Chapter 150: MHA – Heroes Rising Arc (3)
~Third POV~
[At the same time, UA High School – Teacher's Office, Japan]
Within the UA High Teacher's Office, All Might gazed at the showering snowflakes as he wondered out loud to himself, "I can't help but wonder how the kids are doin' out there all on their own."
Aizawa, busy with his work, replied stoically at All Might's concerns, "Nabu Island has a population of 1000, and there's been nothing but minor crimes in the past 30 years. So, I wouldn't worry too much."
Turning his seat around, staring All Might in the face, he continues explaining to him, "Besides, being a hero isn't only about flashy rescues. Remember, there's more to it than helping in disasters and taking down supervillains. The small stuff can matter just as much. Like getting to know the people they're supposed to protect."
All Might simply nodded, returning to his job as he couldn't help but ponder worriedly, 'I get it, Aizawa, but… I just can't help but be worried for them. I just worry that it doesn't become a thing with my successor getting targeted and his friends because of his status being my successor…'
Turning around, sitting, and staring at the computer screen, he thought, 'I just hope they're doing alright…'
[Sunset, Nabu Island – Hero Office, Iogi Heights, Japan]
Time passed as the students of Class 1-A sighed as Yui muttered in a tired tone, "I'm exhausted."
Denki remarked, leaning on his chair and placing a hand over his stomach of the exhaustion in a tired tone, "We've gone Plus Ultra beyond what's allowed by the Labor Standards Act."
Raising his arm up slowly, Sero asked Ren and Momo, finishing the paperwork, "Hey, uh. How 'bout fewer small jobs?"
Writing down the paperwork and Momo working on the computer, Ren replied, shaking his head as he sheepishly said, "Sorry, but no can do, Sero. All jobs are equally vital."
Momo nodded her head, agreeing as she stood up, facing her classmates, reminding them in a kind tone, "It may be true that we came here as heroes, but remember, we're still just students. We must work hard and prove ourselves to earn the islanders' trust."
It was when Shinso spoke up, eyeing Bakugo as he raised his voice, that he said stoically, "Not sure if that goes for all of us, though. Mister Dynamight over here had his ass sat here all day."
Bakugo simply rolled his eyes unbothered waving his hand off as he replied dismissively, "Well, somebody's gotta stay behind and watch the office, moron. What're you gonna do if a villain shows up while all you geniuses are out doing stupid crap, huh?"
Ren remained silent as Kirishima muttered out loud, lying his face on the table, "Oh, come on. There aren't any villains on this island."
It was when the Mayor's voice was heard drawing all attention to the entrance as he announced himself to them, "Sorry for barging in."
Ren's eyes widened as the mayor and other citizens of Nabu Island arrived with gifts as he went towards them in a surprised tone, "Mr. Mayor!"
The citizens brought gifts of food to show their appreciation. The table is then lined up with a buffet of food for the people they helped as the students yelled excitedly, "All right! Let's dig in!"
Ren chuckled as he and Momo left their classmates to eat. They then went outside, where the Mayor and the citizens were. Momo began thanking them kindly and said, "Thank you for your hospitality."
Mr. Mayor, on the other hand, brushed her words off, showing his appreciation in a kind tone, said to them, "Please, considering how hard you've been working, it's the least we could do."
Granny, with the citizens, spoke up kindly next, showing her appreciation in a kind tone, "And I'm sure we can continue to count on you."
Momo shook happily as Ren smiled, giving a light bow as he replied in a happy tone, "Absolutely, we'll keep doing our best."
After giving their greetings and thanks, the citizens left the students alone. Momo and Ren returned, enjoying the moment with their classmates.
[Nighttime, Nabu Island – Hero Office, Iogi Heights, Japan]
"That was delicious!"
All the students were stuffed from eating the food delivered to them. Izuku sighed out loud happily as he said, "Whew! Wow, man, I'm so full!"
Sitting on a chair on the side, Ren said with Tsuyu and Ochaco at the other end in a satisfied tone, "You could really feel the love they put into their cooking."
Tsuyu then said with a satisfied expression on her face in a happy tone, "Moments like these really remind me why I wanted to become a hero."
Ochaco agreed with a 'yeah' as Bakugo scoffs, overhearing them. Denki, along with a few of the guys, extended an invitation in a friendly tone and said, "Kacchan of the Bakugos! We're gonna go get cleaned up and hit the sack."
Not hesitating for a second, Kirishima saluted to him, caught by surprise at his words, "Night watch is all yours!"
Bakugo exploded, yelling out loud, "What?! Why me?!"
Sero explained with a cheeky grin on his face, the reasoning why it was him bluntly, "Because you sat around the office all day."
Bakugo relented with a light growl as he was forced to night duty. Ren chuckled to the side now as he began to clean up the dishes.
When everyone began to turn in for the night, Ren stayed up, seeing the night sky. While he was stargazing, his eyes finally landed on Bakugo as he said in a friendly tone, "So how was patrol of night duty?"
Bakugo scoffs, giving him the middle finger in an angry tone, "Tch. It was fine, no trouble happening. You didn't have to stay for me to return thief."
Ren simply smiled as Bakugo entered. And his patience was rewarded as from the corner of the entrance, he saw Katsuma around the corner looking nervous, saying, "' Scuse me."
Ren came kneeling as he asked in a calm tone, "You okay there, Katsuma?"
Twirling his fingers around, Katsuma then asked, looking a bit nervous, said to him, "Um, to tell you that… there's a villain!"
Understanding the prank using his meta-knowledge, he simply nodded as he said in a serious tone, "I understand. It's morphing time!"
Activating his Morpher Bracelet as a light enveloped Ren in his White Ranger uniform. Ren, done transferring, asked in a determined tone, "Where is the villain?"
Katsuma hesitated lightly as he said nervously, "Um, over at Mount Shiroyama in the ruins of the castle."
Nodding his head, Ren opened a portal using [Wormhole], impressed Katsuma as he saluted in a determined tone, "Thank you, young man. Stay here with the others. I'll handle the villain shortly!"
Ren entered the portal with Katsuma looking nervous. He slowly followed in after him as Ren knew he would follow slyly, smiling underneath his helmet.
[Nighttime, Nabu Island – Mount Shiroyama, Japan]
Mount Shiroyama is located on a smaller island northwest of Nabu. Both islands are connected by a narrow path that crosses the sea, the beginning of which is flanked by two statues of beasts.
Much of Mount Shiroyama is almost covered by the ruins of an ancient castle, built by the inhabitants of the island long ago. Much of this structure was built by seizing the large natural caves under Mount Shiroyama, which are so extensive that they can house the entire population of Nabu Island.
Exiting the portal, Ren stopped seeing a big mantis-like monster in the distance. Katsuma soon followed, looking a bit nervous as Ren bluntly said, "Let me guess. Your sister Quirk can make holograms by chance?"
Katsuma's eyes widened enough for Ren to get his answer. Gazing in her direction, he simply used [Negation], nullifying Mahoro's quirk as he said, "Hey, kiddo! You are done trying to play around!"
Left with no choice, her face pouted as she yelled at him in an angry tone, "Hey, that's not fair!"
Ren merely shook his head as he helplessly said, unlocking his helmet with a sly grin, scolding her lightly, "So that was your quirk then, missy? You do know it's illegal to use your Quirk to taunt some heroes, yes?"
She froze her face, expressing genuine worry as Katsuma looked worriedly. But Ren then looked around playfully and said, "But that can't be right. The boy said there was a villain around! It can't be from a child, or else I would've taken this with her father!"
Her face immediately paled at the thought of her father knowing what she was doing as she tried to plead helplessly, "Whoa…!! Wait, we don't have to do that. Oh, right! There was a villain, but he had already escaped! Yeah, that's what happened!!"
Ren had a snarky grin as Mahoro pleaded her case as he rubbed her head, comforting her concerns. He does his duties as he takes the two home, flying through the air using his [Float] and [Attract and Repel], soaring through the air.
Mahoro screamed from the sudden increase in speed. Katsuma's eyes widened observing through the air with a hero.
Ren merely smiled as they flew through the sky as he thought, gazing at the starry night sky in a cheeky tone, 'Heh. Does this girl think she can ruin my fan? Nah, I'd appease.'
Asking the younger boy the directions to their home, he happily answered, enjoying the ride there, much to his sister's dismay. Ren simply nodded as he maneuvered around Nabu Island to their home.
While soaring through the air, Ren couldn't help but think in a serious tone, gazing at the harbor in the distance, 'Tomorrow is when Nine and his crew will attack. I gotta prepare for the advances against them since they'll cause a stir. Best to have my clones at the ready when they appear.'
Determined to stop the attack, Ren flew to drop off the kids at their home. Upon doing so, he used [Foresight] Quirk on himself as he smirked, gaining this Quirk checking the skill list.
[Foresight] (Active) Lv. –
Cooldown: 24 Hours
Description: [Foresight] granted the user the ability to accurately predict all of the target's future moves and actions for an entire hour. [Foresight] is activated by first touching a target and then making eye contact with them. Once these conditions had been met, the user could watch the target's future lifetime from a third-person perspective that showcased the target themselves and their immediate surroundings like a flashback.
One of the drawbacks to this ability is that the user is incapable of giving a precise date when said events will happen, thus having to rely on rough estimates. As the nature of [Foresight] is completely sight-based, the user is unable to listen to future dialogue and thus cannot fully interpret certain actions and events. Once [Foresight] is activated, the user has required a 24-hour interval before he can activate it again.
When he did so, checking his own future, he saw the glimpses of what was to come in the full entire hour, reading the lips and using [Observe] to gather everything. He smirked, having a plan in mind as he made sure he was prepared for them when they arrived…
[Nighttime, Japan's Sea, Ship]
Meanwhile, with Nine's crew, they finally arrived at a harbor containing a few ships at the ready. Nine gazed at the ship, with Mummy saying to him, "We have everything of the heroes in Nabu Island. With these Quirk Amplification Devices, there'll be no one who could stop us Nine. Not even against All Might's Protégé, the Power Ranger."
Nine merely nodded his head as Slice licked her lips, equipped with a bracer-made Quirk Amplification Device, "Yeah. With these, we can finally make your dream a reality, boss. Taking that kid's Quirk would be a cinch."
Nine simply nodded as he responded in a serious tone, gazing at the starry night sky, "I understand, Slice and Mummy. But all the same, he's someone we can't underestimate. I've seen what he can do in the past against AFO. He is not an opponent we can tread lightly. In our ideal world, he must be wiped from the board."
Nine's group, consisting of Chimera, Slice, and Mummy, all agreed. They knew that facing against and stealing Quirks from the Power Ranger was risky as they reviewed the Quirks in his collection.
But they also had more faith in their leader Nine's winning. Compared to him, who had a lot of fighting experience in wars and scuffles around the world, facing a kid with many Quirks wasn't anything to them.