happily ever after?

[slight sexual content suicide mental illnesses]

Xavier turned to Callus

"Do you think it was right to forgive him?" he asked

"That's for you to decide he's a complicated fellow" Callus replied

"What do you mean by those last words?" he replied

"Well he's not normal I mean neither are we

but somethings off" Callus replied

"Somethings off?" he replied

"Something always seemed off about him but it's not the same as before I could see the good in him after his confession like the first time but back then he didn't know he was your brother and neither did you

he convinced you to f*ck me

and the next day he put his arms around you

and teases you and he kissed you on the cheek and ran off and you fell for him

and started to realize who he was

and because of your obsession, you hurt me badly

I blamed everything on him but it was you who hurt me and I had to kill you" Callus replied

"Oh I'm sorry Cal and I don't love him like that anymore I truly love you" he replied

"Is that true?" Callus replied

"Yeah I love you Cal and it was always supposed to be you but I was blind you know what they say love is blind" he replied

"Wrong quote its fate is not what it seems" Callus replied

"What? Why would I say that?" he replied

"Because it's what we always say" Callus replied

"Oh I know what you told me but I don't remember much what did we do?" he replied

"Um, do you want me to answer honestly?" Callus replied

"Yeah why wouldn't I?" he replied

"Ok we started with licks and next it turned into a kiss

and another one then hand jobs two of them and you wanted to do more I had to stop you but eventually I let you do it

and you gave me so many hickies

you were so bold and shameless

I teased you and sometimes you teased me back

we were so shameless I'm surprised that Lorain was the only one who found out"

Callus replied

"Wow I was like that? and Lorain is the only one who knew?" he replied

"Yeah and you still are I mean you did give me hickies and kisses but you haven't licked me or given me a hand job" Callus replied

"You want me to give you one don't you?" he replied

"Of course but only if you're willing" Callus replied

"Hmm is there something else you want?" he replied

"I want you to f*ck me but I won't force you" Callus replied

"Is it true that you're a Masochist?" he asked

"Well sort of I like getting hurt to a certain extent" Callus replied

"Hmm can I do more than a hand job?" he replied

"You can do whatever you want Zavi I'm yours" Callus replied

"You are shameless so which do prefer

nipples or cock?" he replied

"That's a hard choice why can't you do both?" Callus replied

"I can but I never got a taste of that cock" he replied

"Who's the shameless one now?" Callus replied

"I'm hungry Cal and I want you" he replied

"Then go ahead devour me whole I'm all yours" Callus replied

Xavier pounced on him and kissed him fiercely

Callus loved the way Xavier was making him feel as he pushed his body against his

Callus was feeling undesirable pleasure

Xavier pulled back and wiggled his tongue

when he released Callus let out a moan

"F*ck Zavi you're making me crazy" he replied

"You like this don't you?" Xavier replied

"Yes and I want so much more this is making me want you so badly just do it!" he shouted

"You're so eager aching for my d*ck to be wrapped around those sweet buns of yours but you'll just have to wait" Xavier replied

Xavier put his hands down the back of his pants and grabbed his a** and squeezed it

Callus let out a moan

Xavier leaned in and pushed his tongue in Moving back and forth

he wiggled his fingers in between his a**

he began to rock against him

all these actions overstimulated him

he was

loving this

he wanted him badly

Xavier pushed Callus forward into the brothel

"F*ck Zavi are you going to do it here?" He replied

"Would you rather me do it outside?" Xavier replied

"I don't care where as long as it's you" he replied

"Then why didn't you let me f*ck you in school?" Xavier replied

"I wasn't as shameless as I'm now" he replied

"You're lying you loved it you always blurted everything out and after we had sex you blurted it out to Lorain like a dumba**" Xavier replied

"Yeah you're right but sometimes you teased me and it made me embarrassed and my a** was numbed by you" he replied

"Hey well that's your fault you always did the same to me and I had to return it and I said dumba**" Xavier replied

"I know but you did make it sore my lower back hurt

I hated it a lot but you still gave me a good time and maybe this time can you make it hurt less?" he replied

"Well I'm sorry Cal I didn't know what I was doing

I'm going to make it so much better" Xavier replied

"I like the sound of that and zavi how much do you remember?" he replied

"I'm not sure I remember now and you know everything about me, and I know your personality

but I don't know anything about you" Xavier replied

"Zavi even I don't know much about myself" he replied

"You don't?" Xavier replied

"I know that I devoted myself to others who always ended up hurting me in the end

I got used to it and it's all I expected

you made it worse and hurt me so much but I took it because you loved me

but that wasn't true

you just liked using me and I was fine with that

You showed me love but that soon changed after you f*cked me you were so caring but that changed when Lorain showed up you hurt her badly

we made each other feel better

but then Malik showed up and you turned into a monster hurting me again" he replied

"I'm truly sorry Cal I was always a monster

I couldn't keep it away like with Lorain

but I still hurt her in the end I couldn't love her and the second person hurt me badly and the third I pushed away but he came back to me and I wanted to love him but all I ended up doing was hurting him and tried to make it better but I only made it worse hurting you" Xavier replied

"I know you got another chance because I still love you after everything

I hope you can be better" he replied

"I don't deserve this Cal I don't deserve you I'm a monster" Xavier replied

"Not anymore Zavi! You care! I truly see it; despite not being able to read your mind; it's not like that helped your thoughts and feelings were so confusing; you were having a tough time; you couldn't tell right from wrong but you've seen the consequences of your actions

and you're still learning" he replied

"How can you trust me? after everything I did?" Xavier replied

"Because I know you regret it I know a part of you loves me deep down it's as if I've known you your whole life" he replied

"Ha that isn't fair Cal I barely knew you and you still love me then we only met once" Xavier replied

"It was love first lick Zavi I knew I had to be yours

I took away what was you were so mad and ended up following me around and ended up falling for me but you still tried to deny it but after I confessed

you started to question yourself

And truly fallen for me it drove you to madness

and once you acted on it you couldn't control yourself it evolved into lust and you tried to convince yourself you still loved me after you hurt me you were able to see the consequences of your actions and tried to make it better but

ending up hurting me instead and I couldn't take it but I still hoped you be the same person I had loved" he finished

Xavier looked up at him and smiled

it was a genuine one

"How can you love a monster like me?

Why didn't you just give up? If I were you I would have" Xavier replied

"I was going to give you up but you showed me you still loved me

I knew you were hurting

and I owe my life to you

you're my everything" he replied

"It's not fair Cal! Why do you treat me so good?!" Xavier shouted

"Because I love you Zavi" he replied

"I still don't understand all I did was hurt you" Xavier replied

"That's not true you didn't want That you wanted to love me but you didn't know how and that's why you ended up hurting me" he replied

"I couldn't understand I wanted to return your feelings and I tried but my desires changed

and that's how I hurt you I don't want that again I want to love you truly" Xavier replied

"That's all I wanted and I'm willing to wait for you" he replied

"It didn't seem like that earlier you were practically asking me to f*ck you" Xavier replied

"Hey! I couldn't help it! And you made it seem like you were going to!" he shouted

"I was just teasing you and I didn't get to taste your cock" Xavier replied

"You're always like this! stop teasing me!" he shouted

"You like it so why can't I?" Xavier replied

"You're so shameless" he replied

"Well I can't help it you made me like this Cal

I want a taste so can I?" Xavier replied

"Of course Zavi you can do whatever you want to I'm yours remember?" he replied

"Mhmm you tasted so good and that whole time I never got a taste of that big juicy cock" Xavier replied

"Damn Zavi you're so shameless" he replied

"I'm just being honest" Xavier replied

"I know, I wish I could read your mind again" he replied

"That isn't fair Cal; I don't know anything about you" Xavier replied

"I once let you know who I was but that ended up hurting you" he replied

"But you said you didn't know yourself" Xavier replied

"I lied because I don't want to hurt you again" he replied

"But I thought it was just me" Xavier replied

"I hurt you too I told you everything I tried to lie but I couldn't I was bad at it" he replied

"Then Can you tell me again?" Xavier replied

"I don't know it's not like it matters" he replied

"You can tell me I promise I won't get upset" Xavier replied

"Don't make promises you can't keep but I'll tell you" he replied

"Alright then tell me" Xavier replied

"I still don't remember everything but for most of my life I was a doormat I was used

and thrown away by everyone my family my friends and the one I loved we were high-school sweethearts but after we got married

We started a company

she thought I was trying to take over the company and she got upset with me

she physically hurt me badly I ended up paralyzed when she came to visit

she told me that she could never love a piece of trash like me

After that, she never showed up again and she sent me strawberries and roses and that's why I hate them they remind me of her" he replied

"That's horrible that woman treated you like that can I kill her?" Xavier replied

"Zavi can you be serious?" he replied

"I am serious I want to kill that B*tch" Xavier replied

"You are a hypocrite" he replied

"She didn't love you But I do and I'm sorry for everything" Xavier replied

"You don't have to keep apologizing it's in the past now and I love you too Zavi" he replied

"That's not fair! why do you always say it before I do?!" Xavier shouted

"Because I know you" he replied

"I still don't know you" Xavier replied

"I've told you everything what am I missing?" he replied

"I guess I have a general idea of you as a pervert and a bit of a Masochist but a good heart who was taken advantage of" Xavier replied

"So blunt huh? And you had a good heart too

but it was corrupted and you were blinded with obsession; first Lorain, then your brother, and lastly me, and because of it you ended up hurting me

But I know that you still have a good heart deep down he replied

"How do you know that?!" Xavier shouted

"Because I've known you and I can see it in your eyes" he replied

"Can't you just read my mind?" Xavier replied

"I wish I still could but I can't" he replied

"and you could only read my mind?" Xavier replied

"Yes but not everything I could only read what you project" he replied

"Maybe I could read your mind" Xavier replied

"Would you want that? it's quite a mess and not in the way yours was" he replied

"I'm still curious about a Masochist, a pervert, and a doormat" Xavier replied

"You don't want to know" he replied

"Oh I do come on let me" Xavier replied

"I'm not sure that's how it works" he replied

"Well, I let you in didn't I?" Xavier replied

"not entirely but you got used to it and gave up; I tried my best not to read your mind but I couldn't but if you want to try it you can" he replied

"How do I do it?" Xavier replied

"Just try to think about me" he replied

"I'll try" Xavier replied

I remember when you first said you wanted to read my mind and I told you didn't want to be in it

it wasn't as bad as yours at the time

back then I constantly imagined you in a dress

you're better naked but I didn't know that f*ck this is embarrassing can you even hear me?

"I can you imagine me in a dress?" Xavier replied

"Yes but that was back then and you don't have to wear one I don't care about that promise anymore" he replied

"Promise? I made a promise to wear a dress?" Xavier replied

"Yes and I told you, you could pick it out since you can't trust a pervert like me" he replied

"Yeah, you're right and Cal would you still want me to wear a dress?" Xavier replied

"No like I said I prefer you naked" he replied

"You pervert" Xavier replied

"Hey you're one too and a f*cking sadist" he replied

"so you know that too what don't you know?" Xavier replied

"I still don't know anything about your family or childhood" he replied

"I barely know much about that either

but I do know that my family and Lorain's were close and that's why I spent my time with her

we were close and I don't remember anything before that and in my second life I was attached to my big brother and I think you know how that turned out" Xavier replied

"Yeah, I hated it you were so obsessed with him and hurt me badly. Who knew I had to stab you?!"

Oh right, Lorain! Thanks girl!

"Wait Lorain told you to do it?!" Xavier shouted

"she knew about us she knew everything

and I mean everything


"Yeah, don't start I know where this is going" Xavier replied

"Aw come on Zavi what are you so embarrassed about?! You enjoyed it!

And you still want to taste my cock don't you?!"

"Of course I do I've cock blocked myself this whole time haven't I?" Xavier replied

"Yeah but it's fine you're such a big tease

Zavi" he replied

"So Lorain knew about us?" Xavier asked

"Yeah, I mean we weren't exactly quiet" he replied

"I mean about us being vampires!" Xavier shouted

"Yeah she listened in on our conversations

and she made sure others wouldn't disturb us" he replied

"So that's why we never got caught she didn't watch us did she?" Xavier replied

"Not as far as I know but she said she didn't

she always waited for the right moment to show up Imagine if you did end up sucking my cock and she saw" he replied

"You just want me to do it don't you?" Xavier replied

"Well you have been teasing me about it and haven't done anything" he replied

"I will I just need to know what she knew" Xavier replied

"I told you everything" he replied

"But how did you kill me? and you killed yourself didn't you?" Xavier replied

"I stabbed you in the chest with a stake and did the same to myself and I kissed you before that tongue included; you were unconscious I could have done it well you were awake but that would've hurt more" he replied

"How did I become unconscious?" Xavier replied

"Rosemary I put it to your nose and you fainted

and that's when I kissed you and you weren't dead yet so it's not necrophilia" he replied

"somnophilia you wouldn't do anything well I was unconscious would you?" Xavier replied

"I don't know maybe" he replied

"What the hell Cal" Xavier retorted

"You aren't any better you wanted to lock me up and r*pe me" he replied

"Like I said before I'm a monster" Xavier replied

"Yeah I know but I still love you; I'm f*cked up thanks to you" he replied

"so why didn't you just give up on me?" Xavier asked

"I already told you because I knew you were hurting and that you still loved me deep down and I couldn't give you up, you're the only one I had" he replied

"I gave you Stockholm syndrome" Xavier replied

"What?! No! You didn't even lock me up or force me to do anything!" he shouted

"I still took things too far and you never stopped me" Xavier replied

"I did try but you wouldn't listen so I gave in and I liked it" he replied

"I still pushed you into it and I know deep down you were hurt" Xavier replied

"I didn't want to admit it but if you only liked my body the I give you it but I wanted you to truly love me but that was just false hope and I let it happen

and wanted you to hurt me more

I know how f*cked up I am but you made me this way" he replied

"Cal I messed you up I know that

and I want to make it better but you're just making it worse; you should just move on" Xavier replied

"No I can't do! that you're the only one I have!

I don't want to be alone! I don't care if you hurt me again! Just don't push me away!" he shouted

"Stop it will you?! I don't want that anymore I care about you!" Xavier shouted

"You don't?! how can you change so fast?! how do I know you won't hurt me again?!" he shouted

"You could see it in my eyes I truly love you

and I hate seeing you hurt like this and knowing it's my fault makes it hurt more

and I want the Cal I knew back"

Xavier replied

"I'm sorry Zavi I don't know if I could ever be the same I'm so broken" he replied

"I was afraid I could never be the same either but you saved me and I want to save you and help you through it because that's what I'm here for" Xavier replied

Xavier hugged him tight and Callus hugged back

Callus began to sob into his chest

Xavier petted his hair stroking it

"Zavi I don't deserve you you're not even mine I was the one who took you from everyone and you'll never be happy again

, it's all my fault" he replied

"Don't say that Cal it's my fault too and I'm the one who took away your happiness" Xavier replied

"I was never happy before you and you always had someone who could love you back But I never had that" he replied

"I only gave you temporary happiness and I ended up hurting you" Xavier replied

"I know but it was enough and maybe I'm a fool to think you could give me it again" he replied

Xavier lifted his head wiping his tears

"I promise to make you the happiest man if you let me" Xavier replied

"Are you proposing?!" He exclaimed

"I don't know am I?" Xavier replied

"You better not be joking" he replied

Xavier pulled out a box from his back pocket

and opened it standing on one knee

"Didn't you say you wanted to be my husband?

how about we make it happen

will you be mine until the end of time?" Xavier proposed

"Zavi! Yes! A thousand times yes! I will! I do!" He shouted in tears of joy

"I hoped so because it would be a bummer if I had to throw it out I spent all my time on it" Xavier replied and put the ring on

"but you barely knew me how you possibly know?" he replied

"I knew that I would meet that special person

and I wanted to do everything for him so I acted on the instinct to make him mine" Xavier replied

"Zavi do you remember how we met again?" he asked

"I was so mad and I saw the way she looked at you it made me jealous.

Why she couldn't look at me like that?!

I could see that you didn't love her

and your teasing made me confused

I couldn't understand my thoughts

and when you confessed those thoughts didn't stop things happen so fast

we were friends and then weren't

we already jumped to lovers

I fell for you so quickly because you loved me and you didn't even know me" Xavier replied

"but I quickly learned everything about you" he replied

"It still feels like I still barely know you but at the same it's as if I've known you your whole life" Xavier replied

"Then tell me everything you know and don't leave anything out" he replied

"You always cared for others even and always ended up getting hurt and you were so shameless

You teased me relentlessly and I couldn't take it anymore so

I started to do things and I couldn't stop

I know you enjoyed it at first but then things

changed and you were heartbroken but you held on because you believed in me but I still ended up hurting you and even after everything you still came back" Xavier replied

"Because I believe you were worth saving because you had saved me" he replied

"Cal I'm glad you came back for me

but are you sure you made the right choice?" Xavier replied

"Yes and I could never regret it" he replied

"Are you sure? You don't want to me suck your cock or be f*cked?" Xavier replied

"How can you be so shameless?" he replied

"That's what I always asked but I see how fun it is to tease you" Xavier replied

"Can you stop teasing and do it?" He replied,

"Which one?" Xavier asked

"Whatever you want Zavi but don't you think we should get married first?" he replied

"Since when do you care about those things?" Xavier replied

"As I said before I'm always willing to wait for you" he replied

"But you begged me to f*ck you how can you change so fast?" Xavier replied

"The last time we rushed things like this I got hurt and I don't want that so let's take it slow" he replied

"And getting married is taking it slow?" Xavier replied

"Hey you're the one who proposed! and I couldn't say no! I've been waiting for this!" he shouted

"You just want to see me in a wedding dress" Xavier replied

"Well you did say you would wear a dress" he replied

"Hey! That's not fair!" Xavier shouted

"Come on Zavi you promised! and if you want me you have to do what I want!" he shouted

"There's not anything else that you want?" Xavier asked

"You're not getting out this Zavi! You have to listen to me! or I won't be your husband!" He shouted

"But you already said yes and you're still wearing the ring" Xavier replied

"Well I might take it off if you don't wear a dress" he replied

"Then how about after?" Xavier asked

"You think you're so smart I still want you in a wedding dress" he replied

"There's no changing your mind is there?" Xavier replied

"Nope and it's your fault you shouldn't have said anything" he replied

"I was going to end up in a dress either way I saw what you were thinking" Xavier replied

"Yeah I know and I want you naked afterward" he replied

"You pervert!" Xavier shouted

"Who said they were going to suck my cock?!

and you never did!" he shouted

"Well I will but I'm not in the mood anymore" Xavier replied

"You're mad about the dress aren't you?" he replied

"I thought you didn't care about it anymore

but you're still the same pervert" Xavier replied

"Zavi it's just once and I'll never you make you wear it again" he replied

"But you're going to make me wear more dresses" Xavier replied

"I won't force you but if you ever wanted to you could you might like it" he replied

"Then why don't you wear a dress?" Xavier asked

"Dresses don't work for me but they're perfect on you" he replied

"What's so appealing about me in a dress?" Xavier replied

"Did you just ask that?" he replied

"Yeah tell me" Xavier replied

"Well you look so sexy and it fits you well and when you take it off f*ck it makes me go crazy" he replied

"So you're still a pervert" Xavier replied

"Hey don't act like you didn't have any fantasies of me!" he retorted

"I can't believe you still imagine me in a dress" Xavier replied

"Well you're not always in a dress other times you're naked" he replied

"Damn you're such an pervert" Xavier replied

"Zavi don't act like you're innocent! I know you still imagine me underneath you!" he shouted

"So what if I do?! You're already naked but you imagine me stripping! and it's a dress!" Xavier shouted

"We're still naked in the end so what's the difference?!" he shouted

"Do you not know me?! I'm not comfortable showing off my body! that's why I tried to keep your focus off it!" Xavier shouted

"F*ck! I'm sorry Zavi! You hate being touched and me imagining that makes you uncomfortable doesn't it?" he replied

"Yes it f*cking terrifies me! and it's not the dress that's the problem! I'm scared that

you'll do things I don't want!" Xavier shouted

"Zavi I would never do anything you weren't comfortable with" he replied

"But you said you would! That you wanted to! Well I was unconscious!" Xavier shouted

"F*ck! I'm sorry Zavi! I wasn't thinking right! My head is messed up sometimes! That's why I didn't want you in it!" he shouted

"Well I was able to change, so I believe you can too, my mind was scary at times, I don't want you to make the same mistakes I did, never force me, especially when unconscious, no matter how tempting it may seem, consent is a big thing that you need to understand, just because I can't say no doesn't mean I'm giving you permission, I never forced you into anything, you truly didn't want

did I?" Xavier replied

"Yeah you're right but you can do whatever you want to me but I can't" he replied

"I'm sorry Cal, but I'm not ready for that

and hearing these things don't make me feel better" Xavier replied

"Zavi you're right, I'm sorry, I won't touch you, until you're comfortable with me,and you can touch me all you like" he replied

"Why do you never stop me?" Xavier replied

"Because I want you to be comfortable with your actions and I'll tell you if I don't like it" he replied

"but you never said anything-" Xavier replied

"Because I can't tell the difference, between

pain and pleasure, I didn't realize until afterward

I liked it when you f*cked me at the moment,

but I hated the pain afterward,

and you just made things worse, I was hurt so badly, both physically and emotionally, it was her all over again

but I still went after you because I believe there's a part of you that still loved me" he replied

"F*ck! I'm sorry Cal! I hurt you that badly?!" Xavier shouted

"I thought you knew and you said all those things to mess with my head even reading your mind I couldn't tell what was true" he replied

"I'm truly sorry Cal, you're like this because of me,

I wish you told me sooner, but you were scared weren't you?" Xavier replied

"You're the only one who I trusted but you still hurt me in the end but here I am again I'm a fool aren't I?" he replied

"There isn't anyone else to turn to is there?" Xavier replied

"Only Lorain, and she told me to go back to you

so I did, and you made me so happy again, but is it even real?" he replied

Xavier held him securely in his arms

Xavier held his head up wiping his tears

"I'm real and I'll never hurt you again" Xavier replied

"Then Can we start over? forget everything?" he replied

"Do you want that? We we can move on from the past, but if we forget everything,

then you can forget the dress, the ring, the wedding and being my husband" Xavier replied

"You're right I'm sorry Zavi, can we start over like we did before? and kiss instead?" he replied

"If that's what you want Cal" Xavier replied

"I'm not giving up on you I still want to get married and be your husband" he replied

"Cal, you don't make sense, but that's what I love about you, love at first lick?

love at first bite? and now you want to get married?" Xavier replied

"Says the one who proposed" he replied

"Oh right, I was just following my heart, I'm supposed to marry someone today" Xavier replied

"And how did you know that was me?" he replied

"I could tell we're soulmates" Xavier replied

"That's right but fate wasn't supposed to turn out this way" he replied

"You know what they say fate is not what it seems" Xavier replied

"Yeah you're right, Zavi I didn't think you say it" he replied

"How could I not?! And it was the perfect time!" Xavier replied

"It was! So Zavi where's the kisses you promised?! he replied

Xavier leaned in and kissed him pushing his tongue in Moving back and forth

Xavier put his hands up his shirt and moved them up and down

Callus rolled his eyes back in pleasure

it was rough but the things Xavier made him feel- were good too-and he almost lost him

Xavier was happy so was he

so they got married

but that isn't where it ends