Chapter 151: MHA – Heroes Rising Arc (4)
~Third POV~
[Nighttime, Nabu Island – Hero Office, Iogi Heights, Japan]
Everyone in Class 1-A was forcibly woken up from their sleep by Ren's request for begrudgery. The first to ask, being woken up from their slumber, Denki yawned out loud, annoyed, "Ahh… Why did you have to wake us up, Class Rep? It's already noon. Couldn't this have been waited in the morning?"
However, instead of the usual playful expression on his face, Ren bluntly said in a serious tone, getting an immediate reaction from the students, "I'm sorry, but this couldn't wait. I've used my Quirk [Foresight] on tomorrow's agenda and saw that Nabu Island would get attacked by villains."
Their tired expressions then shifted to concern as Bakugo immediately understood with a serious expression, his arms crossed, "So? You wouldn't have woken everyone if you didn't think you could handle some small-time villain?"
Hearing his response, Ren bluntly said that made the students freeze in place, "Quirk Amplification Device. Each one is equipped with them. Only four villains, but their boss is the main threat I'll have to deal with alone."
Listening to him first, Momo spoke up, regaining her composure, asking in a serious tone, "Alright, Class Rep… explain what you can tell us about the villains…"
Nodding his head, Ren used his meta knowledge to his advantage and the information he'd gained using the [Foresight] Quirk, informing his classmates. Each bore a varied expression showing concern for the villains.
Hearing this, all eyes were now on Ren as they trusted his plans since up till now, not one of his plans failed. Even in dire situations, he was the man with a plan.
All eyes on him, Todoroki asked in a serious tone, trusting to follow their leader, "Alright, Class Rep, what's the plan…"
All eyes were now on Ren, trusting him with his words and actions. He smiled as he placed a hand under his chin and said, "Oh… I have a plan. If this works perfectly well, we won't have to worry about the other three, even with Quirk Amplification Devices. Just leave the big guy to me, and I want you guys to jump the other three…"
With that, Ren explained his plan to them, as well as the place where everything would go down for the upcoming event of fighting the villains. Everyone's eyes widened, hearing his plan, with Bakugo grinning at this.
[Next Day, Nabu Island – Hero Office, Iogi Heights, Japan]
The next day, everything was normal inside the Hero Office, with UA Students doing their program. Taking the next call on the phone, Mina picked it up and said cheerfully, "Hello there, you've reached the UA Hero Agency. Oh, your suitcase has gone missing? Sure, sure, we'll send someone right away. We've got a tourist down at the shopping center who's lost her luggage, you guys."
Hearing this, Toru raised her hand as she spoke up in an excited tone, getting a helping hand in the process, "I can do it! Izuku, you should come with me!"
Izuku, hearing this, nodded his head, getting ready as Shinso muttered nearby, "Jeez. More lost luggage? Come on, try looking for your own stuff."
Mina meanwhile clasped her hands together as she said jokingly, "You should've heard her. She sounded like a real cutie."
Shinso rolled his eyes, annoyed not falling for that, as one of Ren's clones, the Black Ranger, spoke up, "In that case, I'll go with Toru then."
Momo turned around and asked her classmates, holding her phone and asking them, "Yui wants to know if anybody's available to back him up at the beach."
Standing up from her spot, Kendo spoke up, gazing at Momo, accepting the job happily, "No problem, I can do that."
Tokoyami begins to walk out as he responds in a stoic tone, performing his duties, "I'll see to the regular patrol."
Kinoko received a call as she began to stand up, ready to leave for her job in an optimistic tone, "I'm going down to the Nijimas' to help with the fields. Anyone want to join shroom?"
The class began to perform their duties as usual, with Ren remaining silent for the time being. His eyes opened as he had his clones tell him the news. Smiling, he said, getting everyone's attention, "Villains are incoming our way from the coast… time to show them what the heroes of the next generation are capable of. Ida the message?"
Ida nodded his head, saluting, expressing a serious look, and responding in a determined tone, "I already had it sent. The other heroes should hurry along with the info, but is it wise to leave this Nine to you, Class Rep?"
Sadly, Ren nodded his head as he explained with a wry grin, rubbing the back of his head, "Sadly, yeah. That guy will go after me, and you guys can't face him unless you can fly to fight him or have your Quirk stolen. But if all else fails, I have my clones on standby, and we can use this to see how far we have gotten."
Muttering the last part to himself, reaching for his earpiece, he grinned in a determined tone, "Alright, everyone! The plan is in motion. It's time for battle!"
[Sunset, Ship, Sea – Nabu Island Harbor, Japan]
Meanwhile, Nine's group was approaching the Nabu Island Harbor as they intended to reach their destination. Chimera, Mummy, and Slice were prepared as Nine steadily observed the face of their direction eyes closed.
But then his eyes widened as his [Scanning] Quirk reacted. Nine can use this Quirk to identify different Quirks belonging to others and gain a read on their abilities through an infrared-like vision. To an extent, he can also use this Quirk to measure their respective power levels.
His face turned up as he voiced to everyone in a serious tone, "Everyone – "
An explosion erupted from the ship. Nine eyes tilted towards an energy shot of electricity from the portal, destroying the ferry ship from a [Railgun], causing the destruction.
Being suddenly caught off guard, the villains struggled as they immediately tried to assist the situation. Mummy said, alarmed, "What the hell – "
At that moment, Mummy fell into a portal caused by Ren's [Wormhole]. Chimera began to lunge forward to grab his comrade, "No, Mummy – "
Chimera then got into the portal, trying to save his ally. Slice fell back as she dropped into the portal. Nine began to levitate himself up, using [Levitation], rising into the air and meeting Ren, donning his White Ranger uniform. He calmly asked Ren, using [Scanning] on him, "So it was you after all… those portals are your trademark Ren Yuki, or do you prefer that childish name Power Ranger?"
Ren, meeting Nine in the air away from Nabu Island, spoke in a cold tone, glaring underneath his helmet, "And you must be Nine. The experimental rat that strived for power… what a fool you are."
The rumbling of the sky as they rise into the sky with Nine using his [Weather Manipulation] as the clouds darkly formed. Nine merely said in a respectful tone, "Perhaps. But for what's worth, if you were allowed to live in my new world, I would think you've been one of the rising stars where the strong thrived…. Sadly, that same strength is something I won't allow you to continue living. You have a Quirk I want. Many, in fact."
Ren merely smirked underneath his helmet as he used [Float] to rise in the sky as he muttered, "Too bad. But I can't let a villain like you stay around, harming people for your own selfish needs."
Nine merely kept a neutral expression, feeling his Quirks of [AFO] negated from Ren's [Negation] Quirk. Only his original Quirk [Weather Manipulation] as a tornado formed underneath Nine as he said stoically, "I feel you negated my stolen Quirks by nullifying one. But you can't nullify 'all' my Quirks like my [Weather Manipulation]. Mark my words, Power Ranger… I'm going to steal your Quirks."
Ren smirked under his helmet as he muttered with the thunderclouds forming in a determined tone, "No way. I – no. We're gonna kick the crap out of you losers."
Nine glared as the clouds roared in. He muttered in a determined tone, "Soon, I'll be a king of a new reality. A bunch of children won't stop me."
As the two prepared for battle, Ren eyed the Quirk Amplification Device as he pondered, 'I swear that damn device again... I'll take it and modify it to dismantle the copies or make one for myself.'
[Sunset, Nabu Island – Mount Shiroyama, Forest Area, Japan]
Mummy soon fell on his ass as he struggled to get his footing the portal closed behind him, and he muttered, surprised, "Shit – Where the hell am I! No, wait, where's the boss – "
Immediately, a mechanical gauntlet rushed at Mummy, forcing him to move. But in the process, Izuku's voice could be heard, "[Iron Deku: Radio Jammer]!"
Suddenly enveloping the forest area and the whole island, a radio frequency was sent to all electronics. Mummy's eyes widened when he saw the Quirk Amplification Device he had on him short-circuited, alarming him greatly.
But soon enough, Mummy, also known as Hoyo Makihara began to use his Quirk [Mummification]. Hoyo's Quirk allows him to manipulate his bandages and ensnare anything that gets caught in them. The bandages can be broken with enough force.
If Hoyo captures inanimate objects, he can control them and use them as weaponry. He can't manipulate living things, but he can manipulate any objects they may possess, as well as control people's clothing.
Whipping the bandages that he made from his body, he observed the area as he thought critically of the situation, 'No way… these brats knew we were coming?! But we didn't inform or tip them off, so how in the hell did they know…'
Hoyo is a very talented fighter, and like everyone else in Nine's group, he is powerful enough to take on multiple opponents by himself. He has excellent control over his Quirk, [Mummification], for which he uses his bandages to ensnare inanimate objects and turn them into humanoid red mummies that Hoyo can freely control, primarily using them as foot soldiers and as a means for creating diversions for his comrades.
Unfortunately, though, he began wrapping nearby rocks to create his forces. Due to his being in a forest area, he is unable to control living things, such as trees, as he begins to break them down in an angry tone, "Tch. Just my luck, I had to be here in the freaking forest. If it was near a town or shopping center, I would've gained more things to control."
Darting his head around, observing the area, he grew concerned by their abrupt separation in a nervous tone, "Still, those brats managed to separate us, and with their leader, it won't be easy – huh?"
It was when Mummy noticed that his bandages were covered in mushrooms. He looked extremely alarmed as Mummy began to inhale the spores placed around his area, "What the hell!! Where the hell did – Ack!!"
Immediately, as he opened his mouth, he inhaled the spores in his body. The mushrooms began to sprout inside his lungs, forcing him to suffocate as he began to unravel his bandages to get airflow into his body.
Then, a smokescreen enveloped his area, blinding him as Mummy thought, trying to get rid of the smoke covering him, 'Wait, this is… sleeping gas!!'
Waving his bandages around, Mummy began to move sluggishly. His vision blurs, and he sees students move around as he slumps to the ground in an angry tone, "Y – You blasted-d kids…"
They fall unconscious, revealing to be Momo, Yui, Green Ranger, and Kinoko coming out from their hiding place. Handcuffing Mummy, Momo began to notify her other classmates in a serious tone, "We managed to capture the Mummy on our end, preparing the trap in advance. We'll detain him and meet up at the ruins!"
Having trapped and defeated Mummy, other fights were occurring around Mount Shiroyama, each group facing the villains…