hidden in the shadows…"

Feeding into everyone's excitement, All Might began explaining the details of their Battle Training. Simply put they would be split into groups of two, one side playing Heroes, and the other Villains charged with protecting a fake nuclear bomb.

If the heroes managed to touch the bomb before time ran out, they would win. On the other hand, if the Villains managed to incapacitate the heroes or stall until time ran out, they would be the victors.

All Might then proceeded to draw lots from two boxes to randomly form groups. Ida questioned this confused, "Isn't there a better way?"

Seeing All Might struggle Ren stepped in as he answered Ida's question in a casual tone crossing his arms, "Think about it. Pros often had to team up with heroes from other agencies on the fly, so maybe that's the reason we are seeing that here. Random team-ups can happen."

All Might gave Ren a thumbs up as Ida reflected before bowing asking for forgiveness, "Yes, I see. Life is a random series of events. Excuse my rudeness."

All Might didn't mind as Momo remarked on Ren's critical thinking, "Nice thinking!"

He blinked a bit but smirked and winked at her agreeing to take the credit. The draws were picked the same as their canon counterparts except Mineta was replaced with Shinso paired with Momo for this trial battle.

And just as fate seems to be followed, All Might picks up the teams chosen from the boxes in a proud tone, "Moving on, first up are… these! The heroes are team A!! The villains are team D!!"

Hearing this, Bakugo glared at Ren as he slyly grinned underneath his masked helmet visor. Sparks could be seen between the two as the changes of the butterfly wings of the Gamer change the storyline.