Chapter Twenty: Romance of the Moon Goddess and the Warrior


The City of Prosperity and Harmony.

The Moon Goddess built this sky world to escape a broken heart.

The Moon Goddess, Cayna, was a low-level Goddess of Light. She's the daughter of Karlel, the God of Thunder and Justice, and Felice, Goddess of Earth and Fertility. Her job was to provide light in the darkest skies. She fell in love with the warrior name Heli from the human world.

The story goes as Cayna would admire Heli from afar and never convey her feelings. Then one night, during a banquet of Heli's victory against the demons, Cayna disguised herself as a servant to see Heli. But because of his status as the greatest warrior and being offered to live with riches and women, Cayna didn't have a chance even though she was a goddess and being with a human is impossible.

Then the unexpected happened before she could leave her world. The human she fell in love with had recognized her as the woman who had saved his life.