Chapter 20: Quirk Apprehension Test (2)

Chapter 20: Quirk Apprehension Test (2)

~Ren Y. POV~

[U.A. High School, Field Gamma, Japan]

Then as the test starts, I can't help but look around the people here. Currently, the strongest in Class 1-A is me.

After that, it's Kirishima or Todoroki depending on the circumstances. Then there is Bakugo and after that, it depends on the others. But my attention soon draws to the first test begins it was the 50-meter run.

Ida is the first in that with 3.2 seconds. At least until it was my turn when my turn came, my running partner was Bakugo he grinned, sparking explosions in his hands, "Heh. Be prepared to eat my dust extra!"

I merely returned with a sly grin, readying myself on the ground and preparing to dive, permitting him to use his explosions, whispering for him to hear, "I should be saying that to you, Pomeranian. As a favor, don't hold back on your explosions on my account, I can surpass you in speed."

He glared at me but sweated a bit more in anger. We readied ourselves in our stances, going down on all fours. The Crawler style is the best, having [Full Cowl], and [Attract and Repel] at the ready.

Prepared we heard the countdown from the measuring machine say, "Go-"



Immediately I dashed forward feeling the brunt force of Bakugo's [Explosion] Quirk. But only for a second as my control over my Quirks made it easier for me to dash forward ahead leaving Bakugo to eat my dust.


We both arrived at the finishing line as the machine announced the tallies of our speed time listening intently to the records made. I made sure I held back a bit to ensure I didn't break Bakugo.

"1.8 seconds."

"3.34 seconds."

As soon as the others heard this, they immediately turned towards me. Even Todoroki and Ida have a shocked expression looking at me. After all, 1.8 seconds to run a 50 meter. And that was me holding back lightly so as not to disrupt Bakugo.

Eventually, I made sure I stayed on top of all the activities given while trying my best in all of them. I knew Aizawa wasn't serious about expelling anyone, but that won't stop me from trying my best.

But I also noticed Aizawa smiling at me. If I had to guess, it would be that I'm calm and discerning, especially in the presence of authority.

Gazing around I see that everyone else was either unnerved or motivated by his previous threats. But for me, I didn't exhibit so much as a trace of nervousness considering I knew the plot and future.

Although I did try to be on top of everything, I suppose Momo was the most surprising outcome for me. Despite the strength of my quirks her Quirk [Creation] was specifically made to be good in these types of events.

If not for Momo utilizing her [Creation] Quirk to produce items, I would've easily claimed first place on the board. Speaking of Momo, she dominated nearly every event in the Quirk Apprehension Test.

Her worst performance was during the grip test since she had to save her fat cells to create her items. This aspect of Momo's Quirk is likely the reason for her slim figure, as she constantly burns her fat to create objects.

It is also possible that this is a significant weakness because if she generates too much without replacing her calories, she can become weak and anemic. But despite that, she usually came in either first, second, or third place.

Despite my training to become a bit more flexible, I was nowhere near as limber as some of the girls. Tsuyu made the seated toe-touch look like a joke as her body was flexible to the point of a contortionist.

It just made me realize there are some things in areas even I lack. If anything it just helped me not be that arrogant in the future. Regardless this made me more aware of what I lack in the future.


That was when Aizawa-Sensei used his handheld holographic projector to display the results. And I have to say I did better than I thought getting 2nd place.


1st: Momo Yaoyarozu

2nd: Ren Yuki

3rd: Shoto Todoroki

4th: Katsuki Bakugo

5th: Tenya Ida

6th: Fumikage Tokoyami

7th: Yui Kodai

8th: Itsuka Kendo

9th: Eijiro Kirishima

10th: Mina Ashido

11th: Ochaco Uraraka

12th: Himiko Toga

13th: Kinoko Komori

14th: Tsuyu Asui

15th: Yuga Aoyama

16th: Hanta Sero

17th: Denki Kaminari

18th: Kyoka Jiro

19th: Toru Hagakure

20th: Minoru Mineta


Seeing the scoreboard Bakugo had a borderline murderous look on his face as he screamed in a shocked tone, "This is impossible! There's no way I'm worse than that Extra!!"

Similarly distraught by the results Mineta was on his hands and knees, a steady stream of tears pouring from his eyes as he muttered in a heartbroken tone, "Expelled on the first day… how else would I get my harem…"

Tough luck buddy. Exhibiting a general lack of regard for the duo's opinion and feelings, Aizawa's expression and tone were cold as he stared down Bakugo and asserted in a harsh tone, "If you were going to complain about the results, you should have tried harder during the test… and you."

That was when I was stunned hearing Aizawa's words surprising me as he looked at Mineta and added in a cold tone, "As for you, hurry up and go get changed. As of this moment, you're expelled from the Hero Course."

Mineta soon exclaimed in a depressed tone crawling towards Aizawa like a strange insect as he screamed, "Nooooooooooo! Please give me another chance, Aizawa-sensei! I can do better! I will do better…!"

Ignoring Mineta completely Aizawa passed his gaze over the rest of the Class saying in a neutral tone with a grin, "This concludes the Quirk Apprehension Test. Get changed over and return to class. You'll find your schedules and curriculum sheets posted on your desks. Since today is a half-day, you can use the rest of homeroom to familiarize yourselves with one another."

Without waiting for anyone to respond, and with Mineta still clinging to his leg, Aizawa turned around and walked away. In his wake, a tense silence descended upon everyone present, some exhibiting disbelief while others were relieved, they weren't the ones expelled.

Honestly, I'm personally glad that pervert is gone. I seem to recall when he met Eri for the first time he said these exact words 'I'm Mineta! I can't wait to see how you look in ten years.' Yeah… I'm glad that pervert is gone.

Bakugo only stormed off after everything was over and with no Deku around, he can't be harsh on anyone here. Even Momo was stunned seeing that this test was the real deal with everyone dumbfounded what to do.

Shrugging at this though everyone seems to have different things going in their heads after today's events. Even me. I didn't think Aizawa would straight up expel Mineta but he did and has done so in the past.

Was it because I made everyone try to do their best after my performance? Or was it the realistic approach after seeing Mineta leering at the girls? Or was it because of my presence changing Aizawa to be direct?

So many unknown factors that are out of my control. If changes like this could happen then it only made me more cautious on what to predict in the future. Things I must carefully consider knowing this now…


[Afterschool, U.A. High School, Japan]

As classes had let out nearly half an hour prior I began to leave and was surprised to find Tsuyu and Uraraka standing near the school's gates, seemingly waiting for me. Confirming my suspicions, Uraraka waved her hand and called me out as she noticed my approach shouting out loud in a cheerful tone, "Oh, Yuki-kun! Let's go to the station together~!"

I didn't hesitate to respond with a sly grin on my face accepting such an offer in a kind tone moving towards them, "I would be a fool to respond to refuse the company of two cute girls."

Not expecting me to call them cute out of nowhere, Uraraka laughed nervously while Tsuyu blushed remarking my words, "You should be more careful with your words, Ren-chan. You could cause a misunderstanding if you go around calling every girl you meet cute."


Feeling someone tap my shoulders I see Toga appear with a cheerful grin interjecting in an upbeat tone, "How about we make it to the station together!"

Mentally rolling my eyes as I began to shake my head maintaining a confident smile I asserted in a calm tone, "I don't go around calling every girl cute, only those I genuinely believe to be charming. I prefer to speak my mind."

Similar to when I had embarrassed girls in middle school Tsuyu hung her head slightly and made a muffled groaning sound. As for Uraraka, her face was completely red as she pressed the pink padded tips of her index fingers together and muttered cutely, "I don't mind it, but I also agree with Tsuyu… it would be best if you used polite speech until we're a bit closer…"

Seeing I might be stepping my boundaries… nah. I continued forward with my confidence as I spoke in a confident tone broadening my smile, "Then I look forward to becoming closer to you both. Feel free to address me by my given name in the future. Preferably without the -chan."

Understanding my final few words were directed at her, Tsuyu stared back at me with a somewhat blank look as she said in a blunt tone tilting her head, "I add -chan to everyone's name, ribbit."

Instead of contesting the matter, I gave a helpless shrug and responded in a casual tone, "Then you're welcome to continue doing so. Just don't complain when I start calling you Tsuyu-chan?"



Though her eyes were remarkably round, Tsuyu managed to appear wide-eyed as she heard my form of address. I even managed to make her heart skip a beat by calling her Tsuyu-chan… which resulted in me almost getting smacked with her tongue, only for my [Instinct] to kick in and avoid getting hit using [Attract and Repel].

Blinking a bit, I asked unbothered rubbing the back of my head in a blunt tone, "A bit too much?"

Tsuyu ever the blunt girl with a light blush nodded her head with a deadpan expression and agreed, "Just a bit yeah, ribbit."

Fair point. Moving on though even Tenya Ida joined us. And so, we finally made our way out of UA.

To be honest, I didn't expect much from my first day. Anyway, luckily, I'm already making some friends which is an up from my previous school.

But making some friends will make things easier in the future. As we kept our pace all of us chatted about our Quirks and some of our hobbies. I know it won't be long for them to learn about it, but I will hold this information for now.

Although, I do have to wonder who's going to replace Mineta if he is expelled. I wonder what else the future holds ahead… it's both quite scary and exciting at the same time.