Avery's Evaluation

"That was a nice fight." Some time after the spar was over and everyone had cleaned themselves up, Nathaniel approached Leon with a vastly different attitude. His initial reason for targeting Leon was because he felt that Leon's 'genius' title was solely because he was a versatile mage, and that he did not have the strength to back up that title, but Leon had shown him that his strength was very real and well deserved. Now that Nathaniel had gotten a taste of that strength, he respected Leon a lot more than before.

"Ah, yes, nice fight." Leon nodded at Nathaniel with a slightly forced smile. In his mind, he was thinking something else entirely, 'Why the heck is he coming to look for me?! Didn't he not like my guts some time ago?'

"You probably already know, but I'm Nathaniel, you can call me Nat, though. Let's have another spar sometime later, yeah?" Nathaniel smiled and turned to leave.

Just as Nathaniel left, Leon had a bad feeling, and quickly stepped to his right side. A stiff breeze blew by his ear, ruffling his hair, as Zeke's large palm came swiping down. Leon stared with his eyes wide at Zeke's palm, before turning to glare properly at the grinning Minotaur.

"That was a great fight!" Zeke exclaimed.

"Great fight, my ass! I didn't get injured from it, but I would have gotten injured by your big hand!" Leon exclaimed and conjured a fire ball to hurl at Zeke. The bigger boy quickly bowed his head in apology, not wanting to see his fine fur get singed.

"You big oaf." Leon sighed and rolled his eyes before simply just punching Zeke's shoulder as they walked to meet the rest of Zeke's group of friends. Everyone had lined up before Avery once again, and when they were all there, she began giving simple comments on their fights.

"Zoe, Doe, the fight between you two was quite interesting." Avery said as she stood in front of the pair that she had put up to fight. Zoe was a girl, who was very odd looking. She was of average height, with dark hair and dark eyes. There was something about her that seemed to blend in with the surroundings that made it difficult to pin one's attention on her. She also used Curse magic in a direct manner. Like Leon, she was also a Caster and Combiner! Zoe used her Curse magic to buff herself, while also sending numerous debuffs to her opponents. Since this was just a simple spar, she did not go all out and cast any serious curses.

As for Doe, he specialized in Body Strengthening magic and a bit of Holy magic. Although he was not able to directly wipe away Zoe's curses, as his mastery over Holy magic was lower than his body strengthening, the combination of those two fields allowed him to shrug off her curses and keep up with her until their battle came to a stalemate and they ended it.

Avery gave them some more rounds of praises, before moving on to the next pair, Zeke and Dustin. She held her chin for a moment as she looked at the two boys.

"The both of you did well. Dustin, you were able to hold your own against a strong opponent like Zeke with your superior mobility, but do not depend too much on that mobility all the time. Do some research and find some applications of your abilities that have piercing attacks. That way, you can defeat someone who possesses a superior defense." She lectured Dustin, and he nodded dutifully.

"As for you, Zeke... You did well. I don't have much to tell you, except that you should keep working on yourself. Your defense, attack, and mobility is quite good for someone who specializes in more heavy hitting moves. Keep it up." She nodded at him.

Like that, Avery kept addressing each pair until she came to the last, Leon and Nathaniel.

"The both of you did very well. Good defense, and offense, and your reaction times were on point." She turned to address Leon specifically. "Leon, your application and utilization of your advantages are quite good. The way you were able to cause those little explosions sure caught Nathaniel off guard, but remember to be careful whenever you approach an enemy that specializes in close combat. Nathaniel just let his guard down. If he had been more prepared, then you would have had a much tougher time." She lectured.

Leon nodded his head as he listened to her. He was not arrogant and would take any correction that would help him become better to brave the dangers of God's Sanctum.

"As for you, Nathaniel," She turned to the Naga who sported a mohawk, "As I said to Leon, you let down your guard and left yourself open for Leon's close quarters attack. If you were sharper, then he would have never gotten a chance. I hope I don't see that again, understood?" She asked.

"Yes, ma'am!" Nathaniel nodded sharply.

"That aside, you did well." Avery nodded with a smile. She then turned to the remaining students as she took a couple of steps back.

"Great job everyone! Now that I know what you are capable of, I can make things much more harder for you. I hope you are all ready!"

"Yes ma'am!" The students bellowed in response.