Chapter 23: Battle Trial (3)

Chapter 23: Battle Trial (3)

~Ren Y. POV~

[U.A. High School, Ground Beta, Japan]

As things were developing like canon for some of the fights we were facing Bakugo and Ida. Uraraka spoke coming over to me in a teasing tone, "It looks like we're fated to be together, Yuki-kun."

The teasing tone threw me a bit off as I looked at the building paper and responded calmly, "Perhaps but I wouldn't deny the chance Ochaco-chan. But moving on through the building blueprints do you have it memorized?"

She blinked looking at it as I already memorized mine. She did a one-over as she responded in a relief tone, "I think I got it down but at least there's no punishment for failure like with Aizawa sensei, so I'm not too worried."

Understanding her concerns I gazed at the building will be using as I spoke in a calm tone addressing our foes, "True. Didn't expect someone to be expelled but we're going up against Bakugo and Ida. Knowing Ida his probably going to be busy playing into character but Bakugo though…"

Pausing a bit, thinking of what choices he would pick in this situation, I crossed my arms together and pondered out loud, "I wonder… with his big ego and short temper, would he go off on me or you? In a situation like this, he'll have to target you."

Uraraka seemed stunned by my words, confused by my tone, asking in a worried tone, "Eh!?! You mean Bakugo might come after me...?!"

I nodded my head as I explained myself in a calm tone closing my eyes and analyzing the situation in my head, "That's probably the most likely scenario. Judging by his personality and his knowledge he'll choose what he believes is the weak link between us. He already knows I'm skilled enough in CQC but are you any chance…?"

She shook her head realizing that Ochaco didn't have any CQC or any fighting styles before in her life. That's natural considering how she probably never faced anyone fighting her before with hands.

Understanding this I sighed as I spoke in a confident tone as our time was up to begin our lesson, "In that case stay near me. I'll use my Quirk [Attract and Repel] to levitate us to the building but let's take this fight indoors."

She simply nodded as we proceeded to go into one of the building windows repelling us upward. Having gone up enough we managed to infiltrate inside rather easily.

We steadily made our way to the interior of the indoor antipersonnel battle training building I had my hand on the wall hearing Ochaco say in a nervous tone, "Successful infiltration. But lots of blind corners…"

Curtly nodding my head I finally felt the presence of someone approaching us as I smirked notifying her in a calm tone, "I can feel trouble with my [Instinct]. That means Bakugo rushing down to our floor soon. Be prepared to use your Quirk to immobilize him or use the capture tap. Got it, infinity girl?"

Giving her a charming smile she nodded her head as we focused our attention on the sounds. There was light booming in the distance as we steadily made our way into one of the corners –!!



Leaping from one of the corners I shielded Ochaco from the explosion as she shielded her eyes from the flash of his explosion I asked in a calm tone, "We managed to dodge in time. You okay, Uraraka?"

Steadily gaining her sights on Bakugo she responded managing to get up from the explosion in a steady tone, "Yeah! Thanks. He came outta nowhere."

Readying my battle stance I see Bakugo steadily get up ready to lunge at us in an angry tone, "Nice dodging thief. But I'll mess you up enough not to be disqualified!!"


Lunging with his left I immediately grabbed onto his left arm reading his moves. Heh, gotta love the Demon Slayer series for giving me the idea to use [Transparent World]. The way to unlock it was by awakening the Demon Slayer Mark.

For one to awaken the Demon Slayer Mark, they must survive extremely life-threatening conditions, specifically a heart rate of over 200 beats per minute and a body temperature of over 39° Celsius (102.2° Fahrenheit), conditions which can prove to be fatal in most cases.

How I gained it was simple following those steps till my body recognized it as a skill I can obtain. After all, the [Transparent World] is a supernatural ocular ability only accessible to Demon Slayers that have awakened the Demon Slayer Mark.

And I have a Quirk that allows me to manipulate my own body. Using [OFA] for that is simple enough.

Skill List.


(Active) Lv. MAX

Description: The [Transparent World] utilizes a special form of ocular extrasensory perception that alters their vision, allowing them to perceive other living beings as if they were transparent, only being able to see the inner workings of their bodies. Most notably, users can perceive the flow of blood, breathing, muscular contractions, and joint movements of the creature they are looking at.

Potentially, one can use the Transparent World's power to see inside an enemy's body to predict and evade their opponent's attacks, as well as to find openings for their strikes. Additionally, the user can perceive the world around them as if it were in slow motion, thus dramatically increasing their movement speed and reflexes.


Using [Transparent World] I can see how Bakugo moves and his Quirk Factor building up a sweat in his hands. And I've seen enough moves from Toga to know how to counter speedy attacks and this was no different holding his grenade like a gauntlet.


Using his explosion he managed to get away at the last second using the force behind his explosion to distance himself from me. With a shocked expression as he got angry, "That look… it pisses me off!!"


Lunging ahead he went for a kick directed at me. But instead of an attack, he used me as a stepping stone using my block to ignore me completely going for Uraraka using his explosions to catch up.


Narrowing my eyes I grabbed onto his leg as he tried to leave holding the wild Pomeranian tightly as he lowered his head down at me. But in that exact moment, I see him grab the pin on his gauntlet as he yanked the pin yelling out loud pointing in my direction, "Suck on this…!!"

Ah… I see now. Not a bad strategy –



What I saw was a big explosion at point-blank range heading towards me I spoke in a neutral tone, "Not a bad plan. But it's not good enough. I've already done this song and dance before number 2."

Using my meta-knowledge, Bakugo used his explosion to disperse the blast. Leaping backward in the moment of the impact thanks to my [Instinct], I effectively neutralized the damage done to me by using [Attract and Repel] similar to how The Crawler fought No.6 in the vigilante manga.

I began to maneuver around the environment, sticking to the walls and ceilings. Activating [Full Cowl], I began to move quickly zig-zagging using the walls to maneuver around sticking to them with my halo rings of attraction, allowing Bakugo to attack me and activating my [Instinct].


Moving behind Bakugo I appeared too fast for them to track. He was too busy seeing the destruction he caused as he had a grin on his face speaking in an arrogant tone, "Use your quirk thief. I wanna crush you… at your strongest – "

Answering his desire I spoke in a cold tone startling him, "Very well."


Slamming my hand from behind his head I immediately made sure he felt that one. I get my answer if he was knocked out cold from my EXP I earned beating Bakugo easily using my strength.

[You gain 10 EXP!]

Seeing Bakugo is down and using the capture tape I gazed at the shocked Ochaco extending a hand with a smile on my face and speaking in a calm tone, "You okay there Ochaco-chan?"

Grabbing my hand she steadily nodded her head looking at me stary-eyed in an impressed tone, "Y-Yeah… but you were so amazing! How did you manage to get behind Bakugo so fast? You were just like All Might there!!"

Rubbing the back of my head I sheepishly responded in a confident tone shrugging my shoulders, "I wouldn't say I'm that fast, but we have a trial to win. With the wild Pomeranian down all that is left is Ida. We gotta hurry."

Remembering our objective we hurriedly made our way to where the bomb was located Ida as we stayed silent. But that was when we heard him whispering in a serious tone, "Bakugo has a natural tendency towards troublemaking, so this exercise is perfectly suited to him… hump… I suppose I must take on the role of a villain… though it brings me shame to the Ida family name, this training will help me become a better man! I must commit!! I am… the ultimate evil! Mwahahahaha!!!"


I couldn't help seeing that serious idiot look so much like a dork as I spat out of how cringe he was being and Ochaco spat out loud, "He's so serious/He's so cringe!!"

But then our response brought his attention as he was alert seeing the both of us activating his engines with a villain monologue, "So you've come, heroes! You already dispatched my minion, Bakugo! I calculated as much, once he ran off on his own! I know your Quirks carefully well so before you arrived… I enacted a counter strategy against you removing all objects on the floor! Mwahahahaha –"

Using [Attract and Repel] + [Full Cowl] I was already on top of Ida with a bored expression knocking him over the head in a bored tone, "Bored now. Fight time."


[You gain 12 EXP!]


Knocking Ida out cold that was when we hear from the speakers of All Might in an excited tone, "The hero team… WINNNNNNNS!!"


[U.A. High School, Monitor Room, Japan]

We were reunited with everyone from class in the monitoring room. I guess it was only natural, but I received quite a lot of praise from my classmates and some unsure looks from others.

Checking the video feeds from the moment Bakugo launched his surprised attack, I blurred out the way, dispersing the explosion in the moment of impact. They even had to use slow motion on the camera to see my motion, stunning my classmates.

Well, I guess I can't please everyone as All Might announced me being the VIP for obvious reasons. Although it does help me cement the fact to others that I 'copied' All Might's Quirk considering he was here and had a handshake with the man.

Eventually, all the fights ended soon enough seeing each fight done as All Might announced after everyone gathered in front of the exit gate, "That's a rap! Good work! You really step up to the plate! Didn't have any major injuries, you should be proud! Excellent first day of training all around."

Asui soon remarked in her usual blunt tone raising her finger to her lips about today, "It's nice hearing some encouraging words after our homeroom class. Mister Aizawa was kind of a buzz kill."

All Might soon left after giving us some parting words of encouragement leaving like a pro on going for milk, "I'm happy to bring some staggering positivity to my dear students. So it's all for now folks, now watch how a pro exits…"

Seeing them my classmates are gonna hound me about my speed. But first Tsuyu and Ochaco approached me as if all the ignoring today was a distant memory.

Touching her chin Tsuyu wearing a predominately green, frog-themed bodysuit with goggles remarked in an impressed tone, "You gave it your all didn't you Ren-chan?"

Adopting a somewhat wry smile I replied rubbing the back of my head not used to being praised before sheepishly, "Thanks. I appreciate the compliment. Unfortunately, I still have a way to go before I can call myself a Pro. If I hadn't lowered my guard, I would've been caught in Bakugo's surprise attack."

Though I didn't get hurt by his surprise attack did leave me surprised. If my [Instinct] skill hadn't reacted, I wouldn't be sure of the results since that attack was a missile to the face and I didn't want to to test my durability to find out.

Still, Tsuyu gave my body more than a cursory glance before speaking in a blunt tone, "Your condition doesn't seem too bad. Your Quirk is a lot more versatile than I initially thought, ribbit. I'm envious…"

That's the exact reaction I was expecting. But I was chill with her words as I retorted about some Quirks I'm jealous of in a calm tone, "The Quirks I'm envious of are Ochaco and Todoroki's honestly. Giving objects the properties of zero gravity and being able to freeze over an entire building is incredible."

Hearing my words of praise Todoroki looked at me weirdly but Ochaco exhaled a nervous laugh rubbing the back of her head in a nervous tone, "My Quirk isn't anything to be envious of. It's super useful in certain situations, but it isn't as flashy or cool as an emission or enhancement type Quirks. If I'm unlucky, I could be spending my entire career as a sidekick."

Resisting the urge to correct her I simply responded in a calm tone providing some confidence with a grin, "Nah. You're being too hard on yourself Ochaco-san. If anything, I think you just lack confidence in yourself after all the sky's the limit of how far you can go into the Pros."



Once again it seems I overstepped my boundaries as I left Ochaco smiling and bashfully beat red with Tsuyu smacking me with her tongue once again dodging thanks to [Instinct]. I blinked as I apologized again, "… I overdid it again, didn't I?"

No words were said as Tsuyu abruptly began walking away followed shortly by an embarrassed Ochaco with Shinso patting my shoulder with a smug grin behind Kirishima and Denki nodding sagely in a smug tone, "You had a good run old chum. But you might have better luck next time…"

… I hate this guy.