did you really forget Zavi?

[slight sex content]

Xavier was still unsure of what he forgot he had a gut feeling it would come back at him.

but he chose to ignore it

he got up and took a shower.

the reason he smells like lavender.

is because uses lavender oils and soaps.

it calms his nerves and relaxes his body

Callus smells of roses

but he could never tell him that.

because he knows how bad it would hurt him

he knew how painful those memories were for him.

he finished showering and dried himself off.

and wrapped the towel around himself

he's quite self-conscious about his body

but he still asked the other him to take off his shirt and felt him it was pure curiosity.

but it still wasn't right he hated touch.

even if that person was similar to him.

he wouldn't like it he didn't even think about his actions until Callus told him to apologize.

if he didn't apologize, he knew that they would be on bad terms, and he didn't want that.

he combed his hair and brushed his teeth

he got dressed and headed off for school

when he got there Callus was looking up at him

he blushed

there were hickies all over!

what the heck happened last night?!

"did you really forget zavi?" Callus replied

"I don't remember sorry" he replied

"haha you really were a pain in the a** you know that? and I mean literally" Callus replied

Xavier became redder

he no he didn't-

f*ck he did! he f*cked him!

this was too soon he had been trying to prevent it but it still happened he didn't want to put him through more pain f*ck how badly did he hurt him?!

"I mean it does hurt a whole lot but I've been through worse and I enjoyed it so don't worry too much Zavi" Callus replied

"But I still hurt you and you're still hurting how can I not worry?" he replied

"On the brightside you didn't break anything" Callus replied

"That's not helping Cal I could have injured you really badly" he replied

"but you didn't f*ck!" Callus replied when he felt a jolt in his lower back

Xavier reached his arms around him

"Hey are you alright?!" He shouted

"Of course not Zavi! You're the one who put me in this state f*ck" Callus replied

"Do you want me to carry you then?" he replied

"What No! I'm fine Zavi I can still walk" Callus replied

"Cal I don't think so you can barely stand up" he replied

"I was able to get here on my own I can handle it I can still move" Callus replied

"But it still hurts doesn't it? Cal just let me help

I put you in that state at least let me take responsibility" he replied

"But I don't want you to worry I can handle it really you didn't paralyze me" Callus replied

"That's why I'm worried you're not ok Cal stop lying and let me help you ok?" he replied

"This is nothing Zavi I can still stand let go!" Callus replied

Xavier let go a little and Callus fell back

Xavier still caught him

holding him by his waist

"See what did I tell you?! Come on Cal put your arm over my shoulder I'll help you walk" he replied

"do I have to? this is embarrassing already" Callus replied

"What's so embarrassing about this? Would you rather me carry you bridal style?" he replied

"What! no! I'm a man and you're the wife not me!" Callus replied

"How am I the the wife? You're the one like this and I'm a man too" he replied


But you are always wearing a dress-" Callus replied

"Was I last night?" he replied

"No you were really hot" Callus replied

"I was hot? I thought you didn't want to see me naked?" he replied

"Well you were so good last night and I'm sorry about the dress thing you looked better last night and can I see your back better?" Callus replied

"My back? why do you want to see it?" He replied

"Because Malik got a better view of it and you saw his back too and I'm jealous" Callus replied

"You think because I put my hands over him

when I saw his back he will do the same back? because he didn't like it? I've touched you more" he replied

"I was just worried I still don't trust him" Callus replied

"Well we did only meet him last night but I trust him and if I trust him so should you" he replied

"Yeah you're right Zavi I'm just scared to lose you" Callus replied

"Hey you're not going to lose me I'll always be by yourside" he replied

"I'm glad I love you Zavi" Callus replied

"I love you too Cal" he replied

Xavier leaned in and kissed him

putting his lips over his

then biting it pulling back and licking his lips

Xavier pulled Callus in and putting his lips back over his he pushed his tongue in Moving it around

Callus took it in it felt like heaven

Callus let out a moan when Xavier released

"Wow Zavi you're a great kisser" Callus replied

"Yeah why didn't you kiss me like that Zavi?" Lorain replied

they both flinched

Callus fell back

Xavier held him securely in his arms

"Wow Zavi you really did kiss him good he almost fainted" she replied

"That isn't the reason why" he replied

"Then what is? did something happen?" she replied

"Oh yeah Zavi f*cked me so hard last night" Callus replied

Xavier glared at him

"What?! Zavi did it?! I thought it would be you Cal" she replied

"Don't judge by stereo types just because he's smaller doesn't mean he can't f*ck me good" Callus replied

Xavier really wanted him to shut up

"Yeah you're right Cal but you're in a lot of pain aren't you?"she replied

"Yeah and it's his fault but I've been through worse its not like when I was paralyzed" Callus replied

"Oh my God you were paralyzed?" she replied

"Yeah my wife beat me" Callus replied

"What! Oh my God that's horrible why didn't you tell me before?" she replied

"Because I didn't want to talk about it and that woman was horrible I'm glad I have Zavi to beat me up" Callus replied

"What?! Zavi! what did you do?!" she shouted

"I didn't do anything he's just a freaking Masochist and I'm barely holding back my punches" he replied

"have you punched him before?" she replied

"Yeah but they normally don't hurt they might now though" he replied

"Alright I hold him and you punch" she replied

"Alright" he replied and put Callus in Lorain's arms

Xavier punched his face

"Hey Zavi what was that for?" Callus replied

"For not shutting up" he replied

"Hey I can't help it and it's fun to tease you" Callus replied

Xavier punched his face a few more times

"Ok Zavi you can stop I prefer you naked" Callus replied

Xavier punched him one last time

"Why do you have to say such embarrassing things infront of her?" he replied

"Why can't I? and I thought you didn't care about her?" Callus replied

"I just don't want her knowing about it

and it's embarrassing do you have no shame?" he replied

"I couldn't care less about what others think Zavi and I want everyone to know that I'm yours" Callus replied

Xavier ran over to him and pulled him back into his arms well glaring at Lorain

"Hey you're the one who put him in my arms" she replied

"You're the one who told me to" he replied back

"Hey! I'm not trying to steal him what's with you two?! did you forget who I am?!" she shouted

"It's either me or him and as much as you lie all you want is to divide us and take us we both don't love you so leave us alone and mine your own business b*tch" he replied

Lorain ran off crying

Callus looked up at Xavier

"What the hell Zavi? she didn't do anything wrong why are you so mad?" Callus replied

"I know I pushed you into her arms but that was only to take my anger out and I couldn't allow her hands on you any longer and she already has ideas about us now thanks to you" he replied

"Ok zavi I get it but why did you have to take it out on her?" Callus replied

"because she wanted to take you away from me" he replied in tears

Callus held his up with his other hand on his waist

"I'm not sure where you get these ideas but it isn't like that she's never going to take me away from you no one can I'm yours remember?" Callus replied

"Yeah I know but it always feels like she wants you and was so happy with you and it makes me jealous" he replied

"Who are jealous of? Me or her?" Callus replied

"You of course why couldn't she look at me like that? Why couldn't she love me? Why does she have to take what I love?!" he replied

Callus's heart skipped at those last words

"I love you too Zavi" Callus replied

Callus reached up and kissed him pushing his tongue in

Xavier was surprised by this but he didn't hate it he rolled his eyes back and took it in

Callus moved his hand down his pants

stroking him

Xavier was in heaven he could almost moan

Callus keep going until he was satisfied

when Callus released Xavier let out a moan

"F*ck Cal that was amazing where did you learn that?" he replied

"From you Zavi you're the one so good at these things-" Callus replied

"But you were able to please me the first time and that was before" he replied

"I just followed your movements every action I felt I was able to repeat it and that's what I did now combining your kissing and masterbating skills" Callus replied

"You hey that's unfair why do you get three abilities?! mind reading, visions, and copycat?"

"I can only read your mind and I can't read everything only the thoughts you project

and the vision was only one time and what's copycat?" Callus replied

"copycat is copying someone's actions and that's what you did but I liked the way you did it you copied two of my actions and combined them which is smart" he replied

"Well coping one action would be boring and after last night I wanted you to feel good-" Callus replied

"but I hurt you Cal-why are you rewarding me for?" he replied

"it's worth it for you Yeah it's hurts alot but it felt amazing last night and I know you can do better but you still did good for your first time-" Callus replied

"but- I did something wrong didn't I?" He replied

"probably but hey it was your first time this is just a learning curve- it won't be as painful next time-" Callus replied

"How do you know that? and- I don't know what I did wrong- what did I miss?" He replied

"maybe it's something to do with my a**?" Callus replied

"your a**?" he replied

"my a** wasn't ready for it- I think you had to do something to it first-" Callus replied

"Yeah- I guess that makes sense- but how?" he replied

"maybe put something smaller in first like your fingers- and move them in and out-" Callus replied

"You want me to put my fingers in your a**?" he replied

"Yeah- that will make me feel better-" Callus replied

"right now? or in the bedroom?" he replied

"You can do it now if you want-" Callus replied

Xavier moved his hand down and squeezed his ass

Callus let out a moan

Xavier leaned in and kissed him

pushing his tongue in

while moving his fingers between his a**

Callus rolled his eyes back

Xavier moved each one in and out

it sent shivers up Callus's spine

Xavier wiggled his fingers up his a**

and he pushed until he hit his sweet spot

once he found it he moved his fingers in and out Callus was feeling undesirable pleasure

when Xavier released Callus let out a moan

"f*ck Zavi that was amazing- and I think I feel better now-" Callus replied

"Well I'm glad now come on" He replied

Xavier helped Callus up

Callus now above him

"I liked it better when I was taller" he replied

"Well you are still on top-" Callus replied

Xavier lightly punched him in the stomach

"can you please punch me harder?" Callus replied

"You f*cking Masochist-" he replied

"but you like doing it don't you?" Callus replied

"shush- now come on cal-" He replied

the both of them headed to class

when they got there they were in a for a surprise- they saw someone familiar

Malik- "did you really forget zavi?" Malik replied Callus glared at him-

"why is everyone calling him by the name I chose?!- and he stole my line

Malik put his arms around Xavier

Callus was pretty pissed-

"get your hands off him- he's not yours" he replied

"Ok cal sorry-" Malik replied and took his hands off him

"good- now stay away and go back to hell" he replied

"so I can't touch him again? but he touched me that's not fair-" Malik replied

"You didn't like it I thought?" he replied

"that's why I'm doing it so he understands and I like messing with you-" Malik replied

Malik traced up Xavier's back

he put his finger on his birthmark

and kissed his cheek and ran off

Xavier was confused- he was pissed off with his actions- but he sort of enjoyed it-

his face became bright red

Callus couldn't tell if it was embarrassment or frustration or both-

"Zavi are you alright?" Callus asked

"No I'm not alright- I'm not supposed to like him - like that- but I wanted him to do more-" he replied

"What?!- No Zavi- don't be fooled by him and you have me remember?" Callus replied

"I know but what am I supposed to do? I liked those imitate actions-" he replied

"do you remember the imitate actions we did earlier? when I kissed you with my tongue and gave you a hand job?" Callus replied

Xavier turned redder-

Callus kissed his cheek

he put his fingers through his hair

and put his other hand on his back and rubbed it up and down

Xavier began to shake and sob into his chest