The past

Xavier and Lorain grew up in a village
the two of them were close
because of their families
Xavier and Lorain could never be separated
Xavier was so attached to Lorain
and so was she but it was in a different way
but Xavier didn't know that and he had fallen in love with her and he stayed by her side
she seemed happy with him and he thought their feelings were mutual but they weren't
though he still didn't know-
even so, on the day, he confessed she accepted and agreed to be his until the day she died
and that's how it went
the two of them got married and lived happily
but one day she got sick and he was worried
he stay by her side through it but she never got better and she became worse- he didn't want to lose her- he had been with her his whole life and if she was going to die he would join her so he did and the next life he knew he is with her again
when he woke up he felt strange
something was different he felt thirsty
he looked around and saw he was in a ward
what happened to him? shouldn't he be dead?
was this his new life? and where was Lorain?
if he was alive she should be too - but he realized his thirst getting to him he needed something to drink badly- then he looked to his right and saw a glass of water he picked it up and drank it but it didn't satisfy him something was off
there was a mirror next to it and he picked it up and looked at his reflection- he was
handsome he looked around 17 years old
had he gone back in time? when he died he was 34 - he smiled and he noticed- he had fangs and he saw his neck had been bitten
he- was a vampire- no wonder he was thirsty
but was he willing to drink human blood?
he wasn't sure- he wasn't the type to hurt others but he knew he would only get weaker
despite his feelings he still had to eat-
and when he smelt blood his instincts kicked in and he followed it when he found that human he drank their blood but he didn't know
that this person would be important later in his life he had unknowingly changed them
and they would follow him
he drank many humans until he was full -
but none of them tasted like his first-
something was different about them-
but he didn't know what it was or why they tasted so good- and he craved it - but he would never taste it again-
with his thirst gone, he looked for his Lorain
and he had found her, of course, of course she didn't remember him but he didn't give up the two of them became close once again and he was happy and they got married again-
she got sick again he stayed by her side he knew he could change her but he wasn't willing to he would wait until she was brought back again- he knew they had a connection
but-as the years went on and since he was a vampire he didn't age - much- Lorain had died young it was the same year he had met her
the two of them met and got along they grew closer as the days went on and they couldn't be separated it seemed like they were meant for each other and so they got married
but soon after she had gotten sick
it felt as if he was cursed this was too soon
why must she be destined to die? and I can't go with her this time- he thought
and he waited for as long as he could
he remembered their past
the two of them as kids
the two of them were happy, right?
but why did something feel off?
when she got older she seemed happy
but it wasn't the same was it because of her illness? he could never figure out what it was
but she must of know her fate even this time
could the two of them be happy?-
how many times would he have to suffer until he was happy again? would he find his true love?- what was he thinking he already had a true love Lorain- there wasn't anyone else
right?- he had only loved her why would he fall for someone else? but maybe he will realize that it was better for him- because he wouldn't suffer from the pain of the past and that person wouldn't either and the two of them could be happy if they didn't focus on the past
but on each other- many years pasted
when Xavier woke he surprisingly wasn't thirsty- and Lorain was still on his mind
he found her once again but he wasn't the only one- there was another who had her -
he was furious - who did he think he was?
that was his girl!- he went up to him
"hey- who do think you are? she's mine- you hear me" he told him
"Funny you say that pretty boy but I'm pretty sure she's mine - what makes you think you can have her?" he replied
Xavier was furious when he heard that
how many lives have you had with her?
how times have you stayed by her side when she was dying how many times have you seen her die?! - he wanted to shout but he couldn't
he smiled at him-
"Nothing to say? you're all bark and no bite
you're quite cute- but don't think I'll give up so easily-pretty boy" he replied
did he- call me - cute?!- No I'm hearing things he clearly didn't say that- he- is hot though-
hey! what are you thinking? you're a straight man- you love Lorain- you don't know him-
but as Xavier thought about it The man oddly felt familiar- but where did he know him from?
he had meant him in the past - he was bleeding- he was on his last breaths and he drank his blood- he remembered -
it - tasted so good- and he wanted it again
he wanted- that man- and to make him his-
Xavier- couldn't believe what he was thinking
what was wrong with him?! - Your past is Lorain- not him- so what you drank his blood and are somehow connected to him
you had Lorain first-
but that man would be important to him and would never leave him alone - he- had remembered that day- and he wanted to make him- jealous- and maybe- the two of them could be - together- but maybe that was wishful thinking Xavier was obsessed with this girl he had watched him since that day that is why he took her this time he knew of their past - maybe not from the beginning
but he knew they had a connection- and he had one or two- if he could break his first connection- then he would have him-