Chapter 145: Parent’s Day Arc (6)

Chapter 145: Parent's Day Arc (6)

~Third POV~

[The Present, UA Highschool, Mock City, Japan]

Returning to the present, it happened in an instant. No sooner had the villain released the lighter into the pit than a roaring blaze exploded forth as if from the very gates of hell. Buffeted by the blast of hot air, the students of Class 1-A, in spite of themselves.

They stood frozen in place, eyes locked desperately on the flames forced to bear the screams from the cage. The cage that held their parents.

Izuku Midoriya's eyes always held a certain strength. He was hoping to become a hero, after all, and now that strength burned even brighter, fanned by the flames.



The boy's mother shouted for help, extending her hand from within the cage, and Midoriya reached out instinctively. But between them was a field of fire, sturdy iron bars, and the villain Yokai.

Midoriya sees his mother weeping in the cage as he feels the blood drain from his face, muttering in a stunned tone, "Mom… why… why's this happening…?"

Seeing his chance, Yokai began to give out a long-winded tragic backstory scene looking down on Class 1-A, "I flunked out of UA High. Gaining entry to become a hero was all I ever had. That an excellent specimen such as myself failed is proof that this world is cruel and misaligned. Imagine that. Me, a dropout? However, if left to your own devices, only the brightest of futures await you, children. That is why I've – "

However, Bakugo interrupted Yokai's speech screaming at him causing Yokai to flinch annoyed, "So you put on that stupid get-up just to throw a little tantrum, you whiny little bitch?!!"


Midoriya yelled at him, but a small explosion in his palm accompanied Bakugo's indomitable grin, "I'm already bored. Let's blow this guy to kingdom come!"

He dashed to the edge, about to let his fiery momentum carry him straight to the central platform. But he heard Yokai's voice as he said smugly, "Slow down. Or have you already forgotten about the hostages?"

With that, Yokai dragged the nearest woman towards himself. It was Mitsuki Bakugo. Her son clucked his tongue and skidded to a halt.

From experience, Midoriya knew what panic looked like on Bakugo's face, and it was there now as he yelled out loud, "Great job getting yourself caught, hag!"

His mother went from abject fear to rage, just like that arguing with her son, "I've told you a million times not to call me 'hag' you little punk!"

The unexpected roar from Mitsuku drew all eyes to her in vacant shock, with Toga blinking in a stunned tone, "Wow. I, uh, see the family resemblance."

But Bakugo snapped back at the dumbstruck Toga angrily and said, "That s'posed to be a compliment, bloodsucker!"

Inside the cage, Inko Midoriya spoke to Mitsuki in troubled tones, "Mrs. Bakugo, please we're hostages, remember…?"

She blinked, realizing her mistake as she innocently said, "Oh, whoops! True enough!"

Yokai sighed, releasing Bakugo's mother and shoving her aside, shaking his head, "Pipe down…"

Ida had his mouth agape as he muttered in a stunned tone at Bakugo's mother, "That woman has nerves of steel…"

Midoriya rubbed the back of his head nervously, recalling Mitsuki with a bead of sweat dropping on his face and a pained smile on his face, "Yeah, she's one tough lady, same as ever…"

This was the woman who'd raised that pint-sized general, and she was never one to let her own bossy son push her around. Midoriya could remember a few times when he'd gotten a tongue lashing from Mitsuki for his involvement in Bakugo's antics as he thought calmly, 'Feeling a little more collected now, thanks to her. Phew. What I… What we need to do now is save the hostages. So first…'


Regaining his composure, Midoriya turned his hand back, clicking his bracelet as he asked calmly, commanding his voice, eyes locked on the villain, "What are you after, here?"

Yokai looked down, edging closer as he spoke in overdramatic hands behind his back, staring down coldly, and said, "What am I after? One thing only: the utter destruction of your golden children and your bright futures. And slaughtering your parents while you watch is just the way to do it. But if anything, the League of Villains paid a lot of money to harm you all the worst way possible, and I get to inflict my pain."

Kendo came a quivering shout, tightening her fist, "All this, just to get to us?"

Beside her, Kirishima raged on, grinding his teeth and activating his Quirk, "You got a beef with us? Then bring it! But leave our folks outta this!"

Yokai, with a condescending voice, sneering underneath his mask in a cold tone, replied to the students, "Oh, but it isn't your bodies I am to destroy. No. It will be much more painful when your parents suffer, and you will be heroes and have nobody but yourselves to blame."

Yaoyorozu, unable to contain herself, screamed at Yokai at his behavior, "If you truly walked the path of the hero once, then stop this foolishness!"

Ashido backed her up, yelling at the villain, raising her fist into the air, "Exactly! And you're headed for the slammer when all's said and done!"

Yokai remained quiet for a bit, gazing down at his classmates. He stayed motionless for a bit till he finally snapped back at them, "Hahahahaha!!! Oh, I have no intention of escaping. After all, I have nothing left to lose.…"


Yokai threw open the cage door, stepped out, and drew a lighter from the inside of his costume, tossing the lighter into the pit, transforming it into a raging inferno, "We all should dine in hell together!"


The students of class 1-A were stunned by Yokai's move. But instead of fear, they reacted as Heroes would, with Todoroki using his quirk to generate ice with Bakugo, Tokoyami, and Denki taking it into the air.

Momo used her time to create a disk by Denki's command as they flew into the air as Todoroki's ice covered the raging inferno, creating a mist in the process. Yokai, seeing this, glared at the students as they all charged at him in a smug tone, "Oh? Using your ice to blind myself while having those with air abilities save your parents? Good, but not enough. How about this?"




There was a loud rumbling sensation that could be heard as Kirishima noticed, warning his classmates, "What the hell?! Everyone, look out for that wave!!"

The black wave soon revealed themselves to be the Micro Bots as Yokai introduced them with pride in his voice, "Ah, there is my backup. Hello to my Microbots kiddies because it'll be the last you'll see them."



Microbots are tiny nanobots constructed by Mei and Melissa. Though they appear small, the Microbots can join with each other to form various structures and constructs, with two of their use cases being architecture and infrastructure.

Despite being created for a good purpose, Yokai started to control them, using them as a dangerous weapon. They all formed, beginning to take shape into a robotic animal gorilla slamming down on Kirishima.


Slamming hard, Kirishima used his [Hardening] Quirk to take the damage as he grunted in pain from the force, "Argh! This… This ain't nothing…?!!"

But Kirishima wasn't the only one to face difficulty as the Microbots began to take form into various animals or mythical creatures. A Ninetail fox could be seen biting against Kendo and Toga, avoiding its bites.

Another took the shape of a MicroBot bear, slamming its arms at Ochaco, Tsuyu, and Sero as they avoided the incoming attack. One that took the shape of a robotic shark hovering on the ground, trying to take a huge bite out of Shoto, Toru, and Shinso.

Various animal-shaped Microbots formed, taking on Class 1-A, having difficulty as Yokai formed a pillar of microbots in the shape of a pillar ascending the sky. Micro Bot eagles are going after the flying heroes.

Ren played as Yokai examined his classmates carefully as they began to combat the various robotic creatures. He analyzed them critically, 'Hmm… they're fighting hard. But being thrown in a fight without their Support Gear is a flaw for all – eh. Almost all…'




Rushing through the sky, steamrolling the microbots in its way, Izuku smirked as he was busy combating the mechanical menaces with his combat bracelet as he thought, 'Bout time. Here, I thought he knew everything that was not supposed to be known.'


What rushed forward was Izuku's own Hero Costume, the Armored Deku. Small nanomachines began to form, and gears forming around Izuku fully transformed into his hero costume.


Rushing forward at Yokai, Izuku spoke up in a serious tone, donning his helmet visors and turning online in a mechanical voice, "Yokai… I don't know your struggles or reason, but I'm giving you a chance. Surrender and call off your attack, or else…"


Launching his fist at the hordes of microbots, Armored Deku unleashed a [Fa Jin: Rocket Punch], destroying few upon impact. Yokai paused as the rocket returned, and Izuku spoke calmly, "[Fa Jin: Rocket Punch]. That'll be you next."

Yokai paused momentarily, hearing Izuku's threat as everyone else started to take care of the microbots using their respective ultimate moves. Ren, underneath his mask, grinned widely, seeing this Izuku in a proud, 'Oh… I felt a chill on that one. Even without his destined golden finger, underestimating a pissed-off protagonist is still scary to consider.'


Swiftly, Izuku used Armored Deku's [Blackwhip: Energy Cable] to wrap Yokai to capture him. But the swarm of Microbots halted the capture as Yokai childish said, "Oh? Make me Mister Hero."


Izuku unleashed [Smokescreen: Fog Machine], enveloping the two as swarms of the microbots columns struck up into the smokescreen. Within the smokescreen, Izuku thought quickly, activating another feature of his Armored Deku, 'He seems to be busy with me. Good. Commencing [Radio Wave: EMP Shot].'


Unleashing his [Radio Wave: EMP Shot], Yokai noticed the Micro Bots flinching as he momentarily lost connection in an amused tone, 'Oh? Seems like he disabled me from using my Micro Bots. Looks like Melissa and Mei need to consider EMP waves disabling them – '


Yokai then found himself caught within Izuku's [Blackwhip: Energy Cable]. Yokai then noticed the other members of class 1-A were rescuing their parents as others kept his attention as he thought happily, 'Good. Seems like the practice exercise is making them wise up but too slow in their reactions, but good enough.'

Having his means to attack, the disabled Yokai gazed at the heroes' teamwork. The microbots dispersed the smokescreen, revealing only Yokai and Izuku being caught by the swarm as he said, "Not bad, kiddo. But I didn't forget your friends, though."


An explosion was shot in Yokai's direction as Bakugo and the others arrived, he shouted at Yokai, "Die villainous scum…!!"

Observing that Class 1-A is managing to take control of the situation, Izuku asked the flying members, "Is every one of our parents safe Kacchan!"

Bakugo merely scoffs as Denki and Tokoyami arrive, providing support as the explosive boy yells out loud, "Tch. Yeah, we got it, Deku! But this guy has this coming!!"

Yokai, seeing this, merely laughed, stunning the students as he raised his hands with one placing over his mask, "Marvelous. Simply marvelous work, but I'm afraid this practice exercise is over."

Yokai started clapping as Izuku asked, confused at Yokai's actions, "Huh? What does that mean…? No, wait, somebody grab him. We gotta contact the school! And find where Aizawa-Sensei…"

Blood drained from the students' faces, but before they could lament the loss of their teacher, a familiar, listless voice rang out, "Me? I'm right here. Good job, problem child, you're acting mediocre."

It was Aizawa, emerging from the Microbots' shadows as Momo's, mouth agape, asked, gaze shifting to the villain Yokai, "Huh? But if you were there, then the villain we have been facing against…?"

Revealing his face with a cheerful grin, Ren shamelessly said as the microbots formed a chair in a smug tone, doing a DIO pose for dramatic effect, "You are correct, my Vice Rep! For it was I, Ren Yuki?!"
