
[Error! Error! Error! Error!....]

[Warning! Host Sub-Systems of Victor Murdock and Ra Estama De Raizel have separated from the system and are becoming separate entities.]


[Using previous authority to try and connect new systems.]

Hearing this Julius rejoiced, their plan was working; at least from what he could tell. 

Meanwhile Victor and Ra simultaneously received multiple notifications reading:

[Breaking away from the Main System's authority…]

[Please wait a moment.]

[Break Successful…] 


[Main System Update Successful.]

[Recalibrating… Welcome Host Victor Murdock/Ra Estrama De Raizel]

[Informing Host previous Main System is attempting to reconnect to system, Does Host accept?]


Not understanding the last notification, they asked:

"What do you mean by reconnect?"

In response their systems responded:

[Host can think of it as a friend request…]

[It will allow the Host of the previous Main system to contact other Hosts and know their location and vice versa…]

[Do you accept?]


"Yes" the two selected, afterwards, Julius got a notification...

[Reconnect successful, new function Friends List has been created.]

Julius was left in a brief stupor before getting another notification:

[System suggests that the Host completes customization of System while it is convenient and before the Host gets reincarnated.]

Wondering if he was the only one who got the notification, Julius asked: "Did y'all get the prompt about customizations too?" Seeing the other two nod, he said, "Alright let's get it done and buy anything we want at the start of our new lives", then began customizing his interface.

After a few minutes the screen in front of each of them all looked different. Julius' was black with a silver border around it and cyan blue text. Victor's was red with a black border and text. Ra's was white with gold text; as they saw their newly customized screens a different voice spoke in each of their heads.

In his head, Julius heard a serious feminine voice say:

[Thank you, for Master's gift of creating me]

[Thanks babe] spoke out a calming feminine voice in Victor's head.

[Appreciate my personality Ra] said a seductive feminine voice in Ra's head before adding, 

[And if I had a body, I'd show you how much]

Hearing the voices of their new companions, the three smiled.

"Now that that's done, Liz, can you buy me a customized bloodline ticket from the shop?" asked Julius

[No problem, Master]


[It's in your inventory. You can use it the same way Ra and Vic used their upgrade tickets. The only difference is you think about the bloodline you want.] Liz, His system A.I, said. 

Doing as Liz said, Julius crushed the ticket, turning it into a silver flare. Then the flare gathered back together in the form of a black wolf, clad in cyan lightning. The lightning clad wolf then charged at Julius before devouring his being.

The other two were shocked but got over it quickly, especially since their situation was already weird. The trio then turned towards Fanta who was playing Kingdom Hearts 3 while they were sorting everything out. Somehow sensing that they were ready, Fanta paused his game, then stood on the couch and turned towards the three with a smile.

"Okay, are we ready now?" he asked, excitement evident in his voice. Seeing their nods, he snapped and said "Have fun!". At his snap, the trio disappeared and the realm fell into a deafening silence as if nothing had happened.

Now that the guys were gone, Fanta turned back to the TV and plopped back down onto the couch, resuming his game before stating, "That should keep that Granny off of my back for a while."


Elsewhere, on a planet of almost unimaginable size, three phenomena simultaneously striked, affecting an isolated area spanning one kilometer each.

The first of the phenomena consisted of a lightning storm, battering the area with cyan bolts.

The second, a downpour of neon purple fireballs, decimating anything and everything in its wake. 

The last, the most unique of the three, altered the speed of organisms in the region. Increasing and decreasing the speed of the local flora and fauna.

One would think the populace experiencing these phenomena would be petrified and distraught, but they carried on calmly, as if these were daily occurrences. Hurrying to put out fires, and usher children to shelter. Children playing games of fast and slow motion tag or frolicing around bolts and fireballs.

The lack of fear and unease caused by the inhabitant's general knowledge that the phenomena are the manifestation of something or someone with a powerful and extraordinary bloodline being born, and knowing that it had little to do with them as they were weak and insignificant. 

While this happened, three newborns were peacefully sleeping, unbeknownst to the manifestations they caused. 


The next day, an infant with black hair, cyan highlights, and lavender eyes woke up and looked around.

'So that was all real huh?' Julius thought while looking at his tiny hands. Suddenly a cheerful voice resonates in his head:

[Of course it was Master!] is all she said before he heard


And a monotone voice saying

[Connecting to other users… Telepathic link enabled]

[Host may now speak to System Users designated as 'Friends']

'Alright, testing… testing, can you two hear me?' asked Julius. Not even a second later two different responses came.

'Loud and clear good buddy! How ya doing?'

'Aye, y'all know they got nukes in the shop?!'

Hearing Ra's response, Julius was relieved. When Victor's response came, all he could do was laugh.

*laugh* 'Well I'm glad you two are okay, and really Vic? Is that the first thing you did?'

'Of course,' Vic responds, 'we have five free purchases! And I knew you two would check in as soon as you woke up, I've been up for about ten minutes'

'Whatever bro, how is everyone's situation? Are you all okay?' asked Julius, worried.

'I'm okay,' said Vic

'Me too, how about you Ra?' Julius asked.

'I don't think I'm in a good spot right now,' whispered Ra, 'There's a group of people hunting me and my mom down.'

Hearing this, Julius and Vic were immediately worried.

'Who's chasing you? Why? Where?' Julius asked, frantically, wanting to help, but forgetting that they were all just born.

'I dunno, but they're wearing similar clothing, so they're probably from the same clan or sect.' Ra answered, 'From what I could hear it's because I'm half-demon, and I have no idea where we are, we just got here man!' he said, trying to answer all of Julius' questions as quickly as possible.

After Ra answered, Victor asked one that wasn't important, but a good question nonetheless. 'How were you born safely?'

In a solemn tone, Ra responded 'About 15 people died to buy time, my second elder uncle included'

Not knowing what to say, they all stayed silent for a moment.



'I'm sorry man…' Julius said, breaking the silence, 'How many are left and how close are the pursuers?'

He honestly felt bad, but he was glad his friend was reborn safely even if quite a few people had to die. He also knew that they had to devise a plan, so Ra could escape safely.

Knowing Julius' intentions, Ra broke out of his daze and gave the information he was looking for, 'Five not including me, and it seems they're a couple hundred meters away and gaining.'

'Okay, so we need to get you somewhere safe like now cause I doubt they'd stop chasing even if you left their territory.' stated Julius

'How about a teleportation talisman? They can take you to a specific location, and we do have five free purchases each' offered Vic

'Okay but where should I teleport to? I don't know anywhere safe' Ra asked, on board with Vic's solution

[How about a city in the south of Shifter's continent, Therian?] suggested Ra's A.I, Selene. This surprised the three because they didn't know their A.I's could butt into their mental conversations.

Julius, a little stunned, but skeptical asked, 'Why there? How do we know he'll be fine?'

[No, Selene has a point. He'd be safe because of the Shifters neutrality.] Victor's A.I, Molly chimed in.

Still not getting the whole picture, Julius was about to say something, but Victor beat him to it.

'Alright, we understand that it's gonna be the safest for him and his group, but why? You know we don't know anything right?'

[Sorry Vic, you see the Shifters are the most accepting race. This is because they were and still are hunted down by the Majinn of the monster race, as well as most of the human race. So after claiming a larger island for themselves, they started taking in half-breeds no matter the circumstances, and even pure bloods as long as they don't discriminate. And if there is any discrimination, the punishment is either death or banishment to the wilderness, where one would have to fend for themselves.] Molly responded, hoping to clear up the confusion. 

Before anyone could ask another question, Ra spoke up and said 'How about we just do it? One, I doubt they'd do anything not in our interest, and two, the pursuers are starting to catch up!'

'You have a point, so I guess go ahead and after you're safe, we'll learn more about this planet, universe, and whatever else.' responded Julius.

'I already did it.' 

Julius asked 'WHEN?' Victor could only laugh

'Pretty much when Selene said where to go. So before this takes any longer, Peace!' Ra said, a little too cheerfully regarding the situation.

'Well shit, I was freaking out for no reason' Julius said

'Yup, but you have to admit he has a point. I doubt these lovely ladies want to harm us.' Victor responded

'I guess you're right, but still-' before he could finish his thought, Liz said 

[Master… he already left]

'...Jackasses' *sigh* 'Alright Liz, tell me about Genesis.'