Chapter 120: The Hero and the Frog

Chapter 120: The Hero and the Frog

~Third POV~

[Afterschool, UA Highschool, Hallway, Japan]

All four of the girls, Kinoko, Toru, Mina, and Toga, wore shades looking cool. Mina spoke confidently, explaining, "While I give you help via commlink, Kinoko would help with dressing up. Toru and Toga here are going to use their Quirks to make things as romantic as possible."

They all nodded, with Toga responding cutely, squealing in joy as she said, "You guys are going to be so cute together!"

But that was when Ren noticed the glasses, asking confusedly, "Wait, aren't those Tonya's glasses?"

Kinoko innocently puts up a peace sign saying, "We're not crooks!"

All the girls began to pose, with a title glass appearing behind them, as Mina said coolly, "Super Spies—let Operation: Pep Step begin!"

That was when one of the men holding the glass title asked Ren stoically, "We're looking for Mei Hatsume?"

Blinking at the convenient timing, Ren replied simply, "2nd building, 3rd door down."

With them leaving, Mina soon dragged Ren to their dorm rooms, preparing for the date. Kinoko and Toga left to help Tsuyu while Mina and Toru helped Ren dress up.


~Ren Y. POV~

[Sunset, UA Highschool, Heights Alliance, Japan]

Toru and Mina helped me get ready for the date with Tsuyu. It felt weird having them dress me up with me on a date with my classmate, but I was already this deep in so I may as well see it to the end.

A few hours later, I went to pick up Tsuyu, and well…

She looked stunning in her green dress, her hair braided, and she looked a bit embarrassed from the way she moved. Having her hand behind her, opening the door, she asked with a light blush on her face, "So, are you ready to go? Ribbit."

Holy crap, she's really cute!

But I regained my composure from her cuteness. I calmly spoke to her with a smile, expressing confidence, "You look really lovely today. Especially your cuteness leaving me speechless."

Her face blushed as she twirled her fingers and said bluntly, "Thanks. You do, too."

To be honest, I'm starting to think that this idea of Mina's could actually be fun. I mean, what's the worst that could happen?


[Nighttime, Park, Tokyo, Japan]


As a hero, I've endured a lot of hardships. Lots of bullshit that the world has to offer.

But this? This is something I could never have fathomed. How on earth did this even happen?!

We were having a good time having fun… at first. We went to a karaoke club except Toru somehow set the karaoke machine on fire.

Mina and Toga snuck in and disguised themselves as a waiter, which didn't end any better somehow. Kinoko didn't help by adding lots of mushrooms to our dishes.

And finally, the four of them somehow managed to buy every ticket for all the films but one overly cliché romantic comedy. I'm willing to bet Momo had a hand on that one…

And that brings us to this very moment. We're both at the park during the nighttime, sitting at a bench after multiple bad luck happening to us.

This was an incredibly awkward and tense moment. But that was Tsuyu spoke up in an apologetic tone, "I'm sorry… about everything. I know I'm not all that fun to hang out with. Ribbit."

Listening to her tone, I tried to dissuade her apology as I caught up on what she said, trying to comfort her, "Sorry about – Tsuyu, all that stuff before were just freak accidents. Well, except for the movie, I feel like I was partly to blame for that one. It wasn't your fault, if anything, it was mine. Asui?"

Despite me trying to calm her down, she instead looked emotional. But I listened when she asked me a question, "Yuki, do you believe in fairy tales? Well, I mean did you ever hear a fairy tale you liked so much you wanted it to be real?"

Hearing her question, I pondered a bit before I slowly nodded my head, admitting to her idea in a calm tone, "Time to time I guess yes I suppose."

Paying full attention to her she raised her hand as she began to explain in a calm tone looking down on her raised hand, "My parents would usually read me a bedtime story. Do you know the one about how the princess kisses a frog, and it becomes a prince?"

Nodding my head, I replied, "More or less."

Continuing her story, Tsuyu begins to explain to me about her story, listening attentively, "It was kind of like that but with a bit of their special touch."

It was when I began to listen to the bedtime story that Tsuyu shared with me in a vulnerable tone, "Once upon a time, there was a princess. Although she was loved by her kingdom, she lacked the confidence to lead. You see, the princess had a terrible curse that transformed her into a frog should her spirit waver."

Sounds to me like they changed more than a bit of the original story. But I let it roll, continuing to listen to her tale, "One day, bandits came and began burning her kingdom to the ground. The princess knew she had to help her people and chose to fight off the bandits. But, despite her brave actions, her heart still wavered. And she began to change. The bandits laughed, calling her a freak, a monster. But the princess refused to give up. Not while her people were in danger as she said, 'Whether woman or beast, I will protect the ones I love!' Weakened and injured, the bandit readied himself to end it. But one hero refused to let that happen as he said, 'I'm sorry, princess! I should have been here sooner! Our people are safe now because you stood your ground! Now, it is our turn. So stand up with your head held high! Slouching is no pose for a hero!'"

Listening to this part, I couldn't help but mutter out loud of the story, "This feels like it has more than just a few unique touches to it."

Tsuyu laughed lightly, understanding my point as she replied bluntly, "My mom is a very creative person. Ribbit."

Accepting that, I continued listening to Tsuyu's story as she continued her tale, reaching its conclusion, "With the kingdom united, the bandits were defeated. The hero asks the prince if her soul still wavers, and she replies confidently, 'Actually, I think my soul is at ease. I had always believed this form to be a curse, a true form of cowardice. Yet fear did not cloud my need to protect my people. It's thanks to you, Hero, that I can see who I am. What am I meant to do with this power? I will use this power that I have shunned for so long and find a way to help my people with it. The power of the frog is not a curse but a blessing. I shall call this new form…' Froppy."

I looked surprised as I couldn't help but exclaim, curiously impressed, "So that's where your hero's name came from?"

She slowly nodded her head as her head hung down and asked me a question, "Do… Do you remember the first thing I said to you on the bus trip to the USJ?"

Nodding my head, recalling how I copied All Might's Quirk, she continued to explain, seeing her hands clasping together tightly as she said, "The truth is that when I first saw All Might, I thought he was the hero from my story. But then, I met you. And suddenly, everything seemed different. Deep down, I thought to myself that maybe… you were my hero. At least, that's what I thought."

I couldn't help but mutter shocked, "Huh?"

I wasn't the only one shocked the other girls were listening in and were stunned as well. I didn't forget them, but my attention was on Tsuyu as she began to explain, tears forming on her face in a pained tone, "Once I got into UA, I began to see what it really means to be a hero. People who are willing to do whatever it takes to save others, even at the cost of their lives. But… when you showed up against that Villain All Might was about to die, I could feel my heart break thinking the worst. It hurts so much to even think about losing you."

She began to wipe the tears off her face as she continued to explain in an emotional tone, seeing how much she cared about me, "But what hurts the most is how you'd die happy if it meant you just saved one person. Ribbit!"

Seeing a girl cry that much about me made my heart ache. She sobbed as I was at a loss for her words, but I clenched my hand, forming a fist, knowing what to do next.

Opening my clenched fist, placing my hand over her face, getting her attention as I softly said to her, "Asu–Tsuyu, look at me."

Grasping her face, edging closer to mine, her mouth uttered, "Y-Yuki?"


I kissed her on the lips as her eyes widened using [The Tongue] skill. I felt her soft lips as our tongues intertwined, calming her down at her shocked expression.

Letting go, having her catch her breath, face flushed red as the trail of the saliva of our tongues evaporated away. I began to speak to her in a calm tone, looking at her face and seeing her black eyes, and said, "When someone is in trouble, I save them to the best of my ability. That's the kind of hero I promised myself I'd become when I became All Might's Successor. So, if my dying would cause you so much pain. Then I promise I won't die."

Wiping the tears off her face, she hiccupped as she asked me in an emotional tone before she bluntly said at the end, "You mean it? You promise me you won't die? T… That's kind of dumb. Ribbit."

I blinked, a bit surprised, before I smiled jokingly, saying, "Heh. True, but I stand by my words."

She chuckled lightly, showing a genuine smile as she confessed in an honest tone, leaning closer to my face, "But stuff like that… is why I fell in love with you, Ren."


Going in for another kiss, we both let our emotions go ahead, exploring each other. I made sure to give Tsuyu the attention she deserved, grasping her back with one hand and the other slowly trailing down, grasping her thicc ass.

No, like, seriously, her legs are thicc. The muscle training on her legs is showing and did her ass get a bit bigger?

Well... She said she wanted to try, and if so, then I'll go all out destroying her ass. Using [OFA], I manipulated my body's natural pheromone, producing an attractive smell to the girls nearby. Today I'm slaying Froppy ass tonight.

Her eyes jolted up but slowly closed half as she finished kissing, panting, asking bluntly, pushing her face close to my ear, panting already affected, "Ren… Momo already explained to the girls that you and she are to be married after graduation. She allowed the girls to know she was fine with 'sharing' with you. We've already decided to support one another just keep being the way you are, and things will work out well enough... and did I ever tell you smell really, good... Ribbit."

Having the green light, I looked a bit surprised, but it was when Tsuyu whispered one more time in an embarrassed tone, "And Ren… we can do 'that'… I wanna know what I'm missing out on what Toga had… Ribbit."

Hearing that, I smiled kindly, holding her face, accepting Tsuyu opening a portal with my [Wormhole] Quirk, asking in a husky tone, "To where, my 'princess'? Your room or mine for tonight…?"

Tightly grasping her ass caused her face to blush red. She meekly nodded her head, whispering, "Y- My room… Ribbit."

Grasping her caused her to shudder as we left through the portal to her room. I'm gonna have a good time with 'Princess' Asui, preparing her first time to be special.


~Third POV~

[Nighttime, Park, Tokyo, Japan]



Meanwhile, spying on the date set up, Mina, Toga, Kinoko, and Toru have been doing their best to help Ren and Tsuyu on their date. It led to multiple failures and disasters, striking them and ruining the moments.

In the end, they stayed behind to watch how things ended, listening to everything the two had to say. Their faces were bright red hearing their conversation and felt a light shiver clenching their legs together.

Toru and Kinoko both fantasized about being Tsuyu at the moment, as they thought, 'Lucky girl...'

Toga grinned slyly, seeing Mina shiver as she thought happily, smelling his scent, 'That's the sign of these girls wanting to be dominated by the alpha male. Fufufu... Ren-sama sure knows how to get a girl excited.'

Clearing her flushed face, Mina spoke up with hints of red on her cheeks, "Well, that escalated…"

Toga patted her friend's shoulder with a grin, taking a moment to calm down, and replied, "Yup! But the question is how many are willing to 'share' Ren-kun."

The girls gulped at the thought as they were informed by Momo of her engagement with Ren during the past few days. The girls soon decided to head back to the dorm before it was too late, with their thoughts filled with what they saw.

But Mina had a conflicted expression before Toga casually said to her, "You know, Mina, if you're worried that he won't like you, then don't. Unlike your previous experience, who are afraid of your acid, he won't be harmed at all."

Mina was twirling her fingers around as thanks to her Quirk [Acid], it wasn't a wonder that boys avoided her because of the liquid she makes. Mina sighed as she replied in a conflicted tone, "Sigh… maybe. With his Quirks, he could be the only guy that won't die to my acid if I accidentally… ya know Toga-chan."

Her face turned a bit red, confessing her insecurity at the time she gained her Quirk and had less experience using it. Over time, she had decent control of her [Acid] Quirk, but there are moments when she's not too careful and might accidentally spray her acid now, which causes her to have a negative reputation for accidentally melting people's parts.

However, recalling the events of the girl's sleepover, she unconsciously clenched her legs as Mina thought embarrassedly, 'Still though I could give it a shot perhaps... I mean, he smelled good, and let him be that commanding listening to Toga's sex stories, but...'

Mina kept her perverse thoughts to herself as she was affected by Ren's pheromones. She wasn't the only one who thought of perverted fantasies that night, as Toru and Kinoko were affected, and Toga knew this with a light lick of her lips.

Toga only knew of this because of their close ties being friends but smiled, mentally stirring Mina to Ren in a proud tone, 'No worries, Mina-san, Ren-sama will accept you. After all, it's not like you can have a sex life with your Quirk, which might trigger in the moment. Only Ren-Sama is your path to happiness. Plus, it would be fun. Teehee…'