Cultivation & Affinities: An Incomplete Lecture






'Uhm!? What!?' Julius asked startled while trying to sit up and look for who woke him up. What ended up really happening though is that Julius suddenly opened his eyes and moved his head to each side as he let out baby noises "Um! Ahh!"

{Now Master, while that was the most adorable thing I've seen in my brief existence, it's time for you to wake up.} Liz said joyfully.

'Mmm, why?' Julius questioned groggily.

{A couple of reasons, the main ones being I need to finish your basic intro to Genesis and you've, uh, you've soiled yourself.} Lis stated in the most neutral tone she could muster.

Julius, embarrassed, mentally cleared his throat before responding,' Ye, ehm, yes it seems I have. Give me a moment while I have this taken care of.'

{Of course, Master.}

" Waaaaaaaaah, Waahhhhhhhhhhh,...." Julius cried out to get someone's attention. After a minute or two, the door to his room opened and shut as two figures rushed towards him. Once the two made sure that Julius wasn't in any mortal danger, they moved to stand over him.

If Julius' sight wasn't blurry due to tears, he'd notice that one of the figures is his mother, while the other was a man, who seemed to be in his late 20's, with deep teal hair, black eyes, and a build on the muscular side, standing at about 6'2".

"Aww, what's wrong Juju?" asked his mom as she reached down to pick up her child.

"Juju? Since when was his nickname Juju?" question the man, not sure how he feels about the nickname.

"Since early this morning. Why, what's it to you Oz?" she responded in a slightly threating tone.

"Well, I am his father, Selene. I feel like I should have some input in his nickname." Oz replied in voice that made it sound like a question.

"You can call him whatever you want, to me he'll always be my little Juju." Selene let out with a pout before rubbing her cheek with her child's. As Selene sighed in relief, she inhaled and found the source of Julius' tears. "Oh, it seems like someone needs to be changed."

"Really?" Oz ask while leaning down to take a sniff, " Ohp, yep. He sure does."

Meanwhile Julius who was at first interested in meeting his father, but as the conversation reached this point his mind was clouded by shame, especially as the took him over to the changing table.

To distract himself from the most embarrassing part Julius decided to call out to Liz. 'Liz, can you go ahead and finish telling me about Genesis?'

{Yes Master, of course}


{No problem. When we last left off you wanted to hear about Shifters, cultivation and the affinity ranking system.} Liz started {We'll start out with affinities first since it's the simplest.

So, as you might have gathered from our last conversation, affinities determine what element your spells and aura are based on, but it also determines how far you can go in cultivation.

The tiers of affinities from lowest to highest are low-tier, mid-tier, high-tier, and top-tier. Each tier is divided into 3 levels low, mid, and peak; for example: low low-tier fire affinity, peak top-tier nature affinity, and so on.}

'Seems a little lazy, but alright.' Julius commented.

{Well, before The Great Invasion each race had different classifications for affinities and levels of cultivation.} Liz replied.

'The Great Invasion, what's that?' Julius inquired.

{The Great Invasion is the single worst event in Genesis history. It led to the deaths of not only countless powerhouses from every race, but even the deaths of quite a few gods.} Liz said in a solemn almost mourning voice.

'Ho-how?' Julius asked with a bit of fear.

{I'm sorry Master, it's too soon for you to know.} replied Liz.



They sat in a moment of silence before they were interrupted by Selene lifting Julius and saying "Alright my baby boy, you're all changed. Now let's get you fed." She finished while sitting in a nearby rocking chair.

'Again?!?!' thought Julius in surprise and a bit of fear. It seems like Julius wasn't the only one surprised by the feeding because at almost the same time Oz asked "Again?? Didn't you just feed him a few hours ago?"

"Yeah, so what?" Selene asked in response.

"Well, don't you think it's maybe too soon for another feeding?" Oz clarified his earlier question

'Yeah! You tell her, Pop!' Julius thought in support of his father

Selene with a deadpan expression on her face asked " Are you being for real Oz, that was almost 4 hrs ago. Didn't you read any of the books your mother gave us?"




"Yes, Sweetheart?"

"Did you or did you not read the books necessary to raise our child?" Selene asked with incredible agitation laced in her voice.

"Well, it's not that I didn't read any of them, but it seemed like a few sections had little to do with me. So I might, have, kinda, sorta, skipped 'em" Oz replied in a quiet voice, making almost no sound by the end.

"You, What?!"

'Ooh, may you rest in peace father. I might not have known you long, but I feel as if you truly got me.' Julius hearing his father's response said a little prayer for him.

"I skipped a few sections here and there." Oz said in a slightly louder voice.

"Oswald Horatio Fulgur, I can't believe you....." Selene after confirming her husband's answer she lost it and started scalding her husband.

'Liz can you continue because I don't think this is gonna end anytime soon.' asked Julius while tuning out his mother angrily lecturing his father.

{Yes Master, I believe that's the best option.} Liz responded.

{After affinities the next thing we should talk about is cultivation. Just like with affinities cultivation were simplified during, and after, The Great Invasion to make it easier to compare strength among the many races.

First thing first there are three types of cultivators: Magus "cultivate" by pulling in ambient neutral energy from their surroundings before changing it into an elemental mana, corresponding to one or all of their affinities, using a mana conversion technique before storing it in, what you may know as, their dantian.

Next is Warriors who use the same the same ambient energy as Magus, but they instead use it to refine every cell of their body, effectively turning each one into a storage container and generator for aura.

Warriors don't need to actively change the elemental alignment of the energy because the aura produced from their cells automatically have an elemental attunement to their affinities.

Instead of mana conversion techniques Warriors use special breathing techniques while working out, through either martial arts or doing certain stances that put strain on their bodies.

Moving on to the last and arguably most difficult cultivation path is Magic Knights. Magic Knights are able to use both mana and aura, but they can't breakthrough unless both of forms of cultivation are ready to move to the next stage. In exchange they have stronger bodies than if they were just a Magus and larger range of attack than if they were just a Warrior. Now th-}

Just as she was about to continue explaining, Liz was forced to stopped because of Selene interrupting and shoving her nipple in Julius' mouth. Obviously, she had finish chewing out his father and decided to continue with her plans of feeding him.

Unfortunately, the sudden feeding broke his focus and stole his attention. 'God damn it! I'd be highly upset right now if it wasn't for the fact that this is delicious, and if... *Yawn*... if I wasn't... *Yawn*... wasn't so tired...' Julius thought before succumbing to the sudden bout of drowsiness.