Chapter 143: Parent’s Day Arc (4)

Chapter 143: Parent's Day Arc (4)

~Third POV~

[Next Day, Zoo Dreamland, Japan]

The next day, on Sunday, Tenya Ida was putting on a headband with bunny ears as he thanked Ren with Tokoyami and Denki in a thankful tone, exclaiming, gazing at the clear skies, "Perfect weather for a day at the theme park! Don't you agree, Ren? Kaminari? Tokoyami?"

Beside him, his three classmates wore bear ears, elephant ears, and monkey ears, respectively. Courtesy of Native's gift, the four boys found themselves at Zoo Dreamland, a theme park with a wildlife motif.

With mock forest and savannah zones, the park was popular with patrons of all ages. Sundays especially brought out the families; like Ida and his classmates, most visitors wore animal ears.

When Midoriya and Todoroki turned Ren's invite down, Ida volunteered to join along with Denki, and Tokoyami passed by them and extended his invitation. They were on board since Ren was surprised by Tokoyami's coming along and surprisingly expressed interest.

As they walked, Tokoyami asked whose first-ever visit to a theme park had him questioning the animal ears, "Ida, are these accessories really necessary?"

Overhearing Tokoyami's question, he replied with assuredness and continued to go on a rant in an excited tone, "Not necessary, per se, but embracing the park's theme is sure to make the experience more delightful! We became 'wild' inhabitants of Zoo Dreamland the moment we stepped through the gates! Besides, look! The families who've come today are enjoying the headbands!"

There was no stopping Ida's assuredness, though the sight of monkey ears on the bird-headed Tokoyami was more than a bit unsettling, a fact the latter seemed to be aware of as he fiddled with the accessory. Still, the ever-serious Ida took a regimented approach to fun even in a place like this.

Tokoyami only nodded, apparently convinced by Ida's passion, "If that's how it is…"

Meanwhile, Denki grew excited as he watched a pair of girls wearing rabbit ears pass by. He said cheekily, "It's just the gimmick here. And c'mon girls with animal ears are cute as heck! Those bunnies, especially!"

Ren merely chuckled lightly as he replied to his friend's fantasy nonchalantly in a chill tone, "I would usually agree with you, Denki. But nope. Not since my experience with Mirko, as she's anything but cute. Fierce and sexy but not cute."

Both soon began to argue about the topic of bunny girls as Ida spoke up with renewed resolve, taking out a map and unfolding it to begin their itinerary, "That was inexcusable, friends! Now that we're in Zoo Dreamland, we must put aside thoughts of the outside world and enjoy the park as we're meant to! Where to start, though? By the day's end, I hope to have conquered every last ride and attraction!"

Checking the map, Ren and Denki eyed each other from behind Ida locked eyes, paused, and gave each other subtle nods as Ren suggested calmly, "In that case, what about we split up? We won't be able to conquer the Zoo Dreamland grouped together all day, and Tokoyami might miss the chance to get that exclusive apple pie that's a limited time here…?"

Tokoyami nodded his head as he murmured, "That would be disappointing."

Tokoyami came with them to Zoo Dreamland to get the limited-time apple pie, which was the reason he'd agreed to come in the first place. Ida, hearing their argument, reluctantly nodded his head as they watched Denki and Ren dash away.

Ida suddenly remembered what mattered as he asked Tokoyami, "Oh no, your apple pie! The exclusive treat is available… here, at Forest Sweets."

Hearing this, Tokoyami followed Ida's lead, answering, "Let's go."


[Zoo Dreamland – Forest Sweets, Japan]

After confirming the location on the map, they set off. Ida had the confidence of someone who'd walked the route before, and he led them straight to the apple-themed shop.

Before long, both boys were at a table with pies and drinks in hand as Ida commented in an appeased tone, "Mm. Good."

While chewing, Tokoyami nodded at Ida's assessment as he added, going into detail about the apple pie in a satisfied tone, "Indeed. The cinnamon brings out the apples' sweetness while preserving the refreshing acidity, and the pie crust meshes perfectly with the baked apples' softened texture… Delicious."

He then took another bite, adroitly navigating his beak into the pie. Seeing Tokoyami enjoy the treat only enhanced the experience for Ida as he said happily, "We ought to tell Kaminari and Yuki about this later. It'd be a shame if they missed out on something so good. But, Tokoyami, I have to say I had no idea you loved apples so much."

Tokoyami nodded his head as he explained to Ida in a dramatic tone, entering his chunni phase, "They claim the nutrition found in a single apple if eaten daily is enough to eliminate visits to the doctor, you know. Plus, that perfect combination of sweet and tart. And they can be preserved for long periods… there's no fruit more perfect than the apple."

Ida took it all in and gave a curt nod as he continued to eat. Tokoyami, glancing at Ida's orange juice, asked curiously, "But you prefer oranges, don't you, Ida?"

Ida explained the reason why he gets orange juices as a fuel source like gasoline as he finished then asked, "Where to next? Any rides you're interested in, Tokoyami?"

Tokoyami was on the verge of finishing his pie, so Ida spread the park map out on the table as they began to make their plans and head to different zones. A few minutes later, both boys slumped onto a bench, completely limp from a ride that involved too much spinning, having their first time in the spinning teacups.

Ida explained that spinning teacups wasn't a competition, to which Tokoyami shook his head and replied, "You should've spoken up sooner."

After realizing it was Tokoyami's first time at a theme park, they decided to take a much calmer ride next. They staggered and stumbled over to a gaudy merry-go-round.

Since this was Zoo Dreamland, the usual horses were joined by rhinoceroses, lions, elephants, and the like. Ida chose a horse, Tokoyami, a rhino.

The ride's slow spin came with leisurely music, and the boys noticed parents with video cameras surrounding the merry-go-round, hoping to capture memories of their delighted children. Tokoyami then asked dryly, "How exactly is this fun, Ida?"

Ida, with a proud grin, explained in a happy tone, "Why, you can't tell, Tokoyami? These are animals one normally wouldn't get to ride, but here, it's perfectly safe. Look, the children seem to appreciate it."

And so the merry-go-round spun on, lit up by gentle sunbeams and excited cries. It was when Tokoyami bluntly questioned Ida, "Why do so many rides involve spinning?"

Ida grinned as he replied innocently, looking at the happy families, "That's not all here is. Some also move up and down while rotating."

Tokoyami had a blank expression as he bluntly replied, "So… more spinning."


[Zoo Dreamland, Japan]

As Tokoyami was slightly regretting his decision to come, Denki and Ren sat on a bench elsewhere as the electric boy said, "Hey. Ren. How about those two in the bunny ears, huh?"

The girls in question were enjoying some ice cream just out of earshot as Kaminari sized them up. Noticing this from a glance, Ren jabbed his shoulder at Denki with a deadpan expression as he bluntly said, "Come on, Denki, you know there are better girls out there in the sea. All you gotta do is be yourself and see if you can get their number. You just gotta be confident."

Denki merely sighed, having this time to check girls out to pick up with Ren having accepted to help him out. The instant Ren extended the invitation, the park was doomed to become Denki's hunting grounds.

He asked Ren to help as they plotted to ditch Ida since they knew the all-too-serious classmate would lay down the law if he discovered their true intentions. While judging a passing woman, Denki voiced a concern and asked Ren, "Hang on. What do we say to the other two if this actually works?"

Ren mischievously said with a sly grin as Denki took notes from the master about dating girls, "We just say we met up and talked. Things happened, and we got to know each other so that we forgot to pass the time, or we got lost in the road of life, Denki. Just be casual, my friend."

The concept of friendship with Ida and Tokoyami had long since taken a back seat in these hunters' minds. A pretty, fashionable woman appeared, glancing around anxiously as Denki said excitedly, "Look, our angel! The ideal prey!"

Denki couldn't have known anything about her personality or naivete as his eyes lit up at the sight of the potential prize. She was almost too good, though, as Ren raised an eyebrow, seeing her distress and used [Observe] to get some information.

He read her bio, blinking in surprise as Denki asked Ren for advice, turning timid, "W-what do I even say…?"

Seeing where this was going, Ren sighed, placing a hand over Denki's shoulder and shaking his head, explaining calmly, "Eh… sorry man, but better not to mess with her. She's looking for her boyfriend, Ken. Just watch."

Denki, confused, trusted his friend as they waited before the guy Ken finally showed the girl a kangaroo plushie and then proposed on the spot to her. Watching the live proposal, Denki froze as he said in a disappointed tone, "We just saw an actual, offline love story. Damn, aren't most of the cute, stylish girls gonna have a boyfriend already?"

Ren shrugged his shoulders, responding to his maiden-less friend nonchalantly people-watching, "Probably. But I think it's more so about the personality of the girl you wanna hang with, which would make most guys happy."

Denki helplessly laughed at his friend's honest response but thanked him all the same as he asked him curiously, "Yeah, yeah, man. Still, thanks for helping me out on how to date a girl, with you being the only one in class that gets action."

Ren merely remained silent as he only nodded. But it was when Denki asked curiously that caught him off guard, "But dude, with parent's day happening tomorrow, are you gonna be fine? You and Toga, I mean since well…"

Ren understood what Denki was trying to say as he replied to his question in a calm tone, "Yeah, I get it, Denki. We'll be okay when Parent's Day happens, but I did need this distraction for that day. Thanks for concerning about us."

Denki simply nodded as he couldn't help but ask a lingering question in his head to Ren, asking curiously, "Alright, man. But can I ask another question, though? If you had these invites, why not take the girls with you?"

Pondering his question, Ren took a moment to think before finally responding in an honest tone, "Hmm… while it would've been nice, I think I needed some time apart with the girls always around me. Can't have me smelling like flowers all the time around them, and well… It's a bit embarrassing to admit, but I haven't exactly done much guy bonding. I figured I would use this chance to understand my guy friends or help them out."

Denki simply nodded his head, understanding what he meant, as he replied with a grin on his face, "Heh. No probs, then, man. But then again, most of the guys in our class wouldn't admit it, but some of us appreciate you being in Class 1-A. And not only that…"

Ren listened to what Denki had to say as he continued speaking in a confident tone, people watching the girls, "… you are surprisingly humble. Even when you saved our class not once but twice, most of the guys admired you for your guts. Hell, even I'm glad you're around since you helped me out with that Support Item during the Exam and my Ultimate Move you explained to me the [Railgun], right?"

Slamming his fist over his shoulder to get his attention, Denki continued explaining with a confident grin on his face, "Just because you don't have any folks with you, pal, doesn't mean you can't rely on your friends once in a while. After all the trouble you are saving us, we wouldn't mind helping you ease some of your burdens. After all, that's what heroes do, right, buddy?"

Ren was stunned by his friend's words before he slyly grinned, standing up feeling a bit happier and responding happily, "Man… that was so cheesy, Denki. But I appreciate your words. I'll consider them. However, I seem to recall you helping to outscore some chicks. Shall we continue, my padawan?"

Denki chuckled, standing up as they began to walk around in an excited tone, "Thought you never asked, Darklord!"

They chuckled, understanding the reference as Ren provided some advice. The two enjoyed their bro moment.

The two then enjoyed their time at the Dreamland Zoo Theme Park, eventually reuniting with Ida and Tokoyami. Throughout the day, Ren thought about taking the time to enjoy himself, 'Man… I should do this more often, hanging out with the guys. But the next day is gonna suck for them…'

Gazing at his friends, he smiled as he picked up his phone, seeing the messages from Melissa and Mei as he thought happily, 'Oh? Seems like they finished my commissioned project on time. Bound to use that one when Parent's Day happens.'