Genesis Basics

' Alright Liz, tell me about Genesis.'

{Of Course, Master}

{ Genesis is a fairly large planet, a bit bigger than the Sun in your last universe. It orbits around 3 sun's of varying sizes-}

'Wait! Did you say 3 suns?!'

{Yes sir.}

'How does that work?'

{Do you actually want me to explain it, or would you rather I continue telling you about Genesis.} Liz asked in a teasing tone

'Ehhhhhh, the latter please.' Julius replied, slightly embarrassed because he knew she was teasing him for an old bad habit he had, asking questions he didn't care to know the answers to.

{Of course. Now where was I, ah yes, along with the 3 suns Genesis also has 5 moons, of a fairly large size, that orbit around it. Genesis has 5 large land masses classified as continents and anything that has less than 1.18 trillion square miles of land, it's considered an island.} At this point Liz paused because she knew Julius had questions.

'Just how big is that?'

{About 50 times the surface area of Jupiter.} Liz replied calmly

'And that's the base requirement to be called a continent?' Julius asked in awe

{Yes Master, in fact the largest continent, Mioja, is around ten times bigger than that.} Liz said dropping yet another bomb. After giving Julius a moment to collect himself, and before he could ask another question, Liz stated in a firm voice { Master, while I'm happy to answer any and all questions you may have, I'll have to ask you to wait until I finish my explanation or we'll never be done.}

'Ah, my bad. It's all just so much to take in. But you're right, please continue and I'll try to control myself.'

{Thank you, Master. I appreciate it. Starting from where I left off, besides Mioja, the largest, in order from biggest to smallest it goes: Hirvio, Azaroth, Haeven, and then Alfheim. With Mioja as the center, there's Hirvio to the north, Alfheim the east, Azaroth to the south, and Haeven to the west.

Hirvio is the continent that is ruled over and mainly inhabited by those of the Monster Race, more specifically the Majinn. Majinn are not only the leading class of the Monster Race, but they're also monsters that are just as intelligent as any other race and have the ability to take humanoid form.

The Monster Race is not only the oldest race, but monsters can be found just about anywhere.

They have a large number of sub-races, most are similar to the animals from your past life. And within each sub-race there are many different subspecies, set by their elemental affinities.

There is a clear Hierarchy in the entire Monster race and your standing is based on how many elemental affinities you have. For example let's say there's a tiger that has an affinity to fire and a tiger that has an affinity to fire and earth, they are completely different sub-races.

In fact if the two meet the former, as long as it's weaker or even as strong as the latter, cultivation wise, it will submit. That's because the latter has a superior bloodline with 2 affinities. Now if the former is stronger than the latter, it can kill the latter and devour its bloodline, increasing its own. More than likely gaining another affinity.

As monsters get stronger they gain more intelligence and at a certain point either become a Majinn, and gain the ability to take human form, to continue cultivation, or they become stagnate and slowly begin to age before they die of old age. While the bloodline isn't the only factor, when it comes to the limit of a monster's strength, it is a very large one.

Next is Alfheim, though the smallest in size, is populated by the second oldest race, the Fae.

The Fae are divided into 5 sub-races: The Elves, The Dwarves, The Giants, The Fairies, and The Spirits.

Fae have the longest base life spans, without cultivation. Elves and Dwarves can live around 10,000 yrs, Giants and Fairy can make it 100,000 yrs easy, and Spirits can't die of old age.

Fae are said to be born from nature, but in actuality only Spirits are born from nature.

Elves were created by the cooperation of the Primordial Goddess of Wind and Water.

Because of this most Elves have an affinity with one or both of those elements, but over the years some have been blessed or chosen by other Primordial Gods thus expanding the gene pool, so you can meet Elves with other affinities.

Elves tend to be tall and slender, with light colored hair. In fact based on their hair color you can find out their affinities quite easily.

Dwarves were created by the cooperation of the Primordial Gods of Fire and Earth.

Therefore, the most common affinities are Fire, Earth, or both; but over the years, just like the Elves, they were blessed or chosen by other Primordial Gods expanding the type of affinities that Dwarves can have.

Dwarves are typically short in stature and have far greater strength than their size would have you believe.

The stand out trait of all Dwarves is they all tend to be at the top of their field when it comes to Production Professions, whether it be in Blacksmithing, Alchemy, Enchanting, etc.

Giants are unusual among Fae because they were created in a joint operation of the Primordial Gods of Water, Wind, Fire, Earth, Nature, Light, and Darkness. Due to this they rank second in diversity of elemental affinities, only below Spirits.

Giants also have the simplest time gaining another affinity because all they need to do is sleep in an environment of the element they want to gain. For example if an earth giant wants to gain a fire affinity they need to sleep within a volcano.

The downside is it has to be. a period of at least 1,000 yrs to get the lowest affinity, I'll explain affinity levels later.

Giants are exactly how they sound, they're giant in size, even the smallest giants are 35 ft ( a little over 10 meters) and they grow 3.5 feet every year, so it's very easy to determine a Giants age.

At the age of 10,000 Giants gain the ability to compress their size, in compressing their size they can increase their physical strength by a factor of 10.

After the Giants are the Fairies, Fairies are the closest race to nature and that's because They were created with the sole effort of the Primordial Goddess of Nature. Due to this all Fairies have an affinity with nature, and depending on where they are born they can have a secondary affinity decided by the environment.

Fairies are relatively small in size, most are around the size 1ft. Don't let their small size deceive you because Fairy pack a lot of magical power allowing them to cause amazing natural disasters.

The only exception to Fairies small size is the royal family or ones personally blessed by the Primordial Goddess of Nature, these special Fairy also benefit from having a larger reserve of mana than normal ones.

Last up for the Fae, but certainly not least is the Spirits. Spirits are born from nature, they are the physical embodiment of an element.

For a Spirit to be born it takes two things, One: a massive amount of elemental mana, and Two: A lot of time, tens of thousands of years worth of time.

Whatever elemental mana was used during its birth is the type of spirit that will be born, and there's no way to change their elemental affinity. The trade off is that all Spirits are born with the highest affinity with their element and a Spirits body is made up of their element. So as long as they can absorb ambient mana of their element Spirits are effectively immortal.

(A/N: Never intended for my explanation of Fae to be so long, but I kinda needed to so I could explain all the sub-races.)

After Alfheim you have to know about Azaroth. Azaroth is home to the Race called Daemon.

Daemon are believed to be the third oldest race, but no mortal knows where they really come from. Some stories say they're born from corrupted elemental mana, other say a corrupted Fae, there's even stories that Daemon invaders from a different realm.

The truth is no matter where they came they've been living Azaroth for eons, and for as far back as history goes they've been at odds with the Fae.

Daemon are split into three different sub-races: the Djinn, the Fiends, and the imps. Each of the 3 sub-races are based on the 3 different paths of "Cultivation" in this world. They are Magus, Warriors, And Magic Knights. In the Daemon race that equals your sub-race; All Djinn are Magus, all Fiends are Warriors, and all Imps are able to become Magic Knights; the only exceptions being hybrids.

Djinn are similar to Genie from Aladdin, they can have gaseous lower bodies or physical legs.

Because Djinn are primarily Magus they have weaker bodies than the other two sub-races. You can Identify a Djinn or even a Djinn hybrid because they have a single horn that comes out of the center of their foreheads.

Fiends typically have buff build and 2 horns that emerge from their temples or the sides of their heads. Due to a Fiends anatomy they are awful at controlling mana, which is why they become Warriors because Warriors use aura to not only strengthen their bodies, but also their weapons.

Imps are the middle ground between the other sub-race, being able to use aura and mana. Imps have strong bodies and decent mana control allowing them to choose the route of Magic Knight. They also have wings allowing flight and 3 horns that form a triangle around the center of their foreheads.

To determine a Daemons affinity you just need to look at the color of their horns, whether they have multiple affinities are just one.

The Last continent, Haeven, is home to humans. Humans are known to be the weakest and 2nd youngest race in Genesis.

Well that's what was believed anyway, that is until they liberated themselves from the enslavement by the Monster Race, but we'll get more into that later.

You see, while Humans have the weakest physical bodies and lowest affinities, if they're even born with one, they have the greatest room for improvement.

A Human can not only improve their affinity to elements the quickest of all the races, they can even gain special constitutions by assimilating bloodlines of other races. For example if a Human can get their hands on the core of a Monster with dual attributes of fire and wind, while having a lower affinity to fire than the monster and no affinity to wind, they can consume the core and using a special technique not only increase their fire affinity to the next tier, but also gain the lowest tier affinity to wind.

Then let's say a Human manages to get his hands on a dragon bloodline, following yet another technique said Human will be able assimilate the bloodline and gain a Draconic Constitution which not only gives them a large boost in strength, but also gives them a high tier affinity of whatever element that Dragon had an affinity to.

Due to the Humans' amazing adaptability and great potential, they tend to get blessed by various Gods quite often, which either grants them a high affinity or a special constitution.

Humans, like most of the other races, are able to pass on their affinities and constitutions to the next generation, sometimes it's as strong as, other times it's a watered down version it all depends on luck in that situation.} Liz after a long explanation finally stopped giving Julius time to digest all the information dumped upon him.

After a moment Julius finally stated ' Wow, that was a lot to take in.'

{Indeed, Master.}

' But wait a moment Liz, you still haven't told me any more on the tiers of affinities, or the "Cultivation" system of this world, and you didn't tell me a single thing about Shifters!'

{You are correct, Master, I haven't told you everything yet.}


{For a couple reasons actually, but the main reason being we're about to be interrupted because it's time for your feeding.} Liz answered

'Feeding?' Julius questioned, but at that moment his stomach growled

{ Yes sir, you are still an infant and need plenty of sleep, plus you need to be fed a couple times a day.}

'I guess you're right. I just didn't think about it before,' Julius said before asking,' So how long do I have to wait? Are they just going to come or do I need to do something to let them know?'

{They should be here in a few minutes, but if you're really hungry you can cry and get them to rush here sooner.}

'I'd really prefer to wait until they get here, but ever since you brought it up I've been feeling super hungry' Julius finished before his stomach growled again

{Well it's either wait or cry, Master, those are your two main options.} Liz pointed out

'Hmmmm....' as Julius debated which one to choose, the universe decided for him because not a moment later the door of the room opened and a figure entered. Still trying to decide, Julius didn't notice that someone had entered, until the figure was already over him blocking the light.

"How's my little JuJu doing? Did my precious baby boy sleep well last night?" the person, identifying as his mother, said in a gentle voice.

'Liz is this really mother in this life? You know what, forget I asked that. She's either my Mom or delusional.' Julius thought before reaching out towards his new mom trying to get her to pick him up.

Having no idea of her newborns' slightly offensive thoughts, Her eyes sparkled from a cuteness overload of her child wanting his mama.

"Awww, does someone want up-ups? Alright, come here, come to Mama." she said while lifting Julius out of his crib and above her head.

From his new vantage point Julius could see his new mother in her entirety. She had an athletic build with curves in all the right places. Her hair was a majestic purple, that seemed to contain a galaxy, but her hair wasn't even the most unusual thing about her, at least in Julius' opinion. No, it was the wolf-like tail and ears, of a similar color to her hair, attached to her body.

If the way her tail was wagging around is any indication of her happiness, then she couldn't be any happier to see her infant son without her tail flying off.

But as Julius was taking in the appearance of his beautiful, new mother; she had already lowered him from above her head and began to cradle him in her arms.

"Hey JuJu, aren't you just adorable?" Julius' mom said in awe of the child in her arms, but the moment didn't last long before Julius' stomach decided to interrupt with a growl

*Stomach Growl*

"Oh, is someone hungry?" She said while poking Julius' baby, buddha belly.

In retaliation and embarrassment Julius grabs her finger, before bringing it to his mouth and slobbering all over it.

"Oop, I'm gonna take that as a yes." She stated while pulling her finger from his mouth. Next, she lifted her shirt exposing her round, sizable breast and pink colored nipple. As she brought Julius to her nipple to drink from, he was, at first, feeling embarrassed, but after it was put in his mouth and released the first stream of milk, he completely lost himself.

At this point he was no longer a 20 yr old in an infant body, he was now a child who's only way to survive was to drink his mother's breast milk; and drink he did, he completely lost himself to his instincts before blacking out, ending the first waking hours of his new life.